Rifts Dimension Book 15 Secrets of the Atlanteans Review

Rifts Dimension Book 15 Secrets of the Atlanteans is a great addition to the Atlantean story, mostly. I personally never really cared for the Sunaj assassin storyline but that’s me. This book comes packed with much-needed revisits to the Atlantean RCC, and their associated OCCs, plus new ones. Let’s jump over to GM material.

Rifts Dimension Book 15 Secrets of the Atlanteans

Trace the Atlanteans history to before the loss of Atlantis from Rifts Earth and their existence in dimensions beyond.

Secrets of the Atlanteans GM material

I think some of the most significant things that GMs get from the book are maps. There are maps of the different Pyramids, ancient Atlantis, and modern Atlantis. That’s not all there is though.

The Sunaj are a scourge to the Atlantean people. I don’t use them as such, as there is already more than enough to use as enemies to your player characters. That said, a GM could make Sunaj NPCs with new shadow magic spells listed within Secrets of the Atlanteans.

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Rifts Dimension Book 15 player material

60+ new magic tattoos, 60+ new shadow magic spells, 50+ new crystal magic spells, plus crystal mage occ and sunaj shadow mage and shadow assassin occs.

Story material from Secrets of the Atlanteans

The full story of how the Atlanteans became vampire hunters is explained in the first portion of the book. It also explains the consequences of changing their race to be unable to be physically transformed. Before that portion, it explains how they were extremely advanced in magic and technology from the rest of Earth. Due to that fact and their discovery of dimensional travel they visited many other dimensions.

During their travels, they met many different races like the Prometheans, Chiang-Ku dragons, and others. Unfortunately, they didn’t know all the threats out there and unleashed a plague they vowed to end. After these descriptions, we get a better understanding of how Atlantis left Earth.

The next story portion goes into detail about the Atlantean Clans after the exodus from Rifts Atlantis. Many Atlantean Clans had to find new homes around the Megaverse. Still, some clans were lost, and others roam instead of putting down roots.

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Originality of Rifts Dimension Book 15

I thought for the most part the book was very original. I can see how the events described would lead their race to become the vampire slayers they are known to be. I don’t really buy the whole Sunaj plot crap but to each their own. I would much prefer to think of the sunaj as just other occs available to characters without muddying the water.

Is Secrets of the Atlanteans game breaking?

I wouldn’t say its game breaking. Though some may see the clan creation to be so. The Aerihman clan for instance has a higher chance of having psionics, so you could have a master psychic character plus any OCC he chose. I don’t find that game-breaking, just more options to work with. You be the judge though.

How good are the OCCs(classes) in Rifts Dimension Book 15

Secrets of the Atlanteans updates the Stone Master OCC, the Atlantean Nomad, adds the Crystal mage, and several Sunaj OCCs. There is a lot to be had from this book. Probably my favorite part about the book is the ability to

How well does Secrets of the Atlanteans mix with the core Rifts game

5 stars yes. Having an updated version of all the Atlantean OCCs makes them more viable to pick in a Rifts Earth game. Many of them were already available to Rifts Earth so this just completes some of the updates made with the Rifts Ultimate Edition.

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