Here we have rifts conversion book 3 dark conversions review that covers alien intelligences, dark gods, and other monsters. For those looking for conversion rules for the darker powers from Nightbane and other black arts, this book has you in mind.

The focus of Dark Conversions™ is on creatures of darkness and other monsters such as Alien Intelligences, Elementals, were-beasts, vampires, weird supernatural beings, the Nightbane and others. If you are looking for practitioners of dark magic, villains, monsters and vile horrors to pit against your heroes, this is the sourcebook for you. Many creatures also have notes on how they fit into the Rifts Earth setting and where they may be encountered.
Rifts Conversion Book 3 Gm Material
Gamemasters can find all kinds of rules to convert dark beings from other Palladium Books games to Rifts for whatever nefarious purpose they like. Be it Nightbane, Beyond the Supernatural, or even just elementals, this book will help you through.
Some of the beings within include Alien Intelligences, Were-Beasts, Voodoo Xombies, and many more. Around 120 in total are included plus rules for Witchery and their dark Pacts as well.
Dark Conversions Player Material
Players can find a revisit of the Shifter and some dark magic options. Other things players can do is use the information here to create plans on how to defeat these kinds of monsters, or perhaps summon them for their own evil ends. Though sometimes the best weapon against fire is the fire itself.
Story material from Conversion Book 3
While many of the beings in this book are all evil in nature, they don’t all play well with each other. In particular, the Nightlords are hated by many demons. So different demons sometimes tell heroes of Nightbane that they are being tracked or hunted by the Nightlords.
This is a common recurring theme throughout almost all storytelling: the good guys can work together and the bad guys can. What would happen if you flipped this on its head and had the bad guys in your games co-operate just as the heroes did? Many would say bad guys can’t because they are too greedy, selfish, or do something else to do so. I’d say isn’t that yet another stereotype?
The originality of Rifts Conversion Book 3
This is a great book for all things, bad guys. I think it works great as a compendium of evil beings and is great at bringing their use in adventures easily to your fingertips.
Is Rifts Conversion Book 3 Dark Conversions game breaking
Not tremendously as most of the material is listed elsewhere, it’s just expanded upon within this book.
How good are the OCCs in Rifts Conversion Book 3
The Witch, Nightbane, and Shifter are all OCCs you can look for in other books, though this is the only one with them all in one place. The shifter is an incredibly fun class to me, so I think it’s incredibly good. Nightbane OCCs are often ones that players try to break the game with so be cautious with how you let players use it. Witches generally have no choice but to be evil so if you want a group of heroes players then obviously don’t allow them.
How well does Dark Conversions mix with the core book
This book is perfect for helping GMs come up with evil threats for their players to combat. That said many of the threats within are horrifically powerful so it’s unlikely they make good opponents early on. You could however use them as background masterminds that send progressively stronger minions for the players to come to blows with.