Rifts Adventure Sourcebook The Vanguard

Rifts adventure sourcebook: The Vanguard is the final sourcebook that finishes the Firetown adventure series in Rifts. The book describes the changes that occur to the city of Firetown, adds to the map, and adventure ideas for locations within. It also talks about a new element in the Chi-Town area, a group called the Vanguard.

Rifts Adventure Sourcebook The Vanguard
The Vanguard

The Vanguard. Born in the days before Chi-Town forever banned the used of magic on Coalition soil, these practitioners of magic fight for the Coalition States and the Prosek regime. They do so in secret, quietly undermining agents of the Federation of Magic and other CS hate groups. Learn about their organization, goals, current operations and how they continue to serve the CS, even though they are hunted as dangerous fugitives by the very nation they work to protect.

Gm Material in Rifts Adventure Sourcebook The Vanguard

Most of the book is designed for GMs as this is an adventure book. About 3/4s of the book is all adventure and backstory for use by a GM.

Firetown has many abandoned buildings which can be used for adventure ideas or conflict. Some of those buildings are good for sale but most are just run down, broken, and full of squatters. Some buildings are used by the Vanguard as safe houses which are marked on the map.

Player Material

Players get a look at a new organization called the Vanguard which has some unique magic OCCs. A total of 8 OCCs are described. Some of those are variations on existing ones like the Ley Line Walker.

Story material from Rifts Adventure Sourcebook The Vanguard

The beginning of the book goes into some past details about the Coalition, and how and what the Vanguard came about.

The Vanguard is made up of magicians so they are targeted by the Coalition just as any other magic user. The difference between most magic users and them is they believe in the Coalition States, or at least their potential greatness. Hoping one day they will accept magic use, even if it’s a vain hope.

The originality of Rifts Vanguard Sourcebook

The more I read about the Firetown setting the more I give credit to Kevin Siembieda. It’s an adventure site is broken down into 4 books each with additional material to give many directions for GMs to go and new groups, and NPCs as well.

Was it necessary to break it down into 4 small books, or perhaps not? You be the judge.

Is Adventure Sourcebook The Vanguard game breaking

There isn’t anything that breaks the game. While it’s an adventure series it doesn’t affect the overall direction of the setting. The Vanguard only reinforce the position of the Coalition States since you can use them to help justify the success of the Coalition. Did some of them betray people within Tolkeen, did they survive, do the people of Tolkeen know?

How good are the occs

The variations and new OCCs are really fun. I made a Vanguard Waylayer who is, literally, a blast to play. I use him as a front-line tank so to speak, especially with the use of Sorcerous Fury.

That said these OCCs all have the drawback of being part of the Vanguard. Meaning that they are trying to protect the Coalition in the background. So muddies the waters for me as I don’t enjoy trying to roleplay that part of his character.

How well does it mix with the core book

This is a great addition to the core book. Having these additional OCCs is great fun for any player that wants to add some flavor to their character. If you like being part of secret organizations then this is perfect for you.

Another excellent book for those looking for secret organizations is the black market book.

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Check out the other books in this adventure series

Rifts Adventure Sourcebook The Black Vault– Magic items held by the Coalition.

Rifts Adventure book Firetown and the Tolkeen Crisis– How the Tolkeen Crisis affects Chi-Town

Rifts Adventure Sourcebook Forbidden Knowledge– The start of Firetown adventure series

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