The next book we shall review is the Rifts Dimension book 3 Phase World Sourcebook. This book is an extension of the previous book. It expands the information regarding the Three Galaxies, their cultures, technology, and enemies threatening them.
Phase world sourcebook focuses on planets of note. It includes new RCCs, and OCCs of the Consortium of Civilized Worlds, Transgalactic Empire, and United Worlds of Warlock. Some other things added are power armor, robot vehicles, fighter ships, and capital ships(battleships, carriers, and dreadnoughts). New technology, weapon manufacturers, and space combat rules are also within.

Look in depth at the 3 main power blocks of The Three Galaxies and the threats looming within.
Rifts Dimension Book 3 GM material
There is a lot of additional planet info which can be used to create games. It also gives information on The Dweller which is the true power behind the TGE, an alien intelligence. If you are looking for an evil NPC to fight Cosmo Knights then the Invincible Guardsman are known for seeking them out.
Rifts Phase World Sourcebook player material
This sourcebook provides equipment for players to look forward to acquiring through gameplay more so than at character creation. Such things as the Avenger power armor, probably the coolest power armor in all of Rifts, are limited edition and worth 150+ million credits.
Check the review of the main Phase World Book here if you missed it
Rifts dimension book phase world sourcebook story material
Most of the material within the book describes how each society operates. While it’s not directly additional story material it can be used to better run a game when previously uncertain what was a crime and what wasn’t. Also what fines and punishments are associated with them.
There is some story to be had however when you get to specific planet descriptions. More precisely however each planet provides information on a setting and it’s then up to you to create stories out of it. More setting information can be had by reading the new OCC and RCC descriptions.
A few examples include the world of Axis-5 in the TGE. A planet in a stalemate as a staging ground for the TGE to better send fleets against the Free World Council(a breakaway group that opposes the TGE). This planet has been at war for over 75 years. It could be a place of great fortune for those daring to brave the fleets nearby, a place to gain honor as a commander, or a death trap if not careful.
Alexandria is an Atlantean colony established in the United Worlds of Warlock. It is the largest gathering of True Atlanteans known throughout the Megaverse. Setup by the Acheron clan years ago, they settled it and eventually turned it over to the UWW but still reside there.
Another setting piece that could lead to fun games is the organizations within the book. One such organization is the Tri-galactic Military Services (TMS), the largest mercenary group in all of the three galaxies.

Phase world sourcebook originality
There are a number of OCCs, RCCs, planets, and threats within the book that are quite different than any other book. The Intruders for example have technology that is really compact and cool compared to the standard way tech is made. The Dweller running an entire massive civilization without anyone the wiser is unique also.
As for races the Oni bring ninja and Japanese culture to the forefront in the Three Galaxies. Not totally unique in that regard, they do add some fun options for character builds.
Our recommendations of the best Rifts books for a Minion War game.
How game-breaking is Rifts dimension book 3 phase world sourcebook
The phase world sourcebook doesn’t really break much in any regard. What it does is expand players’ options for equipment, races, and GMs options for settings. Some things that could be considered game-breaking are the invincible guardsman, gun Brother, and perhaps the avenger power armor. The two OCCs are unlikely to be allowed to players, more like checks and balances for the GM to use. The power armor is incredible but no longer produced so any damage will be exceedingly hard to repair.
How good are the OCCs(classes) of Rifts Phase World Sourcebook
The Turbo-Jockey OCC is something I could see allowed in just about any setting. Some setting-specific changes may be in order but it’s a great idea. On the other hand other you could consider the following OCCs.
The Oni Ninja are all really fun to build though with all the others available people prefer to use them.
How well does the Phase World Sourcebook mix with the core Rifts game?
This book is like the main Phase World book in that it is separate and doesn’t often get mixed. Some elements are fun to work in like the Robo-Jockey OCC. For the most part, you’ll either play in Rifts Earth or go to Phase World and the Three Galaxies.