Boy Palladium Books really hit the demonic topic good two in a row here. This next book review is Rifts Dimension Book 11 Dyval. In this addition, it lays out everything about the 7 layers of hell that the Deevils inhabit and all they are planning. Including information about the minion war, and more.

The demons have invaded many worlds and the Deevils are their arch enemy, they have plans of their own.
Rifts Dimension Book 11 Dyvals GM material
The book starts with a quick breakdown of each Deevil and their relative strength to each other. Next, it goes into Deevil society, hierarchy, death and rebirth, and then the Minion War. The Demons and Deevils have been arch enemies since time unknown and so it’s only appropriate to talk about the minion war so quickly.
As in the previous book about demons it laid out the plans the demons have for conquering Dyval. The response Deevils know more than the demons thought they did and respond in kind. It gives GMs some NPCs, and squads for responses to a demon invasion, and notes on their response to war.
After about 30 pages of this, it then goes into a breakdown of each individual Deevil species. Starting with “The Host” or sub-Deevils, then lesser Deevils, and finally greater Deevils. Some Deevils are rather large and so they have special mounts that are described in detail after the Deevils. Then it gets somewhat weird.
Our recommendations of the best Rifts books for a Minion War game.
After a description of the Deevils, it’s time to describe the different layers of Hell. These layers are each interlinked and express how the Deevils inhabiting them are. For example, demons are more direct and brutal so their hell dimension is the fire and brimstone molten lava kind of place you would expect. Whereas the Deevils are more subtle and conniving so each layer they have expresses that side.
Each area described can be used to create adventures, though this is not a place to take lightly. There is a story at the beginning of the book that is supposed to be 45 seconds and in that time they get totally surrounded and fear for their lives. So make sure the team is capable and prepared beyond anything they’ve considered before, Dyval has hundreds of thousands of Deevils and monsters. Quick encounter tables are listed for each area.
Dyvals Player material
Unfortunately, there is really nothing for players from this book. You could look over the Deevil and monsters just to get an idea of what you may someday face, but no gear and equipment, nor any OCCs.
The Devils do have Chrysteel weapons and armor that is good vs demons. So perhaps you could pilfer some of them from defeated Deevils but this stuff is intended for evil supernatural beings so.. you make the call on if you’d use the stuff.
Rifts Dimension Book 11 story material
The primary story described is really a response to the Demon’s attempted invasion and conquering of Dyval. There is no conclusion specified to that, it’s left up to the players and GM to determine. Other than that there are 7 layers of Hel that you can puruse if you choose not to integrate or deal with the Minion War in your game.
The NPCs listed all have their own motivations and you can create many stories with them or their henchmen that the Player characters can interact with.
Dimension Book 11 Dyvals originality
I think this book deserves a lot of credit as instead of a single dimension 7 different places were described. Each one is very different from the one before or after it, making for many varied adventures.
Rifts Dimension Book 11 game-breaking aspects
I give this a zero-star rating. I do that because this was a much-needed book just as rifts dimension book 10 Hades was needed. We all knew the demons and deevils came from somewhere but not being able to go there was all rather annoying. Having it all well laid out so we know who the top dog is and what the power structure is like helps a lot with long help campaigns versus the minions of hell.
How good are Dyvals OCCs(classes)
Ya sorry to disappoint all you sick and twisted people there are no deevil-inspired classes to play.
How well does Dyval mix with the core Rifts game
More Deevils and monsters to throw into the mix for any game including Rifts Earth. I’d say it mixes just fine with Rifts Earth especially since the Minion War is kicking off in full swing there as well. So you could easily follow some demons or deevils from Earth to either demon dimension and put a wrench in their plans.