Out of Range

A Rifts RPG Meta-Adventure

Game 4 of a Meta-Arc adventure that follows the Rifts canonical timeline.

Reference Materials: Rifts Mercenaries, (page 52), Adventure Ideas: Doctor Reid, I presume. Additional resources can be found in Rifts Vampire Kingdoms, Coalition Navy, and the Conversion Book.

The adventurers have been hired by Doc Reid to make an excursion deep into Mexico.

The adventure continues after the adventurers assisted Carlotta and McCoy’s failed assassination attempt. Having contracted themselves out, they will be led by a friend of Doctor Reid. They are introduced to Don Antonio Huerta.

Don Huerta is taking a detachment of Rangers to survey a suspected silver mine 70 miles southwest of Tampico. Using the waterways to gain access to the mining site, Reid’s men, along with an assembly of Huerta’s soldiers, are to construct a military fortification – later to be used as a staging ground to offload heavy mining equipment.

What no one mentions is that Huerta is a Cartel Boss with ties to weapons trading, drugs, and human trafficking. He’s joined forces with Doc Reid and his Rangers to confront the Vampire Threat in Mexico. Doc Reid has turned a blind eye to Huerta’s illicit activities. Should he become a problem for the Rangers, he’ll deal with him then.

The trip is long and slow, and by water.

Their mode of conveyance is several inflatable patrol boats with e-clip powered motors that do 5 mph. The range per e-clip is 6 hours

Coming up upon the shore, the adventurers are met with the ruins of an 11-foot-tall Neeman Bulldog Robot Armor. The robot appears to have been abandoned many centuries ago.

First Encounter that night: While unloading the patrol boats, a hungry Agenor River Serpent will try to snare an easy meal from anyone brave enough to wonder too close to the river. Agenor River Serpents are solitary hunters.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

The ‘abandoned’ mine is a potential death trap.

The Adventurers are quick to discover the remains of previous surveyors. Abandoned vehicles and human (and d-bee) remains are found near abandoned shelters near the mine. An expert will be able to determine that the surveyors were likely killed 10 or more years ago. Their provisions, weapons cache, and personal belongings all remain on site, untouched, presumably where they were last left.

A female Death Weaver Spider Demon now calls the deep of the silver mine her home. She has one solitary enforcer that unreliably protects her – an aggressive male Crab Warrior. The activities of the surveyors will alarm the Crab Warrior and will set him into a hostile frenzy.

The Death Weaver has several human remains to animate and control while she recedes deeper into the mine. She will use Guerrilla tactics to ambush the Adventurers should they persist to force their way into the mine. She is patient and calculating, identifying the weakest members of the party to remove from play and work her way ‘up.’

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