Rifts World Book 22 Free Quebec Review

Today we have a Rifts world book 22 free Quebec review. The Coalition and Free Quebec used to be allies and then things got heated between them. That heat has come to a head and now they face off.

World Book 22 brings us all the information about Quebec and its Glitter Boy legions. We also get a look at some new Glitter Boy variants, other power armor, combat vehicles, cyborgs, war plans, and more.

rifts world book 22 free quebec

The line is drawn and the Coalition Army faces off against the Glitter Boy legions and warriors of Free Quebec.

The war starts here!

Gm Material from rifts world book 22 free quebec

This book is really quite good for GMs that want to have a battle between armies that are somewhat equal. Now if the Coalition sent their whole force, I think that Quebec would stand no chance, however, they have too many enemies on too many fronts to be able to do so.

Another roll table is included for rumors and conspiracies. This kind of table is absolutely crucial I find for helping create games on the fly. With a simple roll, you can use it to create a new rumor going around and then have the players start tracking it down. Those rumors can either be just that or actual clues.

Rifts Free Quebec Player Material

Well, holy crap! Do you like high-tech power armor? Do you want new variations on the Glitter Boy? Well, what more do you need to have access to in order to get the book?

If not familiar with the Glitter Boy check the Rifts Ultimate Edition

Aside from that players get new options in the way of vehicles to use. It also lists the Free Quebec military standard military gear. I really like the body armor picture on page 50.

The Bobcat is a hoverbike armed to the teeth. Cougar Hover Jeep is another hover cycle that reminds me of old video games, F-Zero I think (Oh man did I just date myself?).

For game creation, there is a conspiracy generator, plus adventure ideas and outlines. In fact, there are close to 2 dozen different ideas for adventures that it’s easy to generate an entire campaign that would be totally different from someone else.

Story material from World Book 22

The primary story going in this book is that the Coalition is looking at Free Quebec as being sympathizers and not working towards humanity’s best interests like they are. So in typical tyrant fashion, they give an ultimatum. Unfortunately for the Free Quebec they too have some zealot forces within their own faction that then sparks the very war Free Quebec Leaders have been trying to avoid.

The leaders of Free Quebec are actually more akin to the Coalition’s ideals than not. However, due to circumstances and specifics of their society, they don’t believe they can just outlaw D-bees and magic like the Coalition. Unfortunately, a group from within, says they want to break ties with the Coalition and their silly idea is to start a war.

I’m not sure how they thought that would lead to more separation and freedom than what things were like prior but it’s most likely going to backfire. Though you can take a look at all the details and come to your own conclusion.

World Book Free Quebec originatlity

I really find this to be an original setting for Rifts. While most of North America has all kinds of Robots, power armor, tanks, and another high-tech military, Free Quebec’s focus on power armor is very different.

Is Free Quebec game breaking

Things introduced in Free Quebec are on par with things from the Ultimate Edtion. So nothing is overpowered by this world book. I really think it’s a good setting and source of adventures. That said, I don’t spend a lot of time exploring the things going on here because I personally like to play D-bees and magic classes. This means that my characters, and games, take place in other areas of Rifts Earth.

How good are the OCCs in World Book 22

Free Quebec has vast armies of Glitter Boys so it’s no surprise they have new versions and OCCs related to them. Are they “good”? Well the Glitter Boy itself is awesome as power armor goes, though it’s also rather old. I think they are really cool variations, though just remember that they are specific to Free Quebec so if you aren’t playing there then most likely not to be seen outside of it.

Some examples of OCCs are the Glitter Girl, Reloader OCC, and others. I do like the support classes that are listed because in our own armies we have many more support roles than front-line roles. So it makes sense that all these kinds of OCCs exist.

How well does Rifts Free Quebec mix with the core book

This book mixes incredibly well. You can add a lot of ideas from this book to generate games for many, many game sessions. Do the Coalition “win” their battle? Do they get routed? Do other factions stick their nose in?

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