Rifts World Book 18 Mystic Russia Review

Here we have a rifts world book 18 Mystic Russia review. I look at this book as an expansion of the prior Warlords of Russia book though obviously, it focuses on the magic side of things more than the technological.

A summary of what is included starts with a description of the different Russian Demons and evil spirits. It also includes many new OCCs and some Sovietski tanks and war machines.

rifts world book 18 mystic russia

Monsters and magic galore! Inspired by Russian myth, but given that ol’ Rifts® twist. Plus more on the Russian people, life styles and the Warlords of Russia.

Gm Material in World Book 18

GMs get a good idea from this book on how Russian Demons operate and the difference between them and demons from Hades. In addition, we learn that most demons run around solo or usually in groups of 1-8, with larger groups than that being rather unusual if not rare. A description of each type is also within making it a must-have if you want to know the details of each.

Rifts Mystic Russia Player Material

The magic OCCs of Russia is similar to other areas but have their own unique flair. This book describes the Russian living fire magic the Russian Ley Line Walker has access to for example. Mostly speaking players get a lot of class options and some vehicles.

Story material of world book 18

There isn’t much in the way of story material in this book. Most of that was gone over in the prior world book Warlords of Russia. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any story to work with.

For the most part, I see the explanations of how the demons terrorize people as a story on the part of the Russian Demons. Knowing that there are Russian Demon Gateways linked to their home dimension(s) could be the premise of an entire campaign of ridding Russia of those links.

Originality of Rifts World Book 18 Mystic Russia Review

Describing Russia in a single book wasn’t possible for palladium books so it was placed in 2 books. In fact near the end of Mystic Russia it mentions how there were another 16 pages withheld. That material was supposed to be added to Rifter books but Im not sure which.

This book is a treasure trove of material for players to work with as far as new OCCs go. There are so many to look through its almost as mind-boggling as South America was. In addition, we get a good look at some of the Russian war machines-tanks,

Is world book 18 game breaking

I definitely put the Russian OCC Mystic Kuznya as a game-breaking class option. Prior to it, there was very little in the way of how to get or make magic items. I don’t think that should be the case and wish to high hell that more clear-cut ideas had been listed on how to make magic items. But here we are and this is one example of how to add them to your game. The innate MDC value and supernatural strength of the class make it far above other classes but its melee nature makes it.. wanting. Its item creation options though are quite intriguing.

How good Mystic Russias occs

Russia on Rifts Earth is a place plagued by demons and supernatural monsters. It should be no surprise to know that many of the OCCs listed are in some way tied to or use the death and vile nature of the place. Necromancers and Witches are but 2 of the terrifying OCCs people of Russia.

That said, Necromancers can actually be a force for good, especially versus the Undead. They are immune to Vampires and can command them if powerful enough. I made an Ogre Necromancer and with some specific spells and gear was able to make him a melee attacking monster (Fleet feet spell, extra limbs, and some others).

The Mystic Kuznya OCC on the other hand turns a regular human into a supernatural being. Making it far more powerful than the standard OCC. It is however limited to melee weapons and limited invulnerability (I know right.. darn “limited invul”). They have the ability though to make some really good weapons and armor.

Another good OCC is the Slayer, also known as the Demon and Serpent Slayer. They commonly hunt and slay demons and other supernatural evil. They also happen to be immune to Vampires, recognize shapechangers, know some spells, and have constant night vision and see the invisible.

How well does world book 18 mix with the core book

Things within the book take place on a totally different continent(shocking I know), so it’s fairly unlikely that you’ll see a lot of crossovers. That said due to the size of the area and the many different factions listed, there are a lot of adventures to be created.

The link to Rifts North America though is by getting to know the Gypsies of Russia who are aware of gateways that lead to Africa, India, China, and North America.

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