Whispers of Despair

(Tarnow, Poland)

New Radlow, a remote fictional village located south of Tarnow in Poland, is nestled amidst the breathtaking Polish Flysch Carpathians. This mountainous region is renowned for its abundant mineral deposits and intricate network of natural tunnels that intertwine throughout the landscape. The village, home to around 400 inhabitants, primarily consists of humans, with a few D-Bees and mutants living among them. The livelihood of the villagers relies heavily on mining, logging, and working the stone quarries, with the majority of their produce being sold to Tarnow.

Governed by an elected mayor who upholds principles and values the rule of law, the community of New Radlow holds deep religious beliefs. They harbor reservations towards practitioners of magic and even some psychics, perceiving them as having struck unholy bargains for their supernatural abilities. This skepticism towards magic and psychics arises from their steadfast rejection of anything associated with a pact with ‘the Devil’. Additionally, tensions persist between the locals and the sizeable Gypsy population residing near New Radlow, as the villagers are unwelcoming and unaccepting of their presence. They accept barter and trade, and also accept local Tarnow Zloty, and NGR Credits.

Fading Hope

A mysterious illness has begun to sweep through the nearby Gypsy settlement, leaving the community devastated. Despite the best efforts of Gypsy psychics and mages, they struggle to find a cure or develop natural immunity against the ailment. The impact of this affliction is particularly severe among the elderly and newborns, resulting in unfortunate deaths. The adventurers, upon learning of this dire situation, discover that the Gypsies desperately require medicines available in the neighboring village of New Radlow. However, the locals of New Radlow vehemently refuse to grant the Gypsies entry into their village, deepening the crisis and intensifying the urgency to find a solution.

The adventurers will meet Radu the Gifted, a young gypsy psychic healer who has been tirelessly trying to save his friends and family. However, his youth hinders his ability to keep up with the demand. He is supported by his grandmother, Eleni the Wise, who serves as the settlement’s leader.

The Vanishing

The adventurers arrive in the remote village of New Radlow, nestled in the heart of the Polish Flysch Carpathians, south of Tarnow. The village is known for its resilient inhabitants, who have carved out a living amidst the rugged mountain range. However, a recent string of mysterious disappearances has cast a shadow over the once-thriving community.

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A local hero from Tarnow named Marta ‘Turnip’ Mosc was driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the truth behind the missing people of Radlow. Without consulting the locals, she took it upon herself to start the investigation. It all began with Marta engaging with the concerned villagers and learning of the existence of a hidden network of underground tunnels and caverns that crisscross the Carpathians. It is believed that an ancient evil has awakened, lurking in the depths, preying on unsuspecting victims. With resolute determination, Marta enters the tunnels, never to be seen again.

The Unknown Village

Armed with this knowledge, the adventurers embark on the next expedition into the treacherous terrain. To find the entrance to the tunnels, they must first traverse the winding pathways and perilous cliffs that mark the entrance to the underground labyrinth. Along the way, the adventurers are ambushed by a Srynn Cannibal, equipped with Triax equipment, weapons, and armor. The Srynn Cannibal is likely a partial conversion with a bionic arm augmented with concealed weapons. The Srynn Cannibal is aggressive and will fight to the death.

Escaping the Srynn Cannibal, the adventurers stumble upon the labyrinth entrance. There, they discover that a D-Bee race called the ‘Shale Bogle’ has taken up residence in the tunnels. This particular species doesn’t speak Euro but does speak American English and Gobblely. They are malnourished and living in fear, having been terrorized and hunted by the Srynn Cannibal.

The Shale Bogles, or Shale Goblins are a gentile D-Bee race who’s fearsome appearance betray their timidity, but they harbor a dark secret. Nestled throughout the caves beneath the Carpathians are small shrines dedicated to their ‘god’ Branwyn Ardri, a shadowy figure who hides deep within the labyrinth. Branwyn is secretly a powerful Chiang-Ku dragon with the secret of creating magic elixirs. He is guarded by two enforcers, Gwyllgi and Cù-Sìth, who are Srynn Cannibals.

Emilia’s Bargain

Emilia, The Troublemaker, is a gypsy and a Mystic Thief who has stolen a few of Branwyn’s ‘artifacts.’ Unaware, one of these artifacts is cursing her people. Striking a deal with Branwyn, he requests that the adventurers return his possessions and the thief who took them. The adventurers are given three days to retrieve both the artifacts and Emilia.

Before being killed himself, Gwyllgi took the life of Marta Mosc, and her partial remains are on display in Cu-Sith’s alcove, alongside the bodies of dozens of other people, likely the villagers from New Radlow.

Furthering the deception, Emilia is under Branwyn’s control, having consumed a number of his Elixirs. Should the adventurers succeed in returning with both the ‘stolen’ items and with Emilia, they will be offered a tea to drink as Branwyn collects their ‘reward.’

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