Rifts World Book 21 Splynn Dimensional Market Review

Rifts World Book 21 Splynn Dimensional Market review covers the incredible market of Rifts Atlantis. There is so much going on at this location that one book just wasn’t enough so Palladium Books is back sharing all the crazy secrets the Splugorth are up to.

Short summary: Splynn Dimensional Market includes exotic people (slaves), new symbiotes and parasites, more tattoo magic information, rune weapons, bio wizard information, the insanely powerful Bio-Borg plus much more.

rifts world book 21 splynn dimensional market

Mark Sumimoto and Kevin Siembieda present one of the wonders of Rifts Earth — the Dimensional Market at Splynn, in Atlantis. A place where it is said that anything, & everything, including people, have a price.

Rifts Dimensional Market Gm Material

The Splugorth make for some really good bad guys, though I suggest using them wisely. By that I mean they are very powerful as are their minions so don’t just have your players fight them all the time. Seeing them off in the distance, notifying local people to help save lives, or fighting low-level slaves rather than the crazy strong High Lords or the like.

Each of the different merchants of note at the market is worth reading. They each have things they are willing to pay for and some adventure ideas are listed for how players can obtain them if they don’t already have them, or know about their existence.

Rifts World Book 21 Player Material

Every player wants to have more options when it comes to equipment, powers, and spells. Well, this book certainly brings to the forefront a new option in the form of the Bio-Borg. Not only is it a crazy NPC that you can find yourself up against but you could pay for some genetic engineering and increase your character’s stats, and other options.

The additional weapons, tattoo magic, and other items make for a strong mix for players.

World Book 21 Splynn Dimensional Market Story material

There isn’t much of a history to the Splynn dimensional market. A Splugorth alien intelligence learned of Rifts Earth and took it over then had a city and market building. Outside of the Splugorth presence and his influence on Atlantis, there are other things going on.

Vampires have a foothold that the mighty Splugorth doesn’t like. There are Pirates off the coast, monsters in the ocean, and other threats as well.

If you want to know more about mutants in Rifts North America check out Rifts World Book 13 Lone Star.

Originatlity of Rifts World Book 21 Splynn Dimensional Market

The dimensional market is something very different from the state of Rifts Earth. If it weren’t for the fact that all supernatural outsiders have together the Splugorth could easily take over the entire planet. Well, maybe not take over but definitely be a contender to do so. With all the others that want to take control of it for themselves, there would be a huge power battle for it.

With all the different NPCs and shops you are sure to find something to do with this book. The market is so large that those shops listed are nowhere near all that exists. So you can make your own shops and new NPCs all for more adventure options.

There are a lot of adventure ideas to get involved though. Especially if you have the Rifts Atlantis book as well.

Is Rifts World Book 21 Game Breaking

100% I put the Bio-Borg and the genetic engineering ideas it will create on players’ parts as totally game-breaking. That being said if you and the players don’t want to deal with that aspect of what it can create then disregard it or just don’t bring it into the mix.

There’s another aspect to the Dimensional market that is perhaps a bit underestimated, and really downright unmentioned in other books, and that is the number of visitors to it. On its grand opening, there were over 1 billion visitors, more than the entire planet’s humanoid population. Even with its transient population of 10-15 million at any time, that’s half the size of the Coalition and many other civilizations. Another thing is that it’s one of the hottest Megaversal markets that exist.

I bring this up to say that there are a lot of visitors to Rifts Earth that could affect the outcome of things going on. Most are probably supernatural or creatures of magic but still there could be some that wander off into Rifts Earth to fight the Minion War, Vampires, or all manner of other threats (or become one themselves).

How good are World Book 21’s OCCs

No occupational character classes are available in world book 21. There are over a dozen races that you can play with or use (some are animals). They are slave races so they aren’t really on the “super powerful” list. Some are unique, like the Rulian Translator(who understands nearly all languages), so they can be somewhat tempting to play.

How well does it mix with the core book

Splynn is a great place for characters to visit, though if they are human or D-Bee it’s a rather big risk. It doesn’t exactly mix perfectly partly for that reason and also for the fact that it’s so far away. Most player character groups are going to be really consumed with things happening on Rifts North America. It could be a great place to go for things to buy, get a different quest, or get vengeance against some great evil.

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