The Wrong Kind of Trouble

A Palladium Rifts Adventure

The adventurers are exploring the Magic Zone of Kentucky. While in the wilderness where there are no settlements, the adventurers come upon a small squad of Psyscape Mercs who are on maneuvers in the Magic Zone. The squad leader is Bell Witcher, a human female Psi-Slayer. She’s unprincipled yet accepting everyone as equals until they prove themselves untrustworthy.

There’s a shooter hiding in the woods.

While investigating a body of contaminated water, the band of Mercs triggered a series of traps and are now pinned by a sniper in the woods. No one can sense or see the sniper (Wilk’s 587 Sniper Heavy Laser Rifle – MercOps.) Whenever they try to heal an injured comrade, the healer is snipped.

The shooter is a possessed Brass City Wilderness Scout named Abel Dawkins. The possessing entity is feeding on the terror and carnage of the murders it’s exacting on the Psyscape Mercenaries.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

There’s more trouble that awaits everyone on the other side of the lake.

Had the Mercs not been pinned by the sniper’s traps, they would have walked into a massive subterranean nest of mutant ‘Wasp-like’ insects.  (Main Body MDC: 240, Wings, 50 each, Head 110, Eyes 30 each. Flight: 150 Miles per hour. See Mutants in Orbit for more details.) A scout will come to investigate and when it sees the pinned Mercs and the Adventurers, it will release warning pheromones that will attract warriors. The nest contains roughly 1d6x50 hostile mutant insects.

Should Abel be exorcised of his possessing entity, he will assist the mercs and adventurers to escape the murderous wasps.

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