Rifts world book 1 Vampire Kingdoms was first released in 1991, with a revised version released in 2011. If you didn’t know Rifts does Vampires a bit different, what doesn’t Rifts do differently? The revised version brings the Vampire Kingdoms information current to 110 PA. This brings it current for the Minion War that is described in various books which starts around the end of 109 PA.
My personal opinion on the book is rather mixed. I like a good vampire story and hunting in RPGs. The trouble i find with Vampires in Rifts is that the only way to truly defeat them is by killing the Vampire Intelligence and it is incredibly tough. So while i want to play a good vampire game it never really happened. What does a Gm gain from this book?

Rifts World Book 1 vampire Kingdom revised edition brings updated information to the vampires of Rifts Mexico and their terrible masters.
Vampire Kingdoms Gm Material
The vampire kingdoms introduce GMs and players to how Vampire society works. As stated above vampires are different, in that a Vampire Intelligence shares its essence with a willing humanoid. This being gains vampiric powers and is called a master vampire. He then goes and creates 2ndary vampires, who in turn make wild vampires(each vampire is killed and reanimated with a splinter essence of the intelligence). All with the purpose of gaining a large enough foothold so the intelligence can then enter the world.
In addition to knowing how vampires are made and what a vampire’s intelligence is there are other things for a GM. Namely, there is a new rules section for things like destroying the intelligence, Vampires vs bots and borgs, blood loss table, and more. What good would having bad guys be if you didn’t have options to help players and ways for the bad guys to move around?
Rifts world book 1 vampire kingdoms describe a sort of mercenary group called Reids Rangers. This group is very knowledgeable about hunting and killing vampires. However, Vampires have their own tricks like hiding in traveling shows. Also, GMs get access to new monsters, aliens, dinosaurs, maps, and a breakdown of the Vampire kingdoms in Mexico. What do players get though?
Player Material from Rifts world book 1
Players will be happy to know there are new RCCs to look into. Some are really good at fighting vampires specifically like the large cats. Players will laugh when they see the squirt gun Techno wizard devices and others.
There are lots of gangs that clever players could use for information sources as well. Some obviously are going to include vampires within, if not all, but don’t count them totally out. Also, players can go to Reids Rangers, or perhaps be part of them.
Story of rifts world book 1 Vampire Kingdoms
The story material really starts with Erin Tarns’ travels back to the Vampire Kingdoms. She had an encounter 20 years prior up near the Rio Grande river and then kept wondering what the truth there was. So she makes a trip and then isn’t heard from again.
The story of Mexico is dire, tragic, and basically hell on earth. About half a dozen Vampire intelligence have control of Mexico and have been present for some time. They have turned many people into unwilling puppets or cattle. Many vampire kingdoms have roughly 25 humans per vampire as cattle so they can feed in their ghastly manners. Other things are going on though.
Groups both small and large of wild vampires roam the lands. This is mostly intended as a sort of military patrol to help keep down would-be vampire hunters.
How original is world book 1
I have to give it to Kevin Siembieda with this book for a great rewrite of a common myth. Not only did he create a totally unique type of monster, but the setting on Rifts Earth is also great as well. It’s a large enough threat that it won’t be removed instantly or even in a drawn-out campaign. It will take decades if not centuries to rid Earth of the vampires.
Is Vampire Kingdoms game-breaking?
Vampires are incredibly tough.. so to some degree, they are game-breaking. They come loaded with psychic powers, immunities to many sources, and supernatural stats. There are also cat RCCs that are available to players who have similar immunities. So taking that into account if someone were to remove silver, magic, or psionics from an area they could very well be unstoppable.
How good are the occs from Rifts Vampire Kingdoms
The Vampire Hunter OCC is a perfect fit for the vampire kingdoms. It is not necessarily the best option for hunting vampires, as silly as that sounds. Necromancers for example are immune to mind control from vampires, and at higher levels and control them themselves. If you are playing Rifts with just the base Rifts Ultimate Edition, then Vampire Hunter is an awesome option for fighting the undead.
How well does Vamp Kingdoms mix with the core book
A fantastic option for more adventure. Having this book you could have a lone vampire move farther into Rifts North America, or anywhere, and have fun with it.