The Lost Library of Prophis

Atlantean Dimensional Exploration Adventure

Prophis, the timeless city of grandeur, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of its forefathers. Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush landscapes, this majestic metropolis has defied the test of time for thousands of years. In this world Prophis emerged as a beacon of civilization, boasting a rich history and a landscape frozen in time.

Within the city’s walls, generations of families have amassed vast wealth and influence through centuries-old traditions of land ownership. In this fixed city, where change is an elusive concept, the notion of generational wealth has taken on a profound significance. Powerful lineages have carefully preserved their holdings and feuded for coveted spaces within the city’s limited boundaries, resulting in an intricate web of political alliances and bitter rivalries.

The architecture of Prophis exudes an air of ancient grandeur, with towering structures of marble and stone that have stood tall since the city’s inception. Cobblestone streets wind through neighborhoods steeped in history, where each building tells a tale of a bygone era. Magnificent temples dedicated to long-forgotten deities adorn the cityscape, their intricate carvings and soaring columns evoking a sense of reverence and awe.

Life in Prophis revolves around the preservation of tradition, with rituals and customs passed down through countless generations. The city’s residents pride themselves on their unwavering commitment to their ancestral heritage, and the ancient families fiercely guard their customs and secrets. While the world outside may have undergone vast transformations, Prophis remains a sanctuary of unchanging traditions and unyielding social hierarchies.

Despite the passage of time, Prophis has retained its mystique, drawing scholars, historians, and adventurers from far and wide who seek to unravel the enigmas of this ancient city. Its streets whisper echoes of forgotten legends, and its walls bear witness to the ceaseless struggle for power and dominance. Prophis, an eternal city standing as a testament to unyielding legacies, continues to be a place where the weight of history shapes the present and influences the future.

(Game Start) The Path Through Lemekh’s Enclave

The adventurers come upon the ancient ruins of Lemekh’s Enclave. It is unknown what once stood at these ruins. Scholars believe it was an academy of learning and a hospice for traveling scholars. All that remains of the site are ancient hieroglyphic writings etched into the last three remaining walls of ancient ruins.

The ruins are being examined by a small expedition of archaeologists led by a scholar named Zebulon Javeth. Zebulon and his team are members of The School of Elemental Harmony, and their purpose is to decipher the story that unfolds on these stone tablets.

Their goal is to complete a significant research paper before the upcoming Feast of the Enlightened Scholars. This prestigious celebration honors the great minds and wisdom of the realm’s scholars and thinkers. The feast brings together intellectuals, academics, and knowledge seekers to engage in intellectual discourse, share groundbreaking discoveries, and celebrate the power of intellect in shaping the world.


Adventurers with expertise in archaeology will be able to identify key hieroglyphs common to Atlanteans and other cultures. A portion of the tablets speaks of an ancient library located in the town of Prophis, before the city-state fell during the first Elemental Wars.

Zebulon Javeth

Zebulon Javeth is a renowned scholar in Prophis, known for his expertise in ancient civilizations and lost knowledge. He has dedicated his life to uncovering the secrets of this world’s history. When the adventurers meet him, Zebulon is fully engrossed in deciphering ancient inscriptions and studying ancient texts. Assisting him is a young apprentice named Asher, who handles much of the manual labor while Zebulon focuses on his research. Asher also supervises the workers tasked with unearthing other relics buried by time.

Adventurers and tourists who are non-scholars are generally ignored. If approached, they may be encouraged to leave by two of the largest workers acting as bodyguards. Most people respect their directives. However, tourists showing any inclination or aptitude for understanding the hieroglyphs will catch Zebulon’s attention. True scholars will even inspire an audience with him. As the conversation progresses, Zebulon will subtly hint at the existence of the lost library of Prophis through cryptic remarks, alluding to a hidden repository of wisdom that can unveil the truth about humanity’s origins.

While not being an expert on the library’s exact whereabouts, Zebulon advises the adventurers to seek the guidance of a reclusive librarian named Lemuel, who possesses additional information about the library.

Encounter One: Lemekh’s Enclave

A roar can be heard, and the workers react but are instructed to return back to their duties. a minute later, another loud roar fills the air startling a handful of workers, who flee the area for safety. Then a third roar moments before a monstrous man-sized boar-like creature storms the ruins where the expedition is working. The creature, a Thunderjaw Behemoth, crashes into relics and artifacts, chasing after those who flee. It will pounce towards victims with lightning speed, crushing its prey should they fall under its feet.

Thunderjaw Behemoth: imposing predators that roam the vast grasslands and savannahs. They possess a robust and muscular bodies, covered in a thick hide that provides protection from their surroundings. The Thunderjaw Behemoth is known for its immense size and strength, capable of charging at high speeds and trampling anything in its path. Its thunderous roars can be heard for miles, striking fear into the hearts of both humans and animals alike.

SDC: 6d6x10

HP: 40 +1d6x10

IQ: 3, PS: 20 +3d6, PP: 14, PE: 20+1d6, PB: 4, Spd: 1d4x10+20 (doubled for short spurts of 1 minute.)

Natural Abilities: Keen vision, superior sense of smell and hearing. Track by scent alone 30% +40% with the scent of blood.

Combat: 3 actions, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge

Damage: Claws: 5d6 +15, Pounce Attack: 1d6x10, (+ knockdown), counts as two actions. Charging Attack: 2d6x10+30, (+ knockdown.)

(Chapter 1) Prophis

The adventurers find themselves in the bustling marketplace of Prophis, filled with merchants, exotic goods, and intriguing characters. They can interact with merchants, haggle for rare items, gather information, or stumble upon a mysterious vendor selling peculiar artifacts.

  1. The Mysterious Map Merchant: The adventurers stumble upon a peculiar map merchant with a vast collection of intricate maps. The merchant, Amos Mapparius, possesses a map rumored to lead to a hidden treasure in the outskirts of Prophis. Engaging in conversation with the merchant might distract the players from their main quest but provide them with valuable insights into the city’s surroundings or even forge a future contact who can offer assistance in their adventures.
  2. The Street Performer: Nahum the Illusor is a talented street performer who captivates the crowd with mesmerizing acrobatics and illusions. The Floating Rose is a part of his act: Nahum holds a rose in his hand and with a gentle blow, the petals of the rose appear to levitate and float in mid-air. Through clever manipulation of air currents and delicate handling, he creates the illusion of the rose defying gravity. The adventures may find themselves drawn to the performance, temporarily forgetting their current objectives. However, the street performer’s act holds hidden clues or messages, unraveling a piece of the city’s history or guiding the players towards an important discovery. The hidden clue is a subtle symbol that catches the keen eye of the adventurers. As Nahum performs his act, the adventurers might notice that a particular symbol, a hieroglyph that was present on the walls of the ancient ruins. The symbol is woven into the fabric of his costume. This clue encourages the players to further investigate the symbol, leading them closer to the truth about the lost library and their ultimate quest for knowledge and understanding.
  3. The Enigmatic Mystic: Selah the Seeress is a mystic who demonstrates her gift of divination and clairvoyance to the Adventurers. Speaking out loud, she reads the Auras of the Atlanteans declaring them as powerful beings. Stating that she can see their glow, she offers her services. The adventurers may be intrigued by her abilities, and engaging with her might provide cryptic hints or visions related to their quest. The mystic could also recognize the players as significant individuals with a destiny yet to unfold, forging a connection that can be explored further in future encounters.
  4. The Exotic Merchant: An eccentric merchant named Eliab Reuben is showcasing rare and exotic animals at the Bazaar. The adventurers will notice that Eliab is chasing after a fleeing Emberback Prowler cub: Emberback Prowlers are a sturdy feline predator with fiery orange fur and dark, obsidian-like stripes. It has adapted to the volcanic terrain of the Volcanic Highlands Region and is known for its exceptional agility and stealth. The cub may bond with one of the Atlanteans, being drawn to their prowess. Establishing a positive rapport with the merchant might lead to future trade opportunities or access to exclusive goods.


The hieroglyph appears frequently throughout the day, adorned on clothing as embroidery and carved into talismans worn on chains around people’s necks. Among the locals, this hieroglyph holds deep significance, representing “Inheritance” and symbolizing lineage or a connection to the ancient ruling families of Prophis.

The hieroglyph takes the form of a stylized “Eye of Horus,” distinct in its design from the historical depiction but still unmistakably resembling an eye. The symbol holds multiple connotations, representing protection, sacrifice, healing, royalty, knowledge, love, good luck, and power.

The City Archives

Seeking answers to their quest, the adventurers venture into the vast expanse of the city archives. Their objective is to uncover ancient scrolls and historical records that may hold vital clues. As they navigate the labyrinthine halls of the archives, they encounter a multitude of scholars engrossed in their research. Accessing the restricted knowledge within the archives may require solving challenges or engaging in intellectual debates with the scholars.

According to the scholars, the lost library the adventurers seek does not exist within the city of Prophis, or at least, no one has spoken of it for over a millennium. However, rumors persist, hinting at the existence of ancient texts and records that could shed light on the true origins of humanity in this world.

Overhearing the adventurers’ conversation and intrigued by their distinctive appearance, a young scholar named Sylas approaches them. Sylas bears a striking resemblance to Asher, the apprentice of Zebulon Javeth. Drawing a connection, Sylas informs the adventurers that he, too, is an apprentice, serving under the reclusive librarian Lemuel Jotham. He expresses his deep honor in introducing them to his mentor.

Believing the adventurers to be Veilians, members of a mysterious secret society known for their peculiar appearance, Sylas subtly weaves the topic into the conversation. He aims to ascertain whether or not the adventurers truly belong to the Veilian order. His discreet inquiries add an air of intrigue and mystery to their encounter, further entwining their paths with the secrets of Prophis.

Lemuel Jotham

Lemuel Jotham, an elderly and enigmatic librarian residing in the city of Prophis, possesses extensive knowledge of ancient texts and is renowned for his reclusive nature. When the adventurers finally track him down, Lemuel Jotham confirms his familiarity with the rumors surrounding the lost library. He reveals the existence of ancient scrolls and tablets that hold forgotten wisdom about the origin of humanity in this alternate world. To aid their quest, he entrusts the adventurers with a torn map fragment, believed to guide them to the hidden library’s entrance. However, he cautions them about the lurking dangers within and the rival factions vying for control of its sacred knowledge.

Among the rival factions are scholars from The School of Elemental Dominion, and notably, The Order of Elemental Purists. The latter faction staunchly believes that the lore of the present world has been corrupted over the centuries, intentionally altered by factions with vested interests.

Additionally, there is The Path of Elemental Ascendancy, a group that embraces the belief that ancient beings once coexisted alongside humanity. These enigmatic entities, whether mythical, extraterrestrial, or remnants of an advanced civilization, are thought to have left behind traces of their presence within the library. Awakening or encountering these echoes may lead the adventurers to confront powerful and enigmatic entities, each driven by their own agendas and motivations. Thus, the adventurers must be prepared to navigate these encounters, whether through direct confrontation or skillful negotiation, with these otherworldly forces.

The Lost Expedition

Within Lemuel’s study, he shares an ancient lore of a lost expedition searching for the library. None of its members were ever seen again. Legends tell of treacherous terrain, encounters with a forgotten civilization, and fragments retrieved as proof of the library’s existence. The fate of the expedition remains a mystery, cautioning the adventurers of the perils they may face in their quest for knowledge.

To learn more about the Lost Expedition, Lemuel will show the adventurers the Whispering Archives. They are tasked with deciphering cryptic texts of this vast collection of ancient scrolls and manuscripts. Here, they encounter riddles, puzzles, and linguistic challenges that hold fragments of information about the city’s past and the lost expedition. As they unravel these mysteries, they stumble upon references to secret passages, hidden symbols, and enigmatic artifacts that are linked to the library’s current location.

There are numerous mentions of the Etherion Temple in the ancient texts. The hieroglyphs of Lemekh’s Enclave also speak of the Etherion Temple of Prophis. But it spoke of the Mosaic.


A colleague of Lemuel’s arrives at the scholar’s door, introducing himself as Alistair Spyte. Alistair, a silver-haired man donning a weathered cloak adorned with ancient symbols, carries a leather-bound journal filled with meticulous notes and sketches. He brings a gift of exotic tea, hoping to share it with his old friend. Accompanying Alistair is his apprentice, Media, a slender young woman with tousled chestnut hair and piercing green eyes. Media is dressed in scholarly robes adorned with intricate patterns.

At first, Media presents herself as a valuable asset to the adventurers, offering extensive knowledge of ancient texts, lore, and historical accounts related to the lost library, the ancient ruins of Lemekh’s Enclave, and the First Elemental Wars. With enthusiasm, she joins the investigation, claiming a genuine desire to contribute her expertise and assist in deciphering clues.

However, unclear to the adventurers, Media harbors ulterior motives. Covertly, she seeks to sabotage their progress, subtly misguiding them toward dead ends and providing them with misleading information. Exploiting her position, she manipulates the adventurers’ trust and steers their decisions to hinder their progress while appearing to be a valuable ally.

Media’s true allegiance lies with a secret organization known as the Obsidian Brotherhood. Her impact on the investigation is twofold: Firstly, she exploits her privileged access to the adventurers’ inner circle to gather valuable information for the Brotherhood. Secondly, she acts as a hindrance, covertly impeding the adventurers’ progress while maintaining the façade of a trusted ally.

Though her true motive remains unknown, it becomes imperative for the adventurers to uncover Media’s allegiance and intentions before her actions lead to irreversible consequences. Their ability to discern her true nature will be crucial in safeguarding their mission and determining the fate of the lost library’s secrets.

The Sacred Mosaic of Etherion Temple

Within a Prophis temple, is the mosaic artwork known as “The Elemental Trials.” is found on the ground of the central hall. Filled with symbolic representations depicted within the mosaic, scholars are to decipher its true meaning. Its intricate design portrays a series of elemental challenges and trials, each carrying hidden meaning.

Exploring the temple further, looking over the marvels and awe-inspiring architecture, adorned with intricate carvings, stone pillars, and enchanting fountains, the adventurers will find many Gargoyle-like faces spewing streams of clean, cold water, while discreet vents supply the temple’s interior with fresh air, their existence cleverly concealed within their own carvings. Amidst this grandeur, a magnificent stained glass window captures their attention at the entrance of the central hall. This captivating artwork portrays four elemental statues encircling a central sphere, reminiscent of a glowing star resembling a Compass Rose.

The stained glass window serves as a tantalizing clue. The four elements it depicts are physical statues scattered throughout the city of Prophis. It is easy to locate and seek out these statues, affected only by the passing of time. Each statue points to a central location – following the path they lay-out, the adventurers will come upon a central structure used by the city. The structure is no more than a large mausoleum with a single, yet massive cast black metal door large enough for horse drawn carriages to pass through. The door is well maintained and effortless to open – inside, a tunnel that leads beneath the surface of Prophis.

Beyond the black metal door lies a series of interconnected chambers, forming a labyrinthine network beneath Prophis. These chambers are not only pathways but also serve as functional systems that have evolved naturally over time.

Optional Encounter

See Complication 1 for more details.

The Elemental Trials

See Rival Factions for optional encounters in the labyrinth beneath Prophis.

Water System Trial: The adventurers encounter a chamber where they must navigate a complex water system. They must manipulate valves and redirect water flow to create pathways or reveal hidden passages.

Clean Air System Trial: In another chamber, the adventurers face challenges related to air circulation and purification. They need to activate air vents, solve air pressure puzzles, and find ways to clear toxic or suffocating gases obstructing their path.

Heating System Trial: The adventurers enter a chamber with a sophisticated heating system. They must control the flow of heat, manage steam vents, and overcome temperature-based obstacles to progress.

Stoneworks Trial: This trial takes place in a chamber filled with intricate stoneworks and mechanisms. The adventurers need to decipher stone inscriptions, manipulate hidden switches, and solve stone-based puzzles to unlock the final pathway leading to the heart of the labyrinth.

Rival Factions and Power Struggles

The quest for the lost library’s secrets has drawn the attention of various factions vying for control of the knowledge within. These rival factions, each with their own interpretations and intentions, may resort to subterfuge, manipulation, or even violence to gain access to the library’s wisdom. The adventurers must navigate treacherous political landscapes and make alliances or confrontations with these factions, as their actions could determine the fate of the library’s knowledge and the repercussions for the world.

Encounter 1

As the adventurers delve deeper into their quest, a growing sense of unease follows their every move. Shadows seem to shift and whisper in their periphery, and distant figures vanish when approached. Strange symbols appear on walls and surfaces, seemingly left behind by an unseen presence. It becomes apparent that the Obsidian Brotherhood, masters of clandestine arts, has been silently observing their progress, gathering information through covert means. The adventurers must rely on their instincts and intuition to detect the subtle signs of surveillance and decipher the cryptic messages left behind by the elusive Brotherhood.

Encounter 2

The Silver Ravens’ Heist. Word spreads among the underworld that the Lost Library holds priceless artifacts of immense value. The Silver Ravens, renowned acrobatic thieves, catch wind of this information and set their sights on infiltrating the library. Their plan involves a daring heist, utilizing their acrobatic skills, agility, and stealth to bypass security measures and outwit any guardians. The adventurers find themselves in a race against time to thwart the Ravens’ plans and protect the invaluable treasures within the library’s depths.

Encounter 3

Rivalry Between the Orders. The Order of Elemental Purists and the School of Elemental Dominion, both seeking to control the knowledge within the Lost Library, clash in a battle of ideologies and power. Their rivalry intensifies as they discover that the adventurers possess crucial information regarding the library’s location. Each faction employs their own methods to manipulate or coerce the adventurers into revealing the secrets they hold. The adventurers must navigate the treacherous political landscape and decide which faction, if any, to align themselves with, all while avoiding becoming pawns in a larger game of power. The Purists want to keep the Lost Library hidden while the Dominion want to find it and keep the trove of knowledge contained there in for themselves.

Encounter 4

Unmasking the Obsidian Brotherhood. As the adventurers dig deeper into the mysteries surrounding the Lost Library, they uncover startling revelations about the Obsidian Brotherhood. Their hidden agenda becomes exposed, revealing their dual role as both a secret police force within Prophis and a criminal organization involved in extortion and racketeering. The adventurers find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue and must confront the Brotherhood’s leadership to bring their corrupt activities to light. This confrontation will test their skills, alliances, and resolve to expose the truth and protect the secrets of the Lost Library.

(Optional) Complication 1

During their exploration of Prophis, the adventurers find themselves approached by a group of city guards, led by an inspector from the Obsidian Brotherhood. These guards, dressed in unmarked black robes, accuse the adventurers of committing various crimes, including the murder of the esteemed scholar Alistair Spyte and his apprentice, Media. Despite the adventurers’ protests of innocence, they are swiftly apprehended and taken into custody, awaiting an audience with a magistrate to determine their fate.

Now, the burden falls upon Sylas, the remaining member of the party, to gather evidence and prove their innocence. This task becomes even more challenging as they must confront the grief-stricken Lemuel, who has lost a dear old friend and staunchly believes in the accusations leveled against the adventurers.

With their fate hanging in the balance, the adventurers must navigate the precarious situation, relying solely on Sylas’s investigative skills and determination to uncover the truth. They must gather compelling evidence and present a convincing case to sway the magistrate’s judgment in their favor. The weight of proving their innocence not only rests on their shoulders but also strains their relationships with their trusted allies, especially Lemuel, who struggles to reconcile his grief with the allegations against the party.

Game Summery

They must navigate the Prophis’s labyrinthine streets, gain the trust of secretive Scholars, and overcome challenges to gain access to the Lost Library of Prophis.

  • The adventurers come across Lemekh’s Enclave, ancient ruins believed to be an academy and hospice for scholars.
  • A small expedition of archaeologists led by scholar Zebulon Javeth is deciphering the hieroglyphic writings on the walls. Zebulon’s goal is to complete a research paper before the Feast of the Enlightened Scholars. Zebulon Javeth is a renowned scholar in Prophis, and his apprentice Asher assists him.
  • Adventurers with archaeology expertise can identify hieroglyphs pointing to a lost library in the town of Prophis. Non-scholars are generally ignored, but tourists showing interest in hieroglyphs may catch Zebulon’s attention.
  • Zebulon hints at the lost library’s existence and advises the adventurers to seek Lemuel, a reclusive librarian.
  • Encounter One: Thunderjaw Behemoth attacks the ruins, a dangerous creature with powerful attacks.
  • In Prophis, the adventurers encounter a map merchant, street performer, mystic, and exotic animal merchant.
  • The adventurers discover a hieroglyph symbolizing lineage and connection to Prophis’ ruling families.
  • They visit the city archives and meet Sylas, who reveals his mentor Lemuel Jotham’s knowledge of the lost library.
  • Lemuel confirms the library’s existence, gives a torn map fragment, and warns of rival factions and enigmatic entities. Lemuel shares lore about a lost expedition and the adventurers decipher cryptic texts in the Whispering Archives.
  • Alistair Spyte and his apprentice Media join the investigation, but Media secretly works for the Obsidian Brotherhood.
  • Media misguides the adventurers and gathers information for the Brotherhood, posing as a trusted ally.
  • The adventurers uncover a sacred mosaic in the Etherion Temple, symbolizing elemental trials and challenges. They explore the temple, find a Stain Glass Window that shows elemental statues hidden in plain view throughout the city. Finding them leads to a central mausoleum, and a large metal door leading to the tunnels beneath Prophis.
  • Encounters as they try to solve the puzzles of ‘The Elemental Trials’ until they discover the entrance into the Lost Library.
  • The Library is filled with scrolls, historical texts, mechanical devices. But it also hides secret truths about the world’s Eugenic Past – Genetic Experiments, Bio-Weapons and even Elemental Weapons, prototypes and research is locked away in the Library of Prophis.

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