Rifts World Book 9 South America 2 Review

Rifts world book 9 South America 2 is one that I would really like to put a game together for. More precisely some elements within it (the Arkhons). I’ve wondered many times over the years on how I could use them to open up Rifts Earth to space and start bringing everyone together.

South America 2 brings 30 OCCs and RCCs, plus Nazca Line magic, the return of ancient gods just to start with. The book brings more organizations and threats to South America.

Rifts World Book 9 South America 2

Rifts South America is a hotbed of intrigue and conflict. There are the mysteries of the Nazca Lines (magic, alien defense system), the return of ancient gods, alien invaders, mutants, Inca undead, transdimensional raiders, and more. Tons of great new character classes, magic, weapons, armor and equipment.

Gm Material from South America 2

There are a number of storylines that a GM can take advantage of with South America 2. Many games can be created with the Empire of the Sun, Arkhons, and Silver River Republic. A game idea that could be used for many books is that of the players being stationed on Tritonia from the Underseas world book. This could allow for stopovers in many different areas around the world of Rifts Earth.

The megaversal legion in South America could offer GMs the ability to engage in activities there and also send players to other dimensions or continents.

World Book 9 Player Material

Good gosh, what in this book isn’t useful to players is a better question. This book has incredibly powerful armor from the Empire of the Sun.

Story material in Rifts world book 9 south America 2

Ok, now in South America 1 we had 8 new societies, that wasn’t enough though so now we are adding another 5ish. I say “ish” because some of them are nomadic tribes, while others are bad guys that don’t really trade or anything they are just there to be avoided or defeated. Sort of like the Vampires of Mexico, they are a monstrous threat to their own society. Unless you too are some kind of monster that can roam freely then places like the forces of darkness won’t really be open to you.

The main story I like is that of the Arkhons. They are a people from another place that crash-landed on Rifts Earth and can’t get reinforcements from those in orbit. If they did they could easily take over a vast amount of land. Or that might start tipping the scales causing other interdimensional travelers to pull out more of their own guns to combat them (like the Spuglorth can bring 10,000 ships to bear).

The society that the Arkhons have set up is opposed by The Empire of the Sun on the west and the Silver River Republics to the east. Those that arrived in space however arrived 30 years later than those on the ground. That being said they first arrived back in 74 PA so they’ve been in South America for a while now, while those in orbit only 5 years. The best they can do with communication is a once-a-month broadcast of what’s happening.

The Arkhons came to Rifts Earth in an effort to conquer the planet since they lost their lands on their own homeworld. They were not an official patrol sent, though their home planet had sent a scouting party 2,000 years earlier. So ya, another crazed group of lunatics bent on death, destruction, and conquest. Their technology though is different and could offer some fun reverse engineering option adventures.

Rifts Vampire Kingdoms reviews World Book 1 and is a great resource to learn about Vampires in Rifts.

Originality of South America 2

There is so much material in this book and the prior South America book. The Arkhons for example could lead to some really fun Rifts Earth land and space fun.

How game-breaking is World Book 9

20 stars out of 2, I mean some of the classes and races are obscene. In addition, there are magic items like the sun armor that just don’t exist anywhere else.

Imagine being encased in a fire that becomes a magical suit of power armor. Throw bolts of plasma, fly, run super fast, and have as much as 600 main body MDC. That’s just some of the power held in the hands of those with the Armor of the Sun.

Nazca Power Armor on the other hand is a magical power armor as well that was pre-rifts designed to destroy Glitter Boys! Glitter Boys have incredible firepower so these things are super durable. It’s a little different now but still packs a huge punch with short-range missiles(not mini missiles), Rocket rifle and machinegun, plus energy blasters and vibroblades.

How good are the occs in South America 2

Anywhere from just “alright” on the support or core class side, to downright stupid powerful like the True Inca RCC, and the Neo-human.

How well does South America 2 mix with the core book?

Everything from the main book or Rifts Ultimate Edition can be used in South America however the reverse I’ve found many GMs to allow South America 1 or 2 materials to leave its environment. The information in both books is really intriguing to read through and some of the stuff is awesome. The downside that I see isn’t so much the material itself, rather it’s the lack of an explanation for newcomers on how to view things as a template and then later or make smaller versions. I’m kind of neutral on South America 2 mixing with the core book, it just totally depends on the game being run.

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