Rifts World Book 11 Coalition War Campaign Review

Rifts world book 11 coalition war campaign describes in detail the villainous nature of the Coalition leadership. Almost everyone I know that plays Rifts dislikes the coalition because of their genocidal attitude towards other races.

Rifts Coalition War Campaign comes packed with secrets some of which are Emperor Prosek’s campaign for unity, the new coalition army, and campaign of conquest, new military OCCs, military power armor, and robots, plus other vehicles like assault vehicles, aircraft, and more.

Emperor Prosek is ready to launch a surprise military campaign of conquest and genocide!

Rumors of the Coalition States’ plans to invade Tolkeen and other plots to strengthen and expand the CS holdings have existed for years. But even the best spies have not known that the CS has been quietly upgrading and building its army to epic proportions. Even Free Quebec is stunned when Prosek unleashes his new army and declares a state of war!

Gm Material from world book 11

One tidbit I like knowing for sure is that the aliens from Juicer Uprising were indeed discovered as it states on page 8 in this book. That simply helps us know for certain the story progression that’s taken place from book to book. Things like that often seem left out much of the time. Aside from that, we get a lot to work with as GMs here.

Player Material from Rifts coalition war campaign

This book is so full of Coalition equipment that it’s mind-boggling. Players don’t get direct access to any of it unless they are starting as Coalition soldiers. Those OCCs are listed and it’s possible. I think though that most Coalition soldiers are going to find out real fast that the world isn’t what the propaganda makes it out to be after a handful of ventures outside their precious territory.

That could make for some fun games though, an entire small squad of players goes rogue and leaves the Coalition(or do they.. muahaha).

Story material from Rifts World Book 11 Coalition War Campaign

Some raiders start running around attacking the Federation of Magic and Tolkeen, both places being enemies of the Coalition. Nobody directly takes responsibility yet it seems like too much of a coincidence, especially since the perpetrators wore a Deaths Head image like the Coalition. Most of the time the raiders just disappear.

The Coalition of course issued a statement that was highly questionable at best. This is the start of the situation that leads to the unveiling of an entirely new army by the Coalition. With their propaganda machine in full force, they deceive, manipulate and twist the facts. Including the very minds of the citizens, they say they are “protecting”.

Shortly after the Juicer Uprising Karl Prosek explains his multi-phase “Campaign of Unity”. Which of course is supposed to unify all of humanity (well.. maybe not all..cough mages).

Of course, as all plans go things come up that aren’t well received. In their haste to move forward, he calls some in Free-Quebec traitors. While Emperor Prosek calls his plans one for unity, Erin Tarn calls it something else.

In her words, she calls it a campaign of terror. Karl Prosek basically declares war against anyone that’s not human (and he thinks mages are’t, human, also). Overall how is the story within the book?

This is just some of what you can expect from the book and it works great, specifically for moving forward the timeline of Rifts Earth and what the Coalition is doing. I invite you to try something with the story within and other Rifts books. Instead of pointing fingers at things that don’t make sense, accept them for how they are and try finding ways within a game to explain why they are that way.

There are a LOT of books in the Rifts roleplaying game and this is a common challenge I’ve faced and heard others be frustrated with. unfortunately, we didn’t make the game and it doesn’t change the official state of the game. So take it for how it is, and enjoy it.

How original is Rifts Coalition War Campaign

I’m not going to put this down for being super original simply because it’s just bad guys expanding on bad guy ideas. That’s not exactly something new to the world, or any fake world. We as humans are good as chaos, death, and destruction. The Coalition is just showing us how deplorable and despicable those in power can be.

Is Rifts World Book 11 Coalition War Campaign game breaking

Rifts Coalition War Campaign is not game-breaking in any way. It in fact helps create games by adding more detail to the way the Coalition operates and the direction they are going on Rifts North America. Do they have a lot of progress to make? Hell yes! Are they murderous, hate-filled tyrants, also yes. Do they make good bad guys.. check check and triple check.

Do we all hope they change directions in the future? I’m not sure about you but I certainly would like that but I don’t expect it in the least.

How good are the occs from World Book 11

The Coalition OCCs are well made and fit their respective roles excellently. As to them being really good, that’s up to debate. Nothing really stands out to me as an OCC that I absolutely “must play”. That in part could simply be the fact that I want to see the Coalition overthrown but naw that’s not coloring the water at all is it?

How well does Coalition War Campaign mix with the core book

The Coalition is paranoid and a little crazy at the top and we see just how much so as they unleash hell upon those, not of their own ideals. This book fits in great if you want to keep your games’ main antagonists, the Coalition. While you can certainly choose to ignore or disregard the presence of the Coalition by not going near their territory, they are always “out there”. This book could be used to bring them right to your doorstep.

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