Alright, now we are onto Rifts Conversion Book two Pantheons of the Megaverse review. This book has brought some of the most fun I’ve had reading RIfts books. It is also a book I often reference when making epic-level characters, often using the demi-god or godling OCC as a template.
Pantheons of the Megaverse include over 150 gods and god predators. There are over a dozen new RCCs(racial character classes), several OCCs(occupational character classes), rune weapons, magic, god powers, and more.

You may think you know all about Zeus, Odin, and Gilgamesh and the other gods of myth and legend, but you’d be wrong!
Mythological gods done Rifts® style! Dimension spanning beings of inhuman nature and power, impostors, cyborgs, bio-wizards, the Atlas robot, the Gilgamesh clones, The Olympian Club, alien intelligences, interdimensional mercenaries, vampires, devouring monsters, gods of light, gods of darkness, demigods and supernatural fiends – all with a distinctly Rifts flavor.
Gm Material from Pantheons of the Megaverse
Holy cow this is an absolute treasure trove of GM material. There are so many gods described here and their motivations and interests that you can create years’ worth of games and never use them all. With a list of allies, minions, and enemies you can start slow from minor NPCs to help the players or oppose them and move up the ranks.
Our recommendations of the best Rifts books for a Minion War game.
Player Material in Rifts Conversion Book 2 Pantheons of the Megaverse
The majority of what players get from this book are the two main OCCs, the optional races, and the weapons. If you are playing characters like Shifters, or other magic classes and are looking for a link then this book is good to browse for options.
Story material from Rifts Conversion Book 2
There is so much story material to use that it’s hard to even pick a point to write about. So many of the gods listed have intriguing points of conversation. If I had to pick just one to share it would be Quetzalcoatl. He started off as a dragon and over centuries or millennia was raised to godhood. There is some foul play on the parts of some other gods related to him and some corruption but in the end, he has persevered. Find out more about him and many other gods by getting your own copy.
How original is Pantheons of the Megaverse
The gods listed are all from myth somewhere in our world but they have all been changed to be wholly different and unique to Rifts. There must have been a tremendous amount of research and reading done by the author to come up with these changes. I find them all to be very original yet still hold some semblance to their mythology.
Few games allow gods so check our Rifts World Book 22 Free Quebec Review.
Is Rifts Conversion Book 2 Pantheons of the Megaverse game breaking
Incredibly so. This book is at the heights of power that characters can roll up characters from. The Demigod and godling are vastly stronger than almost all other options they can play, save those from Phase World and custom-made superheroes. Few supernatural races can stand up to them.
The demi-god is also something you can use as a reward to “upgrade” the race of players as well. The description mentions that sometimes mortals are raised to demi-god status, though it does carry some consequences. For those with magic tattoos, they would lose their normal function, essentially they cease to be their standard mortal human, or other race and become a new race. The other one is that they then adopt all the enemies the god has as well (though you don’t have to focus on that aspect at all if you don’t want those challenges to be part of the game).
How good are the occs from Conversion Book 2
They are some of the best OCCs you can use. If you want to play super powerful characters. Though I also think they are great template options. In that, you can have characters make characters and add something like the stats of the demigod plus the single special power, natural abilities, etc. Essentially make custom character options on a single OCC option but still allow players to create variety amongst them all.
How well does Pantheons mix with the core book
This book is situational in my opinion based on the game you are playing. For the most part, I think this is something you should get after having played for a while due to the level of power not only your players will be at but the stiff position you will put them up against.
In the minion war setting, this is a great book to have since the demons are on par with demigods and godlings. In addition, you’ll find from some of the minion war books that gods are hindered in helping, but small groups could make a difference (Read Megaverse in Flames, and Hades for most information regarding this).