This Rifts world book 25 china 2 review is super packed. For such a short book (160 pages) it has so much packed in it. Go and look at the description for it compared to the other world books in the Palladium Books store, you’ll be surprised.
Rifts China 2 has mystical martial arts OCCs, enlightened demon RCC, magic weapons for dealing with demons, body hardening, and so much more.

Palladium Books is known for being the House of Ideas, but every now and then we release a book that just sings. A book that is filled with one cool idea, character, gizmo and wow after another. Rifts® China 2 is such a book. To say that Wujcik, Siembieda and all the contributors, from writers to artists, were “inspired” is an understatement.
Rifts® China 2 combines Oriental myth and mysticism, martial arts, Hong Kong Movie action, unique and powerful characters, magic, demons and science fiction as only Palladium Books can. And for you high-tech junkies, there are the warriors and wonders of Geofront with things like Demon Skin body armor, the Gun Dragon, Black Tiger power armor, Chi Demon Weapons, the Gun Master O.C.C. and more.
Gm Material from Rifts World Book 25
The prior book China 1 gave us primarily all GM material with setting, NPCs, story, and more. This book continues by bringing us mostly player information like OCCs, equipment, and martial arts descriptions. That said, all of the information here is also useful to a GM when they are building adventures and want specific setting OCC or item options.
Player Material in World Book 25 China 2
Players get a lot of different martial arts options to use plus new OCCs that blend the two together really well. I have rarely been in a group that uses martial arts like this outside of China, Rifts Japan, or other areas though.
There are many other things to get from the book though. For those looking for more magical items, this book has quite a few. If you want the biggest selection of magic items to look at though it’s usually best to get the Rifts Book of Magic reference book- it combines a lot of magic from many other books in one.
For players and GMs that want a book to use as a reference for different types of powers, this is a pretty good choice. You could look at the body hardening, chi manipulation, and even martial arts, as templates for building a unique OCC if your GM allows it.
Story material from World Book 25
China 1 and China 2 are the closest I’ve seen any Rifts books get to being a GM guide and a Player guide. They aren’t actually so don’t take them exactly that way. You could almost say they are one book broken into two. Anyway, there isn’t really any extra story added in China 2 so refer to the previous book for story and adventure material.
The originality of Rifts China 2
The martial arts listed here are different from those listed in Rifts Japan, or other Palladium Books games. Some have similarities but overall I find them to be very unique from each other and worth checking out (if it’s your thing).
Is Rifts China 2 game-breaking
Nope. Why, well because the setting is intended to be played as it is without it being taken outside its setting(or at least you’ll be having everything). For this reason alone I would personally skip the books if I had to redo my purchases. Page 142 states that all Chi-based powers are vastly diminished outside of Rifts China, even throughout the Megaverse. That said you could use this rule to your player’s advantage by allowing them to pick up an OCC from it while within the continent that becomes dormant outside.
Since player characters are considered the exception it’s most likely that they will be from outside anyway. Since that’s the case why not just use existing characters and then have them visit Rifts China some 5-10 levels in, add a mystic martial art, and gain its bonuses while there? Could be a fun way to use the setting.
(Note I’m not a fan of rules that are situational because they create problems and confusion with the game’s entire player base. It’s a terrible idea for game designers to get into. The only exception to this is when it’s something that a game company states up front and there is player feedback acknowledging it for specific reasons. Like it’s a bonus zone for players to use-mirror dimension, the pocket world we visit for some extra loot, etc- just everyone agrees to it)
How good are the occs in Rifts World Book 25 China 2
Very good for martial artists. They are each quite different so no two players will feel they are playing the same “role” as another. There may be some crossover but on the whole, each one stands alone. That said they are all martial artists so in that regard all players will be the same. Now you could mix things up with your player group by having multiple OCC selections as players.
As stated perhaps your group comes to China from outside, and “gains” an extra OCC while there. So whether you do that with them both at level 1 or after several levels is up to you. As long as all the players and GM know that the OCC they gain while in China (using this idea that is) is temporary they both can advance at the same time with no issue. If that doesn’t make sense then don’t worry just play your way.
How well does China 2 mix with the core book
Not to well really. In my opinion and from the description that outside of Rifts China is meant to be left out. The Yama Kings have gone to some crazy lengths to maintain power and control over their territories that they don’t want meddlers from outside. Can you make it in, sure, is it wise.. well players aren’t much known for that let’s be real.
What’s more much of the technology from Rifts China is not compatible with Rifts North America. Northern Gun, Free Quebec, the Coalition, and other weapons manufacturers either do not condone alien technology or hunt those down and kill them outright. More than this though, stuff from China either doesn’t function the same outside its native environment or cant be recharged elsewhere.