The Captives of Fort Pillow

A Rifts RPG Adventure

The adventurers find themselves near Fort Pillow, in Tennessee. The Fort is a fictional location and a small Tennessee Headhunters (MercOps) training base with a population of roughly 150 people. The Headhunters are mostly humans, with some D-Bee staff living among them. The Fort is located along the banks of the Mississippi River and is also Tennessee Headhunters low-security prison and detention center. The Fort is manned by a platoon of Headhunters and commanded by Captain Bill ‘Wild Bill” Simms, a level 9 Fly Boy. Captain Simms is on re-assignment and is temporarily taking command of the Fort on orders from Commander Jessica Crabtree. The Fort has a medical team (3 Combat Medics) and a Mystic.

The Noli is an eye-witness looking for assistance.

The injured female Noli is Psi Druid. Her name is Wipol and she warns the adventurers about a nearby Black Market Caravan that’s been stricken with madness. In their paranoia-induced hallucinations, they saw her as a threat and opened fire. She managed to escape, but her companion, a red fox named Euro died from her injuries. Her remains will be found a few miles from the Black Market Caravan.

The Immaterial Hand are in Tennessee.

The Immaterial Hand Raiders are traveling along the Mississippi River with two Neeman MX-422 Armored Personnel Carriers, two Rumble Wagons, and a Road Hammer Transport. Four scouts ride in Big Wheel Unicycles. Their vehicles are filled with weapons, armor, ammunition and tech, and some magic weapons and items. They also have credits and gems locked in a safe in one of the two Carriers.
Their caravan forms a circle, and a large pyre burns continuously at the center. Twenty Raiders dance manically around the pyre, their screams, and chants primal – expressing no intelligible words that onlookers can understand. It is obvious that something has overcome these men and women.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

An invasive alien plant is a risk to everyone affected by its pollen.

The toxic pollen coats their armor, vehicles, and personal possessions. What isn’t known is that the alien substance drives mammalian carriers insane. Intelligent mammals like humans are forced to burn the alien trees, releasing the pollen over the smoke, and spreading its influence over a vast distance.
A large group of Simvan Monster Riders have arrived on their mounts to investigate the curious sounds and smells filling the air. Unaffected by the toxic pollen, they will find the Raiders to be easy targets and plot a raid of their own. Allowing the cache of weapons and armor to fall into the hands of the Simvan will spell trouble for MercTown and other independent Kingdoms in the Magic Zone.

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