I’m really excited to do a review of Rifts world book 10 juicer uprising. About 10 years ago I started playing Rifts again and it was in a juicer game. I played a Titan Juicer named Dexter who I kind of saw as the tank for the team. I was slow yet super strong compared to the rest. Something super fun I did with him was pick up an air conditioning unit off the top of a building and throw it down at a bad guy, totally took him out without putting me at risk.
That action caused the rest of the group to start coming up with unorthodox options like picking up a motorcycle and throwing it at an oncoming motorcycle. Juicers are extremely fun to play and this book provides way more types than were available before, but that’s not all.
Juicer Uprising has several new juicer types, including the Mega Juicer, the Magical Dragon Juicer, and the Technology superstar Phaeton Juicer, plus more. It expands the juicer and machinations affecting all juicers. Some of the most useful weapons and equipment are listed within the Juicer Uprising book.

Rifts world book 10 juicer uprising expands the Juicer OCC with new variants, juicer-specific gear, vehicles, and more.
Gm Material from Rifts world book 10
The story of this book is the important part for a GM. It gives more information on the setting and some bad guys as well. The story though really sets the stage for a GM to really craft some fun adventures and put together a series of games.
Rifts Juicer uprising Player Material
Juicers are often in gladiatorial combat, up close and personal. For this reason, there are a number of melee-based combat items that make this book really good for players. In addition, some new armor options will make certain juicers look really cool or offer far better protection than previous books. There are definitely some favorites for most people.
Two of my favorites are the sensor jammers and the FIWS (forearm integral weapon system). The sensor jammers make you harder to detect, which you could combine with other options to make it even harder. The FIWS has Vibro blades and a really powerful short-range particle beam. You can really use them to shred an opponent with hit and run tactics it gets even nastier.
One other option I think is incredible is the Icarus Flight Suit. It’s a jet pack on steroids for juicers. It gives someone with high strength the option to go much speed and has extra wing lasers, missiles, and a remote control option. If you are a phaeton juicer your control of the thing is even better.
Story material in world book 10 juicer uprising
Without ruining it all let’s just say that there are some bad guys trying to con the juicers into doing something while staying hidden. Things, however, will come out and those bad guys will wish it hadn’t, but before that happens we’ll see a possible confrontation with the Coalition. That backlash will cause change for years to come.
Is Rifts world book 10 juicer uprising original
Dang! I didn’t see any of this coming and really like the setup that was created. It gives gamers the opportunity to create an entirely different set of adventures/outcomes if they want to take their game that way. Now it may not totally change the setting of Rifts Earth but it could really put a thorn in the side of the Coalition (which they deserve let’s be honest).
How game-breaking is Rifts juicer uprising
No, the new juicers may be really strong but the reality is they are short-lived as it is, and it costs a lot to have done limiting the numbers anyway. I think it actually helps level the playing field by giving us more examples of different types of vehicles running, driving, and flying around.
Rifts world book 10 juicer uprising How good are the occs
The extra juicers are soooo good! The different options available make for such different teams. The phaeton getting a flying vehicle turns the game on its head almost though so that’s something to watch out for. While juicers are fast, they don’t run around at Mach speed so giving them thousands of feet of altitude with unlimited firepower in lasers can totally change the landscape of battle. If players get access to that they then have to watch out for it and it may not be the kind of game you want to change things too.
Our recommendations of the best Rifts books for a Minion War game.
That said mega Juicer and Delphi juicer do the same sort of thing in different areas so just decide what kind of game you are playing and allow the juicers that fit it.
How well does Juicer Uprising mix with the core book
20 out of 20!! This book is one of the main books I use on a regular basis when looking for equipment for many characters. Even though some of the stuff is specifically for juicers, you can modify it for other races or classes. Like the titan, plate armor is a good option for tall races. The only other book I use more than this for gear is the merc ops world book.