Rifts World Book 31 Triax Two Review

The rifts world book 31 Triax Two review you’ve been waiting for! So much is happening in this area of Rifts Earth that the corporation known as Triax needed a second book to tell everything going on and house all the new stuff available.

Triax 2 brings us to the year 109 PA with the war between the New German Republic and the Gargoyle Empire still raging on. It will take a closer look at the NGR society and the tools they use. It includes 27 new Triax weapons, new body armor, and additional gear, 10 Triax robots, 10 cars, and commercial vehicles, 9 robot drones, 6 new power armors, and more!

Triax™ Two is the long awaited and hotly anticipated sequel to the hugely popular Rifts® World Book 5: Triax & The NGR™ (more than 100,000 copies sold). A ton of new weapons, vehicles, power armor, giant robots and much more make this a toy box Rifts fans will not be able to resist.

Gm Material from Rifts World Book 31

This book really helps bring a timeframe of events to the Gargoyle war. It really helps to set up actions by The Gargoyles, Brodkil, NGR(New German Republic), and others watching on.

Triax 2 gives an excellent breakdown of the number of forces in the Gargoyle army, the NGR, and the Coalition that joins. You’ll also find a population breakdown of many cities.

Player Material in Rifts Triax 2

For those that want to mod their vehicles, there is a list of options like rims, radar systems, communicators, speed upgrades or boosts, and lots more.

There is a section on weapons for vehicle upgrades. These are commercial options available to the general public. The options available to the military are probably better and kept restricted. Some of them are illegal so don’t get caught with them.

There is also a big section of different robots, power armors, and a good mix of commercial vehicles available. Something that’s a bit different is the list of normal household devices that Triax industries offer for sale. These things could be viewed as just a few of the things available and used as templates or starting points for developing your own (either as a player or GM).

This book adds something that I think there is a lot of on Rifts Earth and that is domestic robots. With the way, the economies seem to be, and the far lower populations, I think household robots would be super common. How can all the massive corporations be building giant robots AND mining the resources for them, AND refining them, AND shipping them, etc, etc, etc, right? So the simple answer is that there are high-tech machines and robots that do much of the work while only requiring a handful of people to oversee their use/maintenance. You are welcome to come up with your own theories for your own games that explain the inconsistencies or holes you find in any gamebook descriptions.

Story material from Rifts World Book 31 Triax Two

Oh, I really like when books go into detail as this one does about how events unfold.

The Gargoyles have been amassing forces for years and with the help of the Brodkil attack a human city that Triax has some work outsourced to. They destroy everything so it can’t be retaken. The Brodkil then turn on the Gargoyles because they don’t want them to have the town.

Each side goes its own way and they never work together again. Due to their overwhelming defeat of the humans, they get arrogant and cocky about their ability. The humans come back in a devastating way.

By early 109 PA, the Gargoyle army is not what it used to be and is likely to fall. The Brodkil army is contemplating attacking them and wiping them out. Plus a new threat comes to bear that has been pulling strings the whole time. Of course, unknown to all by the end of this year The Minion War will explode onto the scene and mess up all of their plans perhaps. Or will they have to grudgingly join forces so as to not be taken over by the real demons?

The originality of Rifts Triax 2

Stereotypical stuff is added to add a german feel to the area. Mostly speaking it’s in the form of food and drink. This is kind of cliche but it’s throughout most books. That’s all rather expected so let’s put that aside. The Gargoyle war is really unique. Across the dimensions, Gargoyles are mostly just slaves to other demons or powerful beings. This is one of the few areas in the Megaverse where a Gargoyle nation has been attempted. They are still sub-demons and don’t care for humans so if it falls no big loss I think.

How game-breaking is Rifts World Book 31

Not game-breaking per se in regards to damage done, or massively higher MDC(mega damage capacity) of vehicles and armor. Triax weapons, armor, vehicles, robots, and power armor are on par with the Coalition States’ equipment or slightly better. This means that when included in the mix it’s going to shift player sentiment to obtaining Triax gear whenever possible.

This is probably a better idea however than getting alien technology. Almost all arms manufacturers on Rifts Earth don’t want to compete with equipment from other dimensions. The coalition has a policy of taking any alien tech they can.

I say the above to make a caveat to that. There are a couple of large vehicles the NGR has that vastly outclass just about everything else. These vehicles should not find their way into the hands of players in any way. The mobile infantry strike base for example has a super particle beam cannon with a 2-mile range and 3d6x100 MDC damage. This type of damage ability is virtually unseen anywhere else. Very few exceptions occur so take care if you choose to field these kinds of vehicles.

How good are the OCCs in Rifts World Book 31

No races or classes are presented in this book. Refer to Triax 1 for that information.

How well does Triax 2 mix with the core book

There isn’t any crossover between the two books other than being given information on NGR’s relations with other factions. The NGR is totally locked down by the war occurring that they won’t be sending anyone to other parts of Rifts Earth for years if ever depending on how things go.

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