The Lowest Offerings

A Rifts RPG Adventure

The adventurers are enjoying a short repose at the Charming Fox, in El Paso. Located at the southern end of the Open Market, the small Pub is a hole in the wall known to be frequented by Bandito Arms Weapons Dealers. The Charming Fox is owned and operated by a human named London Harding, a former Mercenary who worked with Bandito Arms. London sees D-Bees as second-class citizens and fears the Coalition of Humanity.

An unusual request from an unlikely employer.

Hugo Luis Velazquez is a Master Vampire. He does not hide the fact and flaunts his power and influence openly. Lord Velazquez has a problem that he hasn’t been able to resolve. With all of his forces and minions, they have not discovered the cause of a persistent ‘Tsipping’ noise that plagues his Castle in Mexico. He has resolved to hire a group of human adventurers to come to his home and investigate. He’ll pay them in Gold and Gems if they reveal the cause of the persisting noise that is driving him insane.

A Master-Vampire has his limits, but he’s desperate.

Lord Velazquez has expectations. He hopes that the player-characters can investigate sooner than later, as the noise defiles his home, and he cannot suffer to be away any longer. But the journey to his Castle has its own perils. Among them is a Ley Line Storm that forces the adventurers to seek shelter. When they find shelter, they join an injured Cyber-Knight named Niall Saer. Saer will not announce that he is a Cyber-Knight but will rely upon his training in a fight, if necessary. Saer’s claim is that he was injured by a Dweomer Mage named Hosianna Richmal, a female Lord Magus Vampire Hunter who is joined by two Were-Jaguars (Moises and Jazmin.) Lady Richmal has a ‘Corrupt’ magic weapon from which Saer is demonstrating difficulty recovering.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

A Kingdom filled with riches, yet not one competent soul to serve the master.

Lord Velazquez Castle is several hundred miles south of Cuidad Juarez. A long dirt road leads to his small hamlet, usually well-traveled, but for the adventurers, everyone has been removed from their path. Arriving at their destination, they will find the hamlet emptied of people. Entering the Castle, they will encounter but a small retainer of his human servants who have been instructed to assist the Adventurers in any capacity that will aid them.

There will be no hostilities or aggressions visited upon the Adventurers by their host or his minions. Even an errant encounter will yield no danger, regardless of how hostile it will appear. However, Lady Richmal may pay the adventurers a visit and confront them with her two Were companions. Finding no vampires present, she will leave, but it isn’t beneath her to take a few prisoners of her own to sell to slave traders or bounty hunters. She has no scruples or anxieties about doing ill upon others.

As for the origin of the sound, in the basement – a blood farm that has the capacity to house over 100 humans, and beneath the wine cellar is a large natural cave-like structure. Hiding within one of the many winding tunnel formations is the remains of a ‘half-living’ Shemarrian Pariah. A 9-foot-tall mechanical woman. To all external appearances, the woman is a cyborg, still clinging to life. Her limbs were torn from her, and she’s been left disfigured.

Her long isolation beneath the Vampire’s Castle has left her emotionally damaged. Driven to madness, she spends her waking hours talking to an invisible force (ARCHIE or Hagan) who is unable to reply to her pleas for mercy. Her speech is manic and nonsensical. There is no evidence of how she came to be in her present state or how she came to be beneath the Castle. Returning with the source, the adventurers will be rewarded for their work and told to leave. Lord Velazquez will pay them properly, and fairly and for this period, he will remain respectful and patient. But he only awards the adventurers 48-hours to leave his territory. Past that, the Master Vampire cannot guarantee their safety and he isn’t likely to inform them of this condition.

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