Rifts Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies Review

Rifts Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies Review. As the name indicates this book is all about spaceships and related material. There are a lot of civilizations that have spacecraft, how does that help a GM though?

Rifts Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies

Space is big. Spaceships are needed. Find all you need within.

Fleets of the Three Galaxies GM material

To start with the book has a little bit of history explained. After that, it describes different fleets, and spaceship classifications, and gives creation guidelines. It then goes into different civilizations and their fleets.

Within the different civilizations, there is a bit of a discussion of the type of technology they use, where they build fleets, and some stories about them. Not only do we get a discussion of good guys but also some of the really powerful bad guys: Dominators and Splugorth.

Player material from Rifts Dimension Book 13

Players can look forward to using the spaceship creation rules, but also can simply buy or steal other ships. You also get space equipment like EVA packs and cruise missiles. Plus there are auxiliary ships that may be more easily purchased and still useful to players.

Our recommendations of the best Rifts books for a Minion War game.

Rifts Dimension Book 13 story material

Right at the beginning is a Three Galaxies timeline going back 5 million years. The different galactic eras in the Three Galaxies are varied but could be used as the basis of games. That’s not where it stops though.

Within the different power blocks, you get information on their standing fleets with notable worlds. For example, the Altess Dynasty has a growing chronol distortion within a planet that will shock the foundation of their society (get the book the find out more).

Who are the Dominators and what are they about? Well, this book discusses more in-depth what the Dominators are doing (or more like speculation). The Dominator technology is incredibly powerful and explained more within.

The originality of Fleets of the Three Galaxies

This was a much desired if not needed a book to have written for Rifts. So many books gave a couple of basic spaceships but no book has really brought to the forefront what a full fleet looks like. Much less go into detail on how those ships are built.

No other book in Rifts is as descriptive about space battles as this one is.

Is Rifts Dimension Book 13 game breaking

This book is game-balancing in my opinion. It clearly sets a foundation for all the different powers that be and gives concrete answers on what ships they have.

How good are the OCCs(classes) from Dimension Book 13?

There aren’t any OCCs to be had. All the OCCs needed for ship combat and other roles can easily be found in the original Phase World book and sourcebook.

How well does Fleets of the Three Galaxies mix with the core Rifts game

Not at all. Bringing spaceships to this degree would be totally unbalanced to bring to Rifts Earth. The state of Rifts Earth as a place where humans don’t have space travel would upset things. Currently, the major supernatural powers interested in Rifts Earth have agreed not to bring forces that could conquer the planet. For example the Splugorth there has a force of 10,000 spaceships that he could bring but chooses not to so as not to upset the other powers.

A single-player group bringing a ship to the place may not be a problem, but then again it may. It could be fun to bring it there and then take it beyond the planet and explore other systems within the galaxy. What resources could you find, are there other rifts outside of Earth?

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