Rifts World Book 23 Xiticix Invasion Review

A rifts world book 23 xiticix invasion review that discusses the different aspects the book offers. The Xiticix are an alien race of bugs that have come to Rifts Earth and are slowly increasing in numbers. If unchecked they will become a major menace to the people and the world as a whole.

This book brings the entire Xiticix race to life. It includes the background of their race, how their society operates, includes a hive map example, and shares their weapons and powers. In addition, it expands on the war problems of Lazlo, Psi-stalkers, and the Coalition States.

Rifts World Book 23 Xiticix Invasion

Everything you wanted to know about the Xiticix, and the frightening consequences of their existence on Rifts Earth. The ensuing war between the Xiticix and the heroes of Lazlo. The CS and hints of trouble to come.

Gm Material in World Book 23 Xiticix Invasion

What I got out of this as a GM for the most part is how big the Xiticix threat is, where they are located, how the xiticix behave, and how other factions (coalition, psi-stalkers, etc) are handling things.

Knowing how the bugs behave you could take some and create a splinter group with a new Queen fly off to a different area and make some sort of game out of it.

Rifts World Book 23 Player Material

There isn’t really much for players to get from this book. While the Xiticix has weapons and such, they aren’t that good compared to others more easily accessible. No new weapons or equipment are listed. The setting could be used by players to help generate a backstory for their player though, or to make future goals as an individual or group.

Story material from Rifts World Book 23 Xiticix Invasion

I didn’t get much from this book in the way of Xiticix story. They are literally just bugs that want to eat, reproduce and expand. The majority of any story comes from how surrounding civilizations are possibly going to deal with them. For example, there is a little bit about how some mage group is planning to teleport into the hives and kill each Queen.

A fantastic book to bring characters from other Palladium Books games can be read about in our Rifts Conversion Book One Review

The originatlity of Rifts World Book 23

I put this right up there with Starship Troopers. Though honestly anytime I see a setting with big bugs I can’t help but think of the silliness of that movie. It’s not a bad book, it’s just not really something that gets me excited to explore in a roleplaying context, hear me out though.

For instance, when you are playing as a D-bee, mage, or Coalition soldier, you see each other as enemies. Now that’s not new I understand, but each of these enemies is conscious of being like you or I. So there is some amount of human connection that you can relate to when looking at their motives, actions, etc.

When it comes to the Xiticix they are portrayed as a wholly alien bug. There is nothing to connect with. They don’t expand their territory for any reason other than that’s what bugs do. I give these things about as much thought as you or I do an ant you squash in your own home or garden.

That said the complexity that was given to the different types of bugs is intriguing to note. However, that’s about as much of a distinction Id give it: intriguing.

How game-breaking is World Book 23

I wouldn’t really consider this book to be all that game-breaking. The closest thing to it would be the Xiticix Queen listed in the book. She is a rather beefy brute of a bug that is nothing to scoff at.

How good are the occs

Xiticix Invasion is all about the bugs, consequently, there aren’t any OCCs. Nor are there any new races to play. The only things included are the different versions of Xiticix.

I do have to sort of say that’s not totally true because it does list the Psi-Stalker but it’s a reprint more than anything.

How well does World Book 23 mix with the core book

This book is a fantastic addition to the Rifts Earth setting. The amount of clarity it brings to the Xiticix infestation is amazing, even if the Xiticix themselves are dull. Knowing what the surrounding factions are potentially planning really helps set up the world threats and how others are considering dealing with them. Yes, I said world threats, as the Xiticix left unchecked will threaten all life on Rifts Earth.

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