Shattered Time

(The Dinosaur Swamps of Georgia)

The adventurers find themselves shaken by a resounding clap that echoes through the sky above the Georgia swamps. Local scouts dismiss it as a common phenomenon known as a Swamp Gas Explosion. However, as the adventurers scan the southern skyline, they notice an unusual halo dominating a portion of the sky.

Having journeyed over 200 miles to reach this area, the adventurers sense a distinct static lingering in the air. The natural wildlife behaves unusually, displaying constant terror and self-preservation instincts.

Echoes of the Unknown

Initially, the adventurers’ perception of time becomes dulled. They suddenly feel fatigued and hungry, despite having recently awakened or eaten. During their conversation, they notice rainwater drenching their surroundings, forming a pool around them. To their astonishment, their compasses cease to accurately point north, with the needle unable to settle on a specific direction. Moreover, the days seem endless, with dusk dragging on as if hours were passing by.

The disruptive field extends across an area exceeding 300 square miles, with the most severe effects concentrated near the epicenter. Adding to the mystery, the once-active ley lines in the region have now subsided and become invisible to the naked eye.

Veiled Intrigues

Meanwhile, a tribe of Simvan is engaged in wrangling dinosaurs from the swamps. These massive creatures have been found in a near catatonic state, causing the Simvan to grow increasingly irritated and hyper-aggressive as they attempt to subdue them. However, both the Simvan and the dinosaurs are unaware of the distorted passage of time, which leaves them dehydrated, starving, and fatigued.

As the adventurers traverse the swamp, they come across a frantic flock of Scampers. These creatures appear disoriented and uncoordinated, bouncing off trees, rocks, and even the adventurers themselves as they push through the underbrush.

Deep within the swamp’s foliage, a hidden warband of Apalachee Spirit Warriors awaits their moment to strike against the aggressive Simvan and their wrangled dinosaurs. The arrival of the adventurers creates a dilemma for the Spirit Warriors, as startling the Simvan prematurely could have disastrous consequences for both groups.

Surprisingly, as the two groups pass each other, neither side reacts to the presence of the other. Emerging from this near encounter, the adventurers find themselves confused and disoriented once again, having lost track of time and their current location. Later, they learn that a small number of Warriors accompanying the Spirit Warriors also experienced a similar time loss and disorientation.

Unfortunately, the Simvan and their Monster Mounts become aware of being surrounded on both sides by the Adventurers and the Spirit Warriors. A battle ensues, with the Spirit Warriors fighting against both the Simvan and their mounts, while the Adventurers face the same opposition. The Simvan leader orders a small group of experienced warriors to stay behind and fight the two-front battle, while the rest of the Simvan party attempts to escape and find their way to “The Mound” located in Cottonwood, Georgia. The leader and his best warriors remain behind, splitting up the Spirit Warrior warband. It becomes evident that the Simvan warriors left behind are formidable opponents for the Spirit Warriors.

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A Shaman’s Tragic End

As the Adventurers pursue the fleeing Simvan, they come across a mount—a strategically elevated point where the Simvan have cleverly set up primitive traps. The warband is divided into two groups, with the most skilled warrior staying behind to guard the main group. These traditionalist warriors refuse to cooperate with the Adventurers and reject the use of modern weapons and methods, opting for traditional means of battle. They possess an intimate understanding of the trap placements, effortlessly avoiding them, while the Adventurers face the risk of falling victim to these traps. Despite the perilous situation, the warband remains resolute in their decision not to offer any assistance to the Adventurers.

Atop the mount lies the lifeless body of a young Apalachee girl, barely in her early teens. Those knowledgeable about Native American lore, particularly Paradox Shamans, recognize her attire. The girl, Ashwiyaa, was a Paradox Shaman with the ability to manipulate the delicate balance between conflicting forces. It becomes apparent that she met a tragic fate, beaten to death by a supernatural entity that transcends the natural realm. This entity is identified as Nashoba, a malevolent Spirit Man-Monster and a fallen Apalachee Shaman. Nashoba sustains himself by preying on other shamans, feeding off their life force. Presently, Nashoba is engaged in a fierce duel against a Nunnehi, a spirit being from the invisible realm. Although the Nunnehi remains concealed from the Adventurers’ sight, those with the ability to perceive greater spirits may catch glimpses of its aura or sense its manifestation through I.S.P./P.P.E. energies.

A small group of Apalachee warriors will accompany Ashwiyaa’s remains back to the Apalachee Preserve if the Adventurers choose to do so. However, the warriors will not interact with the Adventurers except for a brief exchange of names with a young female Plant Shaman named Satima, who leads the group. No reward is offered, but this may prove beneficial for the Adventurers in a future adventure.

In the wake of a mysterious anomaly in the Georgia swamps, the cause remains unknown. However, the adventurers and inhabitants can take solace in the fact that balance will naturally be restored over the coming months. As nature’s forces gradually realign, mending the ley lines and dispelling the strange phenomena, the journey will unveil the key to aiding this restoration and unraveling the secrets concealed within the swamp’s shadowed depths.

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