The Blizzard

A Rifts RPG Adventure in England.

Glaenarm (Berwynmoore Kingdom), population 39 people. 90% human. Glaenarm is a settlement of local displaced peoples forced from their homes and abandoned by the government. Built upon the gardens surrounding an old library’s ruins (near Liden Lagoon.) The refugees are organized and lawful and support themselves by making various forms of armor. They are suspicious of strangers and use their own currency to support themselves. A ‘Money-Changer’ is set up to help convert foreign currencies into the accepted local ‘cash.’

Local dispossessed citizens are in need of aid, and heroes.

Nada Mayse is a Ley Line Walker working with the locals of Glaenarm. An employee of Queen Barkclay-Berwynmoore, she was instrumental in settling the refugees and setting them up with a pipeline to survive. She established a Money Changer, sourced materials for the local artisans and blacksmiths to build the various armor sets they sell, and made introductions to contacts who supply food and provisions. 

The refugees face daily struggles. When not dealing with attacks by local gangs, threats from Black Marketeers, and ambushes from supernatural monsters, they struggle with bouts of disease, malnutrition, and inclement weather. 

A Civilian Aid is found dead and no one knows who’s responsible.

The Adventurers stumble upon a gruesome scene. They come upon the remains of Nada Mayse, viciously beaten to death. On her person, her identification and orders to work with the refugees of Glaenarm, signed by the Queen. They are quickly joined by a defensive and cautious X-2000 Dyna-Max Robot Armor. Upon realizing that the adventurers aren’t a threat, the pilot appears from the armor (Jendrich ‘Veto’ Webber, a 19-year-old German-born Psi-Tech and Triax Robot Soldier.) The pilot introduces himself in broken English and tells the adventurers that he is a friend of ‘Lady’ Nada Mayse. He will tell them of the refugee camp where he stays and works with Lady Mayse to protect the encampment. 

Making their introductions with local leaders, Jendrich presents to the elders of Glaenarm the remains of Lady Mayse. 

A local, named Eppie tells the gathering of people ‘what she saw.’ While out collecting wild edibles to eat, she noticed a strange phenomenon in the woods. She describes it as a flash blizzard hovering over the ground. Seeing this, she got Nada (Mayse) to show her the anomaly. That was all she saw, Nada walking into the blizzard. The mage never returned.

The NGR are in England and on the hunt for someone, or something.

Firstly, those adventurers with the ability to mind read: telepathy/empathy/see aura will notice something off about Eppie. Additionally, adventurers with Interrogation will notice that she is either lying or obfuscating, suggesting that parts of her story are not factual.

Investigating the spot where the anomaly presented itself to Eppie, the adventurers will learn little. Outside of spotting damaged/destroyed plants and small trees, there is little evidence to support her claims. 

While conducting their investigation, a squad of Triax Robot Armor enters the area. Among them are three  X-10A Predators, and a X-821 Landcrab. Their crew commander, ‘Tracer’ confronts the adventurers, specifically Jendrich – ordering the boy to return. If he refuses, the NGR Soldiers will use force to compel him. Choosing to help Jendrich will compel the soldiers to view the adventurers as hostile. Choosing not to help will see the refugees of Glaenarm fall victim to the ensuing carnage between the two sides. 

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

Behind the scenes: Eppie is an Anarchist Snow Lizard Dragon Hatchling responsible for killing Nada Mayse. Her motive is her own, but it is likely that Nada was getting close to learning her true identity. 

NGR Robot Soldiers: Tracer (M, 28), Hammerkopf (M 27), Bugsie (F 21) in X-10A Predators, and Biegen (F 23) and Henker (M 24) are in the X832 Landcrab.

Additional names: Lewi (M 40), Munge (M 36) and Trinian (M 35), and Sarai (F 39), Kristian (F 34) and Avarall (F 34).

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