Rifts World Book 13 Lone Star Review

Ever wondered what secrets the Coalition has up its sleeves? Well, a review of Rifts world book 13 lone star covers some of the most highly classified ones they have.

The Lone Star complex houses the genetic research department of a ruthless, and brilliant Coalition leader. The book gives rules on making mutant animals from the dog boy to cats, bears, and others. Lots of information regarding the Pecos Empire and its roaming groups of bandits. Plus lots of adventure ideas for the different Coalition leaders in and around Lone Star.

rifts world book 13 lone star

The Coalition State of Lone Star is a wild and woolly place of contrast and conflict. The Coalition States claims the entire State of Texas as their own, but they only control a small corner of it. It is here, at the Lone Star Complex, that the CS engages in genetic engineering and creates the famous Dog Boys and a host of other mutants. The rest of the state is held by the Pecos Empire – an empire of bandits, outlaws and rebels. The perfect companion to Rifts® New West™, Rifts® Spirit West™ and Rifts® Machinations of Doom™.

Gm Material in Rifts lone star

The initial part of the book discusses the city of Lone Star and the Coalition’s plans for Texas. A lot of the book focuses on explaining the dog boy mutant program. Their attitudes, breeding, and other information. There is a random breed table if you want to roll up some dog boys.

There is an adventure section specifically related to how to use the administrator of the Lone Star Complex. He is a genius with genetic research but is craaaaaazyyyy. That said he could be a good recurring bad guy.

The complex is so vast that its unlikely players could get in, much less out before something tragic happens to one or many of them. It is first and foremost a military installation with thousands of troops and many many defensive precautions.

There are several plans by General Kashbrook, the Lone Star State administrator to expand into some areas further south in Texas. These actions could be the basis for adventures, or entire games depending on how complex you want to make them.

Rifts world book 13 Player Material

There is a fairly good section of Vibro bracers that dog boys use and a bunch of non-lethal items. Mostly they are intended for capturing run-away mutants but you could have Black Market versions if you want them just for say city protection in other cities. There is also a fairly large number of hovercycles and combat bikes.

Page 97 has a table of minor traits that humans can roll for if allowed by the GM. Things like ambidexterity, perfect 20/20 vision, and others.

Story material from Rifts Lone Star

Lone Star is the name of a complex that is 30 square miles in size. It is a massive military base that was active just before the Great Cataclysm. Upon finding it the Coalition has decided to make it a mega city eventually in order to help maintain the city-state’s existence.

Level 9 of the facility is a scientific research center for dimensional travel. It has only ever been activated once with terrible results. That said.. the Coalition could gain a technological understanding generally reserved only for mages and Naruni Enterprises! If they start traveling dimensions that could either spell doom for all of North America if a worse accident happens, or they gain the Ire of other dimensional forces. Or, it could be just what Rifts Earth needs to find the resources and other allies to defeat the many forces arrayed against humanity.

Originality of Rifts world book 13

For a world book, this one has the most NPC descriptions that I’ve seen, with many adventure ideas for them. This and other aspects of the book make it a really good book to have. There are a lot of different plans and adventures you can create from it.

Is Rifts world book 13 lone star game breaking

Not at all. The mutants and new RCCs are different but nothing of them is any more significant than what’s already available. The Psi-x alien, for example, has some extra abilities but they aren’t truly game-changing as if you simply played a regular human mind melter (Psi-x is a mutant human).

The same goes for most of the other options as well. They are fun extra options that don’t alter game balance that much.

Want to know what the Splugorth are up to at Rifts Atlantis? Check out our review of Rifts World Book 21 Splynn Dimensional Market.

How good are Lone Stars occs

World Book 13 gives us options for creating a lot of different human mutant variations. They are a unique twist on commonly used OCCs and the human race. They are fun options that could be used to better fit your character creation.

For example, you may come up with a character concept of a human that has some odd traits and this book could be used to roll those traits. Or you may be in a group with many characters that are really similar and you want to stand out somehow. Rifts Lone Star is a good book for you to generate a character that’s unique compared to the rest.

How well does world book 13 mix with the core book

We all knew the Coalition were a bunch of dicks but this book just really proves it. It fits in perfectly with the core book and really helps expand the area of influence the Coalition has. Giving information on secret projects and facilities.

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