The Role of Blood

A Rifts RPG Meta-Adventure

Game 6 of a Meta-Arc adventure that follows the Rifts canonical timeline.

Reference Materials: Rift Vampire Kingdoms, Conversion Book 1, and D-Bees of North America.

Finding an old friend who’s gone missing.

Doc Reid learns that an old friend of his, Eldor Sagan, a Techno-Wizard who helped develop the weapons that work best for hunting vampires, has gone missing. He instructs Carlotta to assemble a team to find his friend. He then provides her with a ring that belongs to Eldor.

Mireille, a Mystic working with Carlotta uses Object Read on the ring to learn of Eldor’s current location She leads the adventurers into the desert of Mexico. Carlotta herself is drawn away to deal with a separate matter, trusting that the adventurers can handle the affair on their own.

Not all monsters have teeth.

As they set up camp that night, a mysterious glowing light attracts the adventurers into the chaparral. There, they quickly come upon bleached bones that scatter across the ground. In the distance, they can hear the howls of Mexican Wolves, likely on the hunt. It isn’t long before they realize that they are surrounded by intelligent plants (Ganka; D-Bees of North America) that feed on meat. Presence Sense or See Aura reveals that the plants are D-Bees and are currently possessed by Entities.

As the chaparral draws them deeper, they quickly learn that they aren’t alone. They fight their way toward a glowing light that turns out to be a small orb the size of a beachball. The orb is a Bio-Sphere that belongs to a Faerie Bot, named Astro Lazuli. Faerie Bots are curious yet selfish imp-like creatures that are fascinated by technology. In the chaparral, it has discovered a trove of Techno-Wizard items scattered among the bones.

Surviving the field of Possessed Ganka, the adventurers will come upon the remains of Eldor Sagan who somehow fell prey to the carnivorous plants. On him are various prototypes, tools, and devices that he developed, all-powerful techno-wizard designs.

There’s no end to their perils.

Should the adventurers survive the night in the chaparral, they will find by the first light of morning, a small hunting party of dinosaurs, only 4 feet tall, stalk them through the sagebrush and evergreen oaks. These carnivorous dinosaurs (Vampire Kingdom, pages 147-148) are attracted to the scents of the adventurers and the strange D-Bee Faerie Bot that became ensnared in the foliage of the Ganka.

Freeing Astro Lazuli will not garner the adventurers his trust or gratitude. Faerie Bots are naturally curious, but untrusting of humans. He’ll quickly escape, but depending on how he was treated, he may grow interested in the adventurers and their future activities. He may even take on the role of a guardian angel of sorts.

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