True Grit

A Rifts RPG Adventure

The adventurers find themselves outside El Paso, near the fictional fort of Fort Dunstead. The fort’s population is roughly 250 people, with 75% of the population is human. Situated 40 miles east of El Paso, it is found near the border of Mexico. Fort Dunstead is a tiny city-state with a democratically elected council that lost control of its city over the past few months. Anarchy and lawlessness overtook the town and recently devolved into a massive battle. What is known, an evil Shifter laid waste to the town destroying most of the buildings – primarily in the heart of town. 

The people of Fort Dunstead now live in a refugee camp 10 miles out of town. They will accept barter/trade/gold/gems for goods and services but will treat non-humans and D-Bees as second-class citizens. 

The Fort is witness to a deadly feud between two supernatural powers.

There was a rivalry brewing between two visitors that regularly frequented Fort Dunstead’s Library. Endergon, a brooding and crass Practitioner of Magic whom many suspected was a Shifter. He would often butt heads with a local grifter named Ryzen. Ryzen was more enigmatic, with not much being known about him, but he was quickly becoming known as a local hero to many. Having performed some good deeds for the locals, his notoriety was rising.

Their personal war has left the Fort in ruins and its people homeless.

Not much is known for certain about how the town was destroyed. The refugees have in their care a prisoner whom they’ve questioned. The prisoner, an ally of Endergon and a suspected Necromancer, is part of a group of opportunists who, during the battle between Ryzon and Endergon, attempted to loot the town. When questioned, the prisoner, Kazar, informs the survivors that the fight was between a dragon (Ryzon) and Endergon. Endergon has 3 powerful minions, two Fenry, and a Xibalban Demon. The battle laid waste to the town, presumably trapping Endergon, his minions, and Kazar’s companions: 

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

You can’t let a crisis go to waste.

When trying to return to their homes, the refugees are attacked by a group of invaders led by Baroness Jai Cox. Several have been injured and killed and the situation is becoming perilous. They managed to capture Kazar in the city garden lawn one night as he was on guard duty. 

The remaining refugees, led by a Rogue Scholar named Gideon Meeks, are unable to offer much in form of a reward to the Adventurers for their help. They will agree to a barter debt with the adventurers should they offer to broker the exchange. An Operator named Gustavo Frei, a Body Fixer named Dr. Glorious Lina, and a Wilderness Scout named Kyra Lake offer their services to the adventurers in return for their assistance. 

Baroness Jai Cox is a Conjurer and a Phlebus in disguise. She is joined by a Headhunter named Raff Volkher, a renegade Native Gunfighter named Aditsan, and a Roane Piper Assassin named Nosh Yalu. They are holding a dozen town folks hostage, and are demanding to make an exchange for their own freedom. They’ve offered to broker an exchange in the Fort’s central garden lawn and are waiting for a reply, but the refugees don’t trust them. They are untrustworthy and will double-cross everyone with an ambush. Finally, they are secretly nursing Endergon back to health. 

Endergon’s familiar is a Collared Peccary (Musk Hog) named Pecca. Pecca stalks the refugee camp, spying on the refugees.

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