Rifts Sourcebook 1 Review

Rifts sourcebook 1 review covers the revised and expanded book. In this review, I’ll share my thoughts on the Archie situation in Rifts North America as well as cover the basics of what players and GMs get from the book.

For a quick summary Rifts sourcebook one revised and expanded includes robot creation rules plus robot player characters. It also contains Robots for sale from Triax, Titan Robotics, and Northern Gun. Additional equipment includes power armor, vehicles miscellaneous equipment, and weapons. Story and setting information is expanded upon via an insane AI named Archie Three, his henchmen, and robots. History of the Republicans and monsters of North America.

rifts sourcebook one

Rifts Sourcebook 1, revised and expanded brings even more ideas, robots, power armor, and equipment for use by players and GMs alike. In addition, it expands our understanding of ARCHIE 3, the Republicans, and more.

Gm Material in Rifts Sourcebook one

This book brings GMs the option to use a crazy AI and his idea man to an area northeast of the Coalition States. So this book expands the area that has activity, though it’s all robotic. However, those on Rifts Earth don’t know that the Republicans are robots.

Rifts Sourcebook 1 Player Material

This is one of the first books for Rifts that brings some really cool-looking power armor and robots(some are silly I know), for the time anyway. The Ulti-Max from Triax has a badass rifle and looks mean. While it’s considered power armor it’s so large it’s really just a small robot.

Players also get access to some well-needed automated robots. For Rift’s economy to work, I think that robots are a common thing within communities and adventurers. Having a handful of light drones you could use them to clear trees to build in, my precious minerals, farm, hunt, and do many other necessary activities. In doing so you could then allow the citizens to focus more on military or military support roles.

Rifts sourcebook 1 brings some really good vehicles for use by players. The Pathmaker is a fairly big personnel carrier, though it’s on the higher cost size. There are some cheaper options in the Merc Ops book.

Another good vehicle is the Big Bertha for cargo hauling. It’s even higher on the cost side but when you get to this size of vehicle that’s a minor factor. The ability to carry and transport robots and multiple power armor for large company movements are fantastic.

Another table that players can use is the robot and power armor repair and salvage tables. As players, you could use it to gather extra credits, extra parts for repair, or as information to ambush others.

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Story material from Rifts Sourcebook 1

For those looking to start GMing or playing Rifts, this is a good book to pick up. It includes an adventure that introduces players to Archie 3. During the adventure, players will come into contact with a Rhino-Buffalo (and a surprise), give them a chance to do some salvage operations, and see a traveling freak show with exotic items, and d-bees.

Parts of the adventure will have the players travel through the wilderness which can be a great place for side adventures. What the GM does at the end of the adventure is totally left open.

How original is sourcebook one

This book is the introduction of Archie 3 which I happen to think is a great inclusion for Rifts. Given how high-tech Earth was prior to the Rifts, it’s plausible that a high-tech AI survived. Archie is rather insane with his goal of ruling all people on Earth. That said he is an unknown factor on Rifts Earth an area that’s scoured by supernatural creatures on a regular basis. His presence and robot sentinels could be a major reason they don’t go hard inland.

How game breaking is Rifts Sourcebook 1

Depending on how robots are allowed to be used this book could be game-breaking. You could easily create a scenario where Archie has a massive group of unused robots awaiting a takeover of North America. While he does have some robots running around outside they are more of a deterrent and not designed as a fighting force. Since they are all connected to him it’s probable that could be changed easily, though this is all conjecture and up to you.

How good are the occs in Rifts Sourcebook 1 revised and expanded

An interesting character class option is the Robot roll table. It can be used to create many many types of robots, players, and NPCs alike. You could even expand the table options for your own use and make it even more intriguing.

How well does it mix with the core book

Sourcebook one mixes fantastically with the Rifts Ultimate edition. It includes some ideas at the end of the book for ways to use Archie, the Republicans, and others.

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