The Road to Avilogne

A Rifts RPG Adventure near Avilogne, Germany.

The adventurers come upon a small D-Bee settlement some 50 kilometers southeast of Cologne. They will estimate the population at around 230, mainly comprising of Wolfen, Coyles, Kankoran, and a few Elves. There is a smaller population of impoverished Dwarves, and disgruntled Orcs. The settlement’s main trade is salvage, recycling, Robot Mechanics, and Electronics and Armor/Weapons refurbishing.

The settlement is governed by a Wolfen named Driscoll, who is Principled and wants to forge a relationship with the NGR Government. They hate Supernatural Monsters and Demons and work hard to frustrate the activities of both the Gargoyle and Brodkil Empires. Local security is provided by a dozen Wolfen Juicers who are loyal to Driscoll and will often wage shadow wars against the Gargoyles and provide NGR with valuable intelligence, despite themselves being targets of the Republic.

The Coalition has no place in Germany, certainly not this far away from Hamburg.

A German-speaking CS ISS Intelligence Officer, Maj. Warner Phoenix working out of the Hamburg Embassy is looking for a missing person – a NETSET Officer, Lt. Zarah Laker. He tracked Lt. Laker’s activities in Cologne. She is known as an expert interrogator and happens to be a powerful Mind Melter. She’s been missing for three days. Her recent activities have been secretive, and she’s been noted as being distracted in her work. German authorities have been monitoring her movements and are cooperating with his investigation, but they lost contact with her when she entered an uncontrolled district in the southern portion of Cologne.

The Black Market has a presence in Germany.

Mads Von Gluck is a known Blackmarketeer Raider and local leader of the Lantknecht – a Mercenary group with connections to human trafficking. Mads has also become Lt. Laker’s informant. Turning against his organization, he informs her of Lantknecht’s ties to a C’ro Demon Mage named Lieblich. The vile demon is a monster who thrives on human suffering and sacrifice. Learning that he was connected to such evil, Mads turned against his organization. Mads turned up dead three days ago, the time that Lt. Laker disappeared, and Major Phoenix is investigating but has no authority in Germany.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

The body of Lt. Laker is found, but the NGR isn’t going to play nicely.

Her body is found near Avilogne. A local scouts, a Wolfen Juicers named Hauser, discovered the body and have tried to flag down humans to help him with the investigation. But, being D-Bees, he didn’t have much luck in gaining attention or the trust of humans. Should the NGR (and by extension, the Coalition of Humanity) enter the scene, the NGR will abandon any investigatory procedure and rain hell upon the D-Bees of Avilogne – destroying any evidence that might exist.

The Adventurers will have to find ways to broker between the people of Avilogne and the NGR and prove that the D-Bees of Avilogne are not connected with the crime. The guilty party is Lantknecht. Mercenaries working with Lieblich, upon learning of Mads’ betrayal, hunted Lt. Laker and killed her, but not without a fight. The injured Lantknecht mercs are in hiding, recovering, and can be easily located if there are no further hostilities against the population of Avilogne. Finding and arresting these mercs will yield no explanation as to why a CS Officer was involved in the investigation in the first place. Lt. Laker’s motivations will likely never be understood.

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