Rifts Sourcebook 6 Shemarrian Nation Review

Rifts sourcebook 6 shemarrian nation review covers all the expanded plans Archie 3 has for Rifts North America. Archie is an insane artificial intelligence that is centuries old and recently teamed up with an insane human. Together they make crazy projects like the Shemarrian Nation and Titan Robotics.

Rifts sourcebook 6 shemarrian nation

The Shemarrians, the phantom right arm of Archie Three and a force to be reckoned with in the wild woods beyond the Eastern Wall (the Allegheny Mountains). An in-depth look at the fabricated femme fatales, their false society, and the schemes and dreams that Archie and Hagan have in store for them.

Gm Material from Shemarrian Nation

This book is an odd spot in Rift’s books in that Archie 3 is often known by most players but rarely, or at least only seldomly, used in games. He and his Shemarrian nation cover a vast area that is only inhabited by small groups of people and are removed from the large powers of Rifts North America. What’s more, this makes him, his plans, and the surrounding area less enticing to play in games.

This book specifically doesn’t add a lot more to the plots Archie has in those areas where players will likely find themselves. His plans are all about deception with no room for discovery (statements like “nobody has discovered they are androids”). So while the artwork for weapons, armor, and mounts is great, there isn’t much to get from it all.

As a GM you get more androids to have run around, as well as mounts and equipment for them all. This book adds males to the Shemarrian nation though they aren’t that interesting.

The only slightly interesting piece from the book is that Archie hates the splugorth and wants to drive them from Earth. He views them as his only real enemy stopping him from worldwide conquest. He has some plans to attack some new outposts but I don’t see a draw for bringing players to those locations, other than possibly to rescue slaves or as slaves.. meh.

There are also the Horune Pirates but I find them to just be more monsters only on the water. They roam the great lakes so they are contained in those areas making their hiding areas an eventuality to be found.

Player Material from sourcebook 6

Nothing in the book is specifically made for players. The weapons of the Shemarrians are supposed to self-destruct like the androids if captured or defeated. Technically they shouldn’t be allowed to be acquired but some will disagree.

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Story material

As stated not much is really added to the story of Rifts Earth. We get a look at how Archie hates the Splugorth more and some plans to stop them from getting a foothold in the Americas but that’s about all.

How original is rifts sourcebook 6

If you have a different view and approach to the use of Archie 3 then I’d like to hear it but I don’t find this book to be all that unique. More so I think this is an expansion of material that was left out of Sourcebook 1.

Is Shemarrian Nation game breaking

The expanded Shemarrian information is not game-breaking. They are on par with the tech level of most other Rifts North America weapons manufacturers. Archie could make weapons and equipment much more advanced but chooses not to do so.

How good are the occs in Rifts Shemarrian Nation

No occupational character classes are listed for use by players or GMs. All that is listed in it are more types of androids, so they would be races. That said they are controlled and monitored by artificial intelligence so they don’t actually have free will.

How well does it mix with the core book

It fits just fine with the Rifts Ultimate edition I just personally don’t find much use for it. Most of the activity occurring in North America is happening more centrally. This is where the majority of major population centers are so more plans are going on in other areas. Now, this probably helps Archie and Hagan to stay off their radar and bring less attention to them.

That said Archie wants to rule the world and has no problem with manipulating or killing humans to do so. Eventually, he has to make moves to take over more than just the North Eastern side of North America. Though When he does so it creates another scenario where you have to go to war just to stay safe. Like the Xiticix, there is no loot to be had as many of his creations have self-destruct options.

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