Rifts Conversion Book One Revised Review

Lets talk about rifts conversion book 1 revised review today. This is the 2nd version of the conversion book and there are some differences between the two but for the most part, having the revised edition is fine. This is one of the most helpful books when you are trying to take characters from other game settings and move them to Rifts, like Heroes Unlimited, and Palladium Fantasy to Rifts.

Conversion rules for bringing characters from all other Palladium game settings to RIfts, plus stats for over 100 monsters, 40 optional player races, and more.

rifts conversion book 1

Conversion rules for bringing characters from all other Palladium games to Rifts. Some of those games include Heroes Unlimited, Palladium Fantasy, and Beyond the Supernatural.

Gm Material from Rifts Conversion Book 1

The material within this book is just as applicable to GMs as it is to players. Being familiar with the conversion rules when you decide to start expanding your character creation options is really helpful.

There is a note on page 43 regarding converting superheroes that I find to be most helpful. This note reads something like (I’m summarizing it):

“Characters with superpowers cannot have magic, psionics, cybernetics, bionics, be born MDC-creatures of magic-or be supernatural beings or creatures of magic”.

Immediately following this rule is the next super important rule “If they do it is usually just one or two and is a minor (GMS CALL)”.

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So what I’m getting at here is that if the GM allows it then you can create characters with combinations of all 3. In fact, some of the superpower categories within Heroes Unlimited break this rule, in addition, some OCCs, races, or NPCs break it also.

THEREFORE, don’t get caught up on saying it’s not possible to make a race with superpowers, be a ley line walker, and be a master psychic. It IS possible, it’s just VASTLY irregular. Meaning that your character will be so much stronger than almost anything out there that you’ll be hard-pressed to find anything a challenge.

In my opinion, making characters like this should be left for when you have tried a lot of the basic races and classes listed in the books and you need something really different. This is what both Legate and I(Zexsis) did.

Rifts Conversion Book 1 Player Material

See the above.

Read our Rifts World Book 9 South America review to see what adventure is in store outside Rifts North America.

Story material of Conversion Book 1

Not really any story material but you can create some from game design and notes within the book. That is there isn’t anything new that isn’t in their respective books. This book gives some background for each setting and then conversion rules and some ideas for how to bring characters into Rifts. From these notes and ideas, you can come up with adventure or game ideas.

How original is Rifts Conversion Book 1

It’s Rifts so everything is original and unique.. haha that’s my biased opinion. Honestly, it’s really just conversion rules so things already exist. It was a great book idea though in regards to bringing the SDF-1 from Robotech into Rifts though… seriously though go read the SDF-1 and tell me I’m wrong (smiley face).

Is the Conversion Book game breaking

This book in and of itself is not really game-breaking. The game-breaking part comes from when players start deciding to bring characters from all sorts of crazy other game settings and combining them with Rifts OCCs and causing havoc all over the Megaverse!

Some races from Rifts Earth are covered in Rifts World Book 30 D-Bees of North America.

How good are the occs in Rifts Conversion Book 1

There aren’t any specific OCCs. There are some updated rules for superpowers to use with characters or NPCs. I’d like to note that some of you will notice that superpowers don’t scale that well. For example, Gravity Manipulation is based on a character’s strength stat but then is limited on how much one can lift.

This is something I suggest GMs try scaling themselves and also for the players. If you look at Gravity Manipulation you’ll notice that the damage from throwing a heavy object scales but the weight you can carry or crush does not. Using the throwing portion you can then expand the other tables.

If you are playing with characters that only have strength scores of 30 or under then this isn’t a problem. However, players will start feeling like they are getting cheated when they have a 60 (or whatever over 30) and can only do the same things as the weaker character does.

How well does the Conversion Book mix with the core book

This book is one of the must-have books, especially for those that have been playing for a while. When players get access to multiple books and want to start combining things or when you want o give them a reward then this book helps tremendously. By reward I mean like you offer them a minor superpower, an extra OCC from demigod or godling status, etc.

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