What TTRPG Should I Start Playing?

What TTRPG Should I Start Playing?

If you are new to tabletop roleplaying games then you may ask “what ttrpg should I start playing”? Experienced players may ask this as well when looking for a new game or burnt out with their old games. Wherever you are in your journey there are many games to look at, and a few things to consider.

What to Consider When Choosing a TTRPG

Game Setting

One simple method to pick a game is purely by genre or game setting. Games like Dungeons and Dragons, Rifts, Cyberpunk, and others all have very distinct genres. The first is fantasy, while the other two are science fiction. If you don’t like games with technology above sword and shield, then the first is great for you. Whereas if you love guns and space cowboys then the others may fit.

If genre alone isn’t enough, you can go a little deeper into the game setting and look at the lore and history of the game. Rifts has an incredibly complex and deep game setting that spans multiple dimensions, galaxies, worlds, and more. Most games are more contained be it a single continent (like in Earthdawn), or a single world. The detail in each game differs from one to the next regarding factions, history, civilizations, classes, magic, and technology.

Complexity Level

Every TTRPG has varying degrees of complexity across its game systems. Some prioritize combat, while others are more storytelling-focused. Those games that focus on storytelling and creativity are generally light on combat mechanics, preferring to keep it light, fast, and simplified. Some games are extremely complex in the character creation process, like Champions, which carries over into combat, making you wish you were a mathematician.

Group Dynamics

When picking a TTRPG, your group can make a big difference. In fact your group may decide what game you play before you even get to consider it. Aside from that, some players don’t want to play games that are considered power gaming; others may not like stealth games. The point is that the group you are part of may be good at playing one game and may not work well together in others.

TTRPGs Worth Considering

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) – High fantasy at its finest

Dungeons and Dragons is an incredibly popular tabletop roleplaying game for beginners. It is well known for its expansive fantasy setting, many characters, decades of storytelling opportunities, and a fantastic adventure to sword and sorcery.

5E D&D is incredibly popular in large part because its ruleset is easy to grasp. The basic mechanics are simple enough for new players to start in one evening, and complex enough for long time players to enjoy the vast options.

DnD is by far the most popular tabletop roleplaying game on many of the virtual tabletops like Roll20. Many other games are worth considering, though.

Earthdawn – Magic Infuses All Options

Earthdawn’s setting is that of Earth 10,000 years ago. With the story that magic comes and goes in worlds and with its return, so do Horrors return with it. The main book is set a few hundred years after the magic has settled, though, during that time, Horrors destroyed cities and the terrain, feasting on more than just living beings.

The most terrifying Horrors spent centuries getting into cities designed to protect people from the Horrors. The Horrors that broke in feasted on fear, terror, and other non-physical means. Other than the setting, the magic is really fun.

Every class that exists in Earthdawn has some form of magic. Warriors can glide across the ground, archers can return arrows to their hands, beastmasters call animal companions, just to name a few.

Call of Cthulhu- Mysterious Horror

Call of Cthulhu is a horror TTRPG where ancient evils lurk in the dark waiting to assault the sanity of all that peek where they shouldn’t. Players are virtually no different than humans in real life that are plunged into nightmarish mysteries. The game revolves around investigations and storytelling.

Numenera- Simple Rules

Numeneras rule set prioritizes storytelling and streamlines many aspects with a simple rule system. Players are able to create characters in minutes instead of hours, which is common with many games. This makes it super simple for brand-new players to drop into an existing game and get started right away.

It is set in a far-distant future with strange creatures, ancient technology, and great mysteries to uncover. The game emphasizes exploration rather than combat, though plenty of rules exist for that, too.

Palladium Rifts RPG- Best Sci-fi Setting

If you are looking for magic, technology, psionics and tons of options, places to explore, then this is the game for you. The game rules are different from those like DnD where your rolls are done via your stats, instead it uses skills. Meaning if you want to do some mining, you roll your mining skill not your strength attribute.

There are over 70 books just for the Rifts setting alone, however the Palladium Books system works across settings. So you can combine Palladium fantasy with Rifts, as well as Heroes Unlimited and others.

Check out my Rifts Ultimate Edition Review to learn more about Rifts RPG

Decide What You Like and Find A Group For It

Around 2015 I asked myself “What game is me?” and then I looked on Roll20 for a group playing that game. For me it happened to be Rifts RPG, but for you it could totally different. Whatever the case, don’t ask others what they like. Ask yourself and only yourself, and then go looking for a group to play it.

If you can’t find a group at a local store, then use the internet. Sites like Roll20 are great for getting groups together, especially for those in remote areas with lower populations. If you have been people-pleasing others for a day or a decade, quit doing so now and connect with yourself- play the game that resonates with you.

Watch Play Sessions to Get a Feel for Different Systems

If you are unsure what a game is like then use Youtube or other sites to get an idea of them. Watching play sessions online is a great way to introduce yourself to new games when you aren’t sure if you want to invest the money to purchase an unknown game. Observing these sessions will help you get an idea of how the game systems work. Pay attention to how the rules are done, player dynamics, as well as how storytelling unfolds.

If Unsure, Try Multiple Games Before Settling on One

With all the games available its natural to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of TTRPG options. In addition if you are used to a specific game already, that can add to your overwhelm with all the new rules, settings, classes, etc, etc that you’ll need to learn. Worse still, many people make the choice of game to play based on what their current friends want to play.

For those that are squashing their personal interests “for the sake of the group”, get over it find a new group! Many online platforms have one shot adventures you can join, without even owning the books. This is a great way to introduce yourself to a new system, as is going to a local store and simply reading the setting information of new games.

Adventure Awaits

The Journey Begins

You are interested in tabletop roleplaying games and now have a decent idea of many different systems. Its time to make a leap of faith and start a new TTRPG adventure.

Remember, every game offers different and unique experiences filled with excitement and camaraderie. Listen to your gut instincts and check out a new tabletop roleplaying game system.

Discover Your Inner Hero

As you step into a game and character you have the opportunity to let your imagination free. Through epic battles, plots, and heartfelt roleplaying, you’ll uncover parts of yourself you didn’t know existed.

Take this opportunity to be someone else for a few hours each game session- a hero fighting against the odds.

Adventure Leads to a Bright Future

In this vast landscape of tabletop gaming, there are endless worlds to explore and countless stories yet untold. As you venture forth into the realm of TTRPGs, remember that every dice roll carries within it the promise of adventure and friendship.

Embrace each session with eagerness and an open heart – for in these shared experiences lies the magic that binds us together as players and storytellers. The future is full of uncharted territories waiting to be discovered; so go forth boldly into this realm of creativity and immerse yourself fully in the wonder that is tabletop role-playing games!

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