Rifts Dimension Book 6 Three Galaxies Review

Each galaxy in the Three Galaxies setting has its own flair. During the rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies review it discusses how to expand the possibilities of each. I would give this dimension book a 4-star rating. The locations are really fun, the occs too, however, I’d say things are on the upper end of difficulty to tackle making them fall into a “later” type of category(looking at you Demon Planet).

rifts dimension book 6 three galaxies

Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies GM material

The book starts with a space station creation roll table and then The Three Galaxies book goes into detail about different systems and planets in each galaxy.

There are dozens of adventure ideas and rumors that can be used as adventure starting points. In addition, there is more information about the Intruders from the Phase World Sourcebook. It also introduces the Demon Planet, which is essentially a planet-destroying demon. Speaking of demons there’s more on them.

If you like using demons and spaceships then this has a new twist, demon stars. Demon stars are magic ships that are essentially a spaceship that is fused with a demonic being. They are incredibly tough to destroy and regenerate hull damage, making ramming tactics very viable. These aren’t the only new villains either.

There is a new race called the Necrons that despise and fear technology. They look like extremely emaciated zombies, with no skin at all. They basically look like a charred skeleton with crimson muscle stretched taught across their bodies.

Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies Player material

New weapons, armor, spaceships, scanning, and medical equipment come packed in this book. All the stations around the place are also great information for a character to research in the game for them to make plans.

Anyone looking for laser-resistant armor will like Graygon series body armor. Their weapons are nice also, like the Stormstrike which is a compact rail gun. They also carry other projectile-based weapons which in space can be more useful than lasers and the like.

Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies story material

This book is all about stations within different systems across the 3 Galaxies and includes hook, line, and sinkers for most listed. I counted over 20 different hook, line, and sinker sections before stopping. There are a lot of different stations listed that could lead to all sorts of game types.

There is one often called The Artifact that has over a billion MDC. Fleets of destroyed ships float around it. Could it be a lost Elder Race’s final creation? Could the PCs somehow get access and use it to stop the Demon Planets in the Minion War?

Or perhaps you are more into seeking rare resources, enter: The Witch’s Cauldron. A place with dangerous magnetic and gravitonic disturbances to name just a few, but it contains a magic enriched material called Stardust-an invaluable magic component.

If neither of those suits your fancy then maybe racing in the Tigress System, or a Pleasure Planet, Magic Nebula, space hazards like asteroids, or mining fields will catch your interest.

How is Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies original?

Nothing else like this book in the rest of the Rifts setting. It was a great addition to focus a book primarily on man-made stations throughout the three galaxies. Giving GMs and players the ability to make their own was also a really good idea.

The demon planet seems somewhat like a rip-off of star wars death star, with a demonic twist so I’ll still give it a pass since it’s twisted in a totally new way.

Is Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies game-breaking?

Completely and utterly a solid yes. At least for the GM. Well, players also if the GM allows them to summon the Demon Planet. If you are familiar with Alien Intelligences and their toughness, the Demon Planet is similar but on steroids.

How good are the OCCs(classes) in Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies?

Players get access to 16 new OCCs and RCCs, plus new equipment and spacecraft. If they desire to build space stations then it includes a creation table that can be used by them or GMs.

There is a parasite-like race the Paratee RCC that can be added to any humanoid that doesn’t bio-regenerate. It will give its host some bonuses to PPE(if a mage), a 10% skill increase to 1-4 skills, and make the character require 10% less experience to level. I see no downside to these little guys, totally unique. Most things like this are from Splugorth bio-wizardry and come with tons of bonuses and negatives, these are purely positive.


The Obsidian Spell Thief could be extremely broken for a clever person running around stealing schematic knowledge and selling it to the highest bidder. Or they could work with others and make their own magic item shop.

Space Warlock and Techno Smithy are both really intriguing and I’ve considered playing them several times. The only reason I haven’t is simply that our group often decided to play Rifts Earth instead, or much higher power making me go with a Promethean Phase Adept. Dimension book 6 Three Galaxies has really good additions for the setting in the occ department.

How well does Rifts dimension book 6 Three Galaxies mix with the core Rifts game

Parts of the book mix very well with Rifts Earth. For example, you could use the station creator and buy space stations in space after dealing with the hunter-killer satellites and other Problems there initially. Or you could use magic ley lines and portal to Mars and start a station there. You could use the station creator for old wreckage that fell from orbit years ago or have spacecraft crash land with Necrons or other threats.

Some of those threats could easily be tied into adventures on Rifts Earth for creative individuals. Of course, you could always go TO the locations described in it, from Rifts Earth. The equipment listed in it could be really useful to specific classes like medics.

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