Rifts world book 3 England brings some super cool magic to the forefront of players and gms fingertips. We’ve heard of dimensional raiders and temporal magic but it hasn’t been described until now.
Some of the stuff included with Rifts England includes the return of Erin Tarn, Temporal Magic, More Races and OCCs, Millenium Trees, and more!

Rifts® England seethes with mystic energy from hundreds of ley lines and nexus points, transforming the British Isles into a land of enchantment and home to the legendary Millennium Tree, Brain Trees, ancient gods, Temporal Raiders and Wizards, Woodland Druids, Dryads, Blood Druids, Nexus Knights, Ghost Knights, Faeries, Stonehenge and more.
Rifts World Book 3 Gm Material
Something I really like but havent used much is Millenium trees. Huge trees full of magical energy can do things like resurrecting people, controlling ley line storms, and others. Most of the time I’ve used them after rolling up a new dimension that was comprised of a Millenium tree.
Other things in the England book include Celtic gods, Camelot, and its Knights. Want to throw a fish at people? Why not an Armor Devil Fish instead? Or you could introduce players to the super reclusive Chiang-Ku dragon. If you want to be silly you can just start teasing players with Faerie Folk, and why not totally drunk ones since they are from Ireland?
Player Material out of Rifts England
Oh, my players. Have you ever wanted to teleport through walls? Perhaps you want to bend time to your will? Or do you want to play as a truly alien behaving being, look no further than the Temporal Raider and its temporal magic?
It’s kind of unlikely you’ll be allowed to play a temporal raider very often but don’t despair they teach their magic to others via the Temporal Warrior and Temporal Wizard OCC.
Outside of these cool things are all the techno wizards and magic weapons described. Plus if you are truly lucky you may be granted a boon from a Millenium Tree and get some of its wands, staves, or magically infused leaves.
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Story material from Rifts World Book 3 England
There is actually considerably less story in Rifts England than I’ve seen in many other books. The fact is that Rifts England describes a setting more than anything. You can use some of the setting information to create stories but mostly it just explains where certain groups are located, where Millenium trees are at, The druidic orders, monsters, temporal magic, and similar things. There is some story though.
The majority of the story comes from the descriptions of The Knights of Camelot and the dark forces of Camelot. Mrrlyn, the Lady of the Lake, and others all have personal agendas they are trying to accomplish, mostly not for the good of everyone.
Some other story parts that you can draw from coming in the form of the Celtic Gods. The amount of material is limited to short descriptions of each one and their past, present, or future goals. They can be used as a primary bad guy with smaller henchmen carrying out minor tasks. Players can be drawn into the machinations of the gods via the smaller NPCs and then slowly build up to an epic encounter.
Rifts England originatlity
Utilizing myths and legends from our own world than giving them a Rifts twist, things are very different from the standard. I give it a 4 star the changes to well-known myths are great. The NPCs all have motives I can understand given their different if alien, natures.
Can Rifts England material be game-breaking?
Not all of it but the temporal magic can be incredibly game-warping. If you use fourth dimension transformation just right along with other options you can do nearly anything you want.
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How good are the occs in World book 3 England
I give this section a toss-up, like 3 stars or neither good nor bad. I think that temporal magic is a really fun concept however in practice very little of it actually gets used. For one the use of powerful spells affecting time can be so game-breaking that GMs rarely want to hand them out. So the most useful spells are things like D-phase, attune object to owner, Dimensional envelope or pocket, etc. Why you ask?
Ok. Fourth dimension transformation is a metamorphosis that gives someone vast amounts of ISP, can step in and out of reality with a single action, his omniscience, and others. The trouble here is that if you are near godlike and then always use the spell, it becomes your constant fallback and gets boring (even for a player in my opinion). Other spells that give you utility but not massive power are more fun to use as they allow you to do things in ways that normally aren’t possible but there is still danger from others.
How many times have you played a video game and used cheat codes to become godlike? Oftentimes, when I or anyone I’ve spoken to that’s done so, has fun for 20 minutes, maybe a few hours, but then tires of it because there’s no challenge any longer. The same holds true in tabletop RPGs. If you can just walk around and not worry about your safety and do as you please then there’s no chance for doing clever actions.
How well does England mix with the core book
5 stars for being able to include the material given here with the core Rifts book. Due to the Millenium tree and other aspects of England, it’s very easy for players to travel from North America to Rifts England. With all that’s available to create games from I havent incorporated this part of Rifts Earth into a game but maybe you will or have.