Rifts RPG Meta-Arc Adventures #1

We’re pleased to bring to the fans of the Rifts RPG our interpretation of the Meta-Arc presented in the Palladium Rifts timeline.

Researching the canon material, we’ve considered a possible campaign that GMs can run for their players. Following the established events in the story so far, we explore places and people, and events that have unfolded and built up the world to our current predicament.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

Reviewing the timeline.

What we’ve learned from our experience is an expanding story arc that includes multiple facets of the Rifts experience. We’ve turned back the clock to 93 pa, shortly after Doc Reid and his Rangers began their expeditions into Mexico to confront the Vampire Kingdoms.

Doctor Reid and his Rangers prove to be challenging figures in the mythology, as they don’t necessarily live up to the reputation of heroes. And yet, they are said to have conducted heroic feats in their quest to eradicate the Vampire threat in the south. Perhaps it’ll be with the help of your player-characters that such a reputation will become warranted.

To help the GM and their story arc, we’ve returned to the Rift Mercenaries book and leaned on the adventure ideas proposed in that book for the introduction of our campaign. The idea here is for both the GM and Players to return to a simpler time and concentrate their focus on a handful of books and reference material.

Where to start.

What we recommend to begin with are, Rifts Main Book, Rifts Ultimate Edition, Rifts Mercenaries, Vampire Kingdoms, and D-Bees of North America. We further recommend Rifts South America 1 and 2 for additional equipment. The list will expand as the game grows.

Using our tested game generation tables, we’ve developed stories that help players learn more about the world and the expanding threats that exist, and meet some of the established characters that make the Rifts Megaverse so intriguing.

We will continue to expand on our vision of the meta-story arc and publish new material as it is developed. Our intention is to introduce a few dozen short games that transpire over the following 8 or 9 years, helping the player-characters to create and level. GMs can introduce their personalized touches to the games to make them more unique to their style and audience. We’ll continue to add commentary and suggestions for GMs and provide additional tips for players as we progress through the story arcs.

We wish you luck with your adventure and many successes to come.

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