The next book is one I’ve been excited to do as it really explains the Minion War in full. Let’s go over Rifts Dimension Book 12 Dimensional outbreak begging the review with what a gm gets from it.

The demons believe the megaverse needs more chaos and intend to cause it so they can conquer more territory.
Rifts Dimension Book 12 Dimensional outbreak GM material
If you want to have an all-out battle on Phase Worlds Center then this is the book to look into. Maps for many of the major districts and story material detailing how the Minion War unfolds right into the most powerful city there is. How do the Prometheans respond, the defenses of the city, not to mention all the other beings in the city and what will they do? Do they take advantage and raid others? Do they help or just sit back?
With 69 pages of material covering the different levels of Center, there is no shortage of mayhem and fun that you can have. Even if your party isn’t capable of fighting deevils or demons, they can handle other simple matters of helping the citizens get to safe places, or cover a small business, or if they have a ship they can help with a space battle or clearing the space docks.
After talking about Center there is a timeline, or brief history of Center, leading up to the minion war. In dimension book 10, it talks bout the famous demon planets, well in this book it talks about the Demon planet Cormal, Destroyer of Worlds. If you thought a demon planet was bad, shiver, this one is beyond nasty.
The Minion War has locations all over with mind-boggling events happening. Cormal for example is released at Kotsu point, which has been a place of mystery and wonders in the Three Galaxies for a long time. In addition to that, we get information about the Forge War.
Forge war affects
The forge war we find out was set up by the Demons as a way to create chaos and discord throughout the Galaxies. Each of the different power blocs is already reeling from the Forge War so when the Minion War kicks off they are all in a bad spot.
For some quick action, a Gm could look at pages 94-97 for some adventure hooks. After that, it talks about Demons in space and the many different star bases they have and things operating around them. Speaking of demons, knowing that forces of good would intervene in their plans they made a new addition.
New demons to fight
Demon Knights are a new NPC villain that the Demons have created to counter the Cosmic Forges defenders, The Cosmo Knights. This new breed of demon is a magical transformation using the blood of Cormal. In a twist of irony, the demons try to recruit as many Fallen Cosmo Knights as they can get to become Demon Knights. Other Demons are listed though.
Some older types of demons come out of the woodwork during the Minion War. Including demons like the Plasma Demon, Phase Demon, and a description of demonic mortals. Yes in every situation there are humanoids that become so twisted mentally they are more like demons than their kin. In this book, they gave the looks to match the agreements they make with their demonic masters. With all these new additions what better way to transport them than to have their own spaceships.
Demonic Fleets
The demons and deevils don’t generally use weapons and equipment. Usually, they just rely upon their own supernatural strength and abilities. However preparing for the minion war the demons and then the deevils came up with weapons, equipment, and spaceships that would help them in their goals of conquest.
The demonic ships that come out will be a terror to all that meet them. In fact, their very creation is a nightmare event that the souls involved may never be released from, as with some it literally takes the sacrifice of an entire crew to fuel the birth of the ship.
Player material from Rifts Dimension Book 12 Dimensional outbreak
This is one book that was written purely for the use of GMs in my opinion. Players can take stuff from the demons or deevils and useful stuff in that regard. For the most part, this book is a huge setting build-up for a massive event that GMs can then take their players through.
Story material within Rifts Dimension Book 12
I have never read a book that was as expansive in scope as this one. In my mind, the Minion War is a grand event that goes across boundaries and borders that is just epic and I really enjoy it. It’s fun just to get new books that describe the unfolding events and read them kind of like a novel. Even if I don’t get to play through the events I have a ton of fun reading about them.
The plans that the Demons have in mind and the way they bring them to fruition are just so perfect for their nature. It will create such opportunities for people to create tons of adventure for years and decades to come, all different and unique.
The originality of Rifts Dimensional outbreak
I’d gives this 12 stars out of 3 every time. The amount of information on different battlefields, and events to get involved in is enormous. You could make a hundred different characters and never touch each part of the minion war.
Game-breaking shenanigans from Rifts Dimension Book 12
Alright, there are definitely some additions that can seem severely game-breaking. Though they are all NPCs for use by the GM. Just sticking with Demon Knights, and Cormal The Destroyer, you may think that there is no hope of defeating them. You may also then think that no matter what players do they will always be trumped. Well if your GM does that they are just a dick.
The stuff included should all be used as flavor that CAN be added to spice up a game not that “must” be added. There is so much going on throughout this book that it can be easy to get lost but don’t worry there’s no way you can encounter it all. As with everyone major scale game, this will come down to vast numbers winning the day not just single individuals or small teams. Go out and make allies, set plans, figure stuff out, and have fun.
How good are the OCCs(classes) in Rifts Dimension Book 12 Dimensional outbreak
None to be had. The Demon Knight is the closest we get but it’s actually a new RCC NPC villain.
How well does Dimensional Outbreak mix with the core Rifts game
This book has aspects that crossover to Rifts Earth as in the equipment that Demons and Deevils may have. Also their general ways of sabotaging each other. For the most part, this book is all about how the Minion War unfolds in the Three Galaxies, and on Center. Read Rifts World Book 35 megaverse in Flames for info specifically on the Minion War on Rifts Earth.