Wanted for Crimes Unspecified

A Rifts RPG Adventure

The adventurers are passing through an unnamed Ruins near Santa Fe, New Mexico. The population of the ruins is 0. It will take them a while to realize that it’s an abandoned NEMA-era Industrial Complex that’s mostly collapsed on itself. D-Bees fleeing from the Coalition often use the site as a stopping ground before moving on to another haven. Black-Market Raiders also use the site for their illicit activities.

Unidentified human remains brings bad omens.

Scavenger birds and animals are picking at “something” in the brush. Approaching the spot, the adventurers discover that they are in the ruins of a pre-collapse industrial center, and haphazardly discarded is the body of a mage – picked over by the ravenous animals. 

CS Hunter/Killer Squad approaches and they have questions.

During the inspection of the corpse and of the ruins, the adventures discover that the mage has no identification and his weapons have been taken. Hidden in the ruins are various encrypted surveillance cameras camouflaged around the area. Coming upon them is purely by luck. Recovering the surveillance devices, the adventurers are approached by a squad of Coalition Dead Boys. The Dead Boys are aggressive, but not hostile. They are being cagy about their activities, but they too are after the surveillance cameras now in the possession of the adventurers. 

A Black Market Shooter is laying in wait, marking his targets.

The Coalition Dead Boys don’t know that the cameras have been retrieved – they are on a fishing expedition using intimidation and coercion to get what they want. Should they be successful, they will leave, but secretly try to locate the cameras on their own. 

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

What isn’t known to anyone is that there’s a professional assassin “out there” waiting for their chance to eliminate the threat (i.e.: the character/characters hiding the cameras) and escape without being discovered. The Assassin has psionics and will fight to the death, but always trying to level the fight in his favor. Should he be killed, the adventurers will find that the assassin is in possession of the mage’s weapons and ID and has various ‘Juicer Drugs’ on them.

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