The Devouring King

A Rifts RPG Adventure in England

The adventure begins while our adventurers are returning to Somerset by way of Bristol. They come upon the remains of a Hill Beetle, quickly noticing that it’s been beaten to death and abandoned on the road. Another few hundred feet ahead, a large crater of destruction. Magic Lore to determine that it could be caused by Fire Quake. What they see is an expanding area of burnt trees that have been reduced to stubs. Shattered rocks, splintered stones, and crust-covered soil leaves the area barren. Another pair of dead beetles are found, also beaten to a pulp. But among the wreckage, they come upon the remains of a human female in armor. On her back, a WR-15 Wilderness Laser Rifle, with an empty drum, and near her remains, a WR-10 Wilderness Ion Pistol, with 5 shots left in her clip. Also on her is 5000 credits, 2 smoke grenades, an air filter and gas mask, and a walkie-talkie. A cursory examination suggests that she was killed by the Beetles.

Somerset is under siege.

Arriving back at Somerset, the Adventurers quickly come upon a group of villains causing a panic in the streets. City guards are trying to negotiate with the rogues, but they continue to be belligerent and aggressive. To a more discerning eye, however, it would appear as though they are stalling or acting as a distraction.

When one of the city guards panics and discharges his weapon, the stand-off turns into a shoot-out.

As this happens, as though out of nowhere, a woman in simple robes emerges from the huddling crowd and confronts the rogues. She brandishes an ornate sword in her left hand that she wields proficiently.

Should the adventurers have collected the walkie-talkie from the dead woman on the road to Somerset, they’d been able to listen in on the conversation between the rogues. Their mission is to ‘buy some time.’

Upon realizing their tactics, the robed woman with the sword turns to face the Abbey that surrounds the sacred waters, north of town. She casts a series of spells to hold and blind the rouges, then casts a spell to turn herself invisible. She then turns towards the Abbey and sets off in a run that seems to be at an inhuman speed.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

A mysterious guest visits the Abbey and he isn’t welcomed.

At the Abbey, attendees and visitors have been slaughtered with powerful magic and psionics. A single man stands over the Spring Water of Bath, he is the God Orcus who has returned to Rifts Earth. It is unclear what he wants from the sacred waters, but he is quickly met by City Guards and the robed woman. The adventurers may never learn of it, but her name is Song, and she is a Chiang-Ku Dragon Hatchling with several Tattoos and is a Practitioner of Magic. But she’s no match for a God, particularly not Orcus, a God of Death.

Orcus is a level 15 Necromancer, a level 10 Shifter, and a Mind Melter with all minor and super psionic powers.

Song is a level 6 Ley Line Walker and has the following Tattoos: the Eye of Knowledge, a Flaming Sword (2D6), a Heart with Tiny Wings, a Rose and Thorny Stem dripping in blood, and the Heart Encircled by Chains.

Upon discovering that Orcus is a God, she will want to flee, but will be unable to as she has angered him. Orcus will toy and torment Song for her insolence and punish the innocent people who huddle outside the Abbey. He picks people off as he taunts her, walking slowly towards her as she tries to back away. All anyone can really do is get as many of the survivors out of Bath, and out of reach of Orcus and his tantrum. He will use the full might of his magic and powers to wreak havoc and pain until someone forces him to leave or he grows bored.

Surviving the encounter, the Adventurers will be recognized for their bravery (should that be demonstrated) by the Rulers of Somerset and be permitted access to the Abbey and Bath, following the appropriate protocols and decorum. Further, they will be recognized by Song, should she too survive the encounter. Seeing their bravery, she will find them and invite them to follow her on her adventures.

As for Orcus, he will return to the Abbey and take the water that he requires and leave. He will manipulate the goblins who live near Somerset to harass and attack the small kingdom, providing them with cursed weapons to carry out their whims.

Their rewards could be unmeasurable if only they have faith.

Song has a twin brother, Scrip, who is unprincipled, and also a Ley Line Walker, with 5 tattoos. He is more self-interested and fancies combat. But should the Adventurers prove to be true heroes, she will have her brother give magic tattoos to those who can receive them.

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