I’m saving some of my favorite books for last here and rifts world book 30 d-bees of north America review is certainly one of them. D-bees of north America has over 80 races that are more common, yet by no means a full list for Rifts Earth.
World Book 30 describes nearly 100 D-bees. Over 30 of them are new races, and 50 are favorites from previous books. In addition, we get a discussion of special abilities, history, habits, adventure ideas, and more.

Many people contributed to creating this fantastic book full of various races to include in your Rifts Roleplaying Game Adventures.
Gm Material Rifts World Book 30
Every one of these races can be used by a GM to make exotic NPCs or villains.
Player Material Rifts World Book 30
These new races offer players an option to create some strange, some downright weird, and others very unique player characters.
Story material Rifts World Book 30
There isn’t really any story here that takes Rifts North America’s story forward. The story offered is the history of each race, their allies, enemies, disposition, and the like. You can use this in games to create adventures. For instance, the Slurmph is a slug-like race that leaves a trail of slime where it goes. So you could have a Slurmph NPC leaving a trail and give that as a clue easily to follow. That Slurmph may be using its trail intentionally as a trap or maybe it’s in need of help.
Originality Rifts World Book 30
The vast majority of this book is reprinted material from many other books so its not truly original. Those races that are however are well done enough that after reading through you’ll easily forget they are new and find many uses for them.
Game-breaking Rifts World Book 30
Yes, some of the races in the book can easily be considered broken if you are comparing them to what your other players are choosing. That said, if players have access to the book then anything the players make can be something the GM draws from as opposition, so be careful what you ask for players!
How good are the occs Rifts World Book 30
No occupational character classes are listed, only racial character classes. For those not familiar with Rifts an RCC is a race, and an OCC is often referred to as a class. I understand the confusion this may cause. Some RCCs can pick an OCC while others cannot.
Those that can usually list what kinds of OCCs they can pick, though not always. Think of it like this, if its nature is to be its race then most likely it cant pick another OCC. A demon for instance is by nature just a demon, without variation. A human however can be supremely varied, as can an Elf, Dwarf, etc.
Some of my favorite races
Tokanii- I like this race a lot due to the artwork. For an MDC race, they are moderate yet have a fairly good strength attribute. While it’s a rather strong brute-looking race, I personally would use that strength to create a shifter. This would help it to intimidate its summons and is quite a different take on the standard Tokanii (only 1% are mages).
Our recommendations of the best Rifts books for a Minion War game.
Squib- For an SDC race this one is rather different. It would make an ideal soldier, non-augmented though (crazy, juicer, cyborg, etc). With the bonuses, they gain and the hidden strength and special ability they make formidable and loyal bodyguards, servants, or player characters.
Slurmph- Every time I look at this race I get the itch to make something odd, aside from the race itself. It’s like a big marshmallow kind of. It’s got some special abilities related to slime, like covering things in slime, and fling slime. So OCCs that it can pick is anything but psychic classes(though it does have some), and those with cybernetics. A mage slime guy? An Operator Slime man? How about a techno-wizard slimy?
Other races of note are the Quick Flex Alien which makes for a super fun gun character (just about any) from New West, Psi-stalkers make great hunters of mages or psychics(pretty obvious I know), and Pgtal Giants (great supernatural hunting warrior-like dragon sized threats).
How well does Rifts World Book 30 mix with the core book
This is one of the best books to use with the Ultimate Edition. In fact, I’d just about says if you only got one other book to play Rifts I’d recommend this book. It offers so many options from many other Rifst books plus new options that it opens up so many characters builds. Using the original Rifts Ultimate edition book you are basically limited to playing everything as a human without any distinguishing special abilities. This book gives you entirely new races to work with.