Rifts World Book 27 Adventures In Dinosaur Swamp Review

A Rifts world book 27 adventures in dinosaur swamp review includes a discussion of the book’s additions to Rifts Earth. For those that like dinosaurs and want to explore the ideas they can add to a roleplaying game then this is a book for you.

Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp adds many new dinosaurs to the Rifts Roleplaying game. Also included are their standard locations and behaviors. New villains, menaces, and struggles to be had in the area once known as Florida.

Kevin Siembieda joins forces with the intrepid Todd Yoho to present more descriptions, dinosaurs, and adventure in Dinosaur Swamp.

Gm Material from Rifts World Book 27

World Book 27 brings a lot of new animals to the table for gamemasters to add to their games. This book has so many new and different types of dinosaurs that you won’t lack options.

There is a large section of hook, line, and sinkers as well for GMs to use. They provide many different avenues for creating adventures for players to have fun with. One such adventure would involve players finding a freehold where the inhabitant found a buried power armor. Come to find out it’s from pre-Rifts Earth. That could make it a major target by other weapons manufacturers and factions alike.

Player Material in Rifts Dinosaur Swamp

At first glance, you may say this information is all for a game master however that’s not so. If you are a player you can use these dinosaurs as breeding stock. If you are a mage for example you could use the spell
summon and control animal to bring dinosaurs to you. Given enough time you could tame them. With the right skills, you could then start breeding them and using them as attack animals or guard dinosaurs.

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Rifts World Book 27 Adventures In Dinosaur Swamp Story material

A lot of the beginning information focuses on geography and the weather. In and of itself that’s not a bad thing, however, it goes into detail about how to use these two factors as a means to break players’ gear and equipment. I personally think this is an utterly stupid way to GM.

It’s a common tactic in roleplaying games to have this pervasive sense of lack or scarcity all the time. As a player, you spend a long time usually getting the gear you have, much less the gear you want. Then the GM comes along and starts breaking, while at the same time restricting your ability to earn credits or gold (depending on the RPG). Not a fan at all of this style of gaming.

If you haven’t read our philosophy of gaming check out this article to change your focus and have more fun. To summarize I’ll just say that we all go through struggles in real life, why are we playing a game where we bring regular struggles into it? It’s short-sighted and silly.

Aside from that, the challenges of the environment, weather, lack of food, bad water, etc, are all things that simple spells can negate. If you happen to be playing a supernatural character then that too will negate the problems. This means that while adventure groups of terribly low caliber are having the problems listed, NONE of the things they run into will therefore they are incredibly likely to die (thanks GM for setting us up and being a dick about it).

The originality of Rifts World Book 27

I’m probably a bit biased because I love dinosaurs and in fact, I have a Shifter character that uses a couple. I have plans for that character to get more and create a bit of a menagerie of different animals.

The setting for the dinosaur swamp is incredibly different from the rest of Rifts Earth. As you may guess going from a frozen north to a humid swamp is obviously going to be but it’s still very original from everything else. It has very unique NPCs and cities in the area. A vast swamp full of humidity, nasty water, bugs, critters, and dinosaurs. Not something you find in other places of Rifts as a whole really.

How game-breaking is World Book 27

Nothing in the book is directly game-breaking. I can understand that some may the idea about breeding them is game breaking perhaps given the standard way most roleplaying games are played. If that’s the case then just play your way.

How good Rifts World Book 27 OCCs

No OCCs are offered in this book however there are two races listed. I like the spider-like race and have a character made from it. This is the second book in the area so if you want to get a list of all the new OCCs checks out the first book Rifts World Book 26 Dinosaur Swamp.

How well does World Book 27 mix with the core book

Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp mixes very well for those that want to do some exploring. In addition, if you want to find some very different animals for use as guard beasts, pets, or familiars it’s a great place to visit.

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