One-Year Anniversary Edition

An Atlantis Campaign

Part 1: Invitation to Intrigue

An unexpected package arrives for the players, delivered by a nondescript courier—a sleek box containing a holoprojector. Activating it, they are greeted by the alluring figure of Argent Luna, clad in a shimmering silver bodysuit that enhances her allure.

In a captivating voice and with an enigmatic gaze, Luna extends an invitation that could change their destinies. Lazlo, a city of vibrant opportunities and hidden secrets, awaits them if they accept her proposition. The holographic projection reveals the date, time, and location of their meeting—an enticing street view of the renowned Crimson Syndicate, a post-techno nightclub nestled in the heart of Lazlo.

Arriving in Lazlo, the players immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant atmosphere, eventually finding themselves at the Crimson Syndicate. Amidst clandestine meetings and pulsating ritual rhythms, a captivating waitress catches their attention. With a warm smile and a subtle gesture, she guides them to a secluded area behind crimson curtains, where Luna awaits. Positioned before a table adorned with a holoprojector, Luna sits flanked by two intimidating guards exuding an aura of danger.

Activating the holoprojector, Luna unveils an image of the Dominion Building—a towering structure that dominates Lazlo’s downtown skyline. This fortress-like edifice is believed to be the guildhall of the Apogean Circle, a malevolent and secretive organization. Luna discloses the mission: infiltrate the Dominion Building and recover a collection of priceless artifacts recently stolen by the Apogean Circle. The success of their mission hinges on their stealth, skill, and ability to escape undetected.

Part 2: Apogean Shadows

As the players approach the Dominion Building, they are confronted by a formidable fortress brimming with security measures. Bathed in light, the structure casts an eerie shadow that looms over its surroundings. Visible security features include motion sensors, surveillance cameras, and intricate laser grids protecting the short corridors leading into the building, making stealthy passage nearly impossible.

Luna, revealing her mastery as a Master Thief, becomes an invaluable guide. With unparalleled knowledge of the building’s security systems, she deftly maneuvers the players through the treacherous maze, disabling alarms and circumventing traps with finesse.

Elite guards patrol the premises armed with Wilk’s Laser Weapons, including Hold-out Pistols, Variable Frequency Rifles, and Laser Swords. These vigilant sentinels, paired in constant patrols, remain watchful for any intruders, prepared to engage in combat without hesitation. The players must navigate the perilous corridors, evading detection and neutralizing threats with utmost caution.

Guided by Luna’s expertise and their own resourcefulness, the players must overcome the Dominion Building’s formidable security measures. Failure could lead to capture and the mission’s unraveling, while success hinges on their ability to work together, exploit weaknesses, and outmaneuver their adversaries.

Inside the main room of the Apogean Circle, a hidden door is revealed as the floor opens, unveiling a spiral staircase leading to the vault—the players’ only path forward.

The staircase presents various traps lying in wait. Pressure plates trigger explosive arrow traps, collapsible sections drop players into punji pits filled with active vibro-blades, and glyph-covered walls discharge firebolts. Each step demands precision and quick reflexes to identify and disarm these hazards.

Upon reaching the bottom, the players are faced with the imposing vault, safeguarding the stolen millennium tree artifacts. Thick steel walls, reinforced locking mechanisms, crisscrossing laser grids, and seismic posts capable of detecting unauthorized movement fortify the chamber.

Accessing the vault and retrieving the artifacts will require careful planning, expert manipulation, and a touch of ingenuity. With Lazlo’s police closing in, the players face a high-stakes endeavor to complete their mission swiftly.

The millennium tree items the players need to recover include:

  • The Verdant Bark Armor: An exquisite suit of armor meticulously crafted from the enchanted bark of the Millennium Tree. It melds seamlessly with the wearer’s form, providing exceptional protection and a symbiotic connection to nature. The armor resonates with verdant energy, enhancing the wearer’s resilience to poison gases.
  • The Oakcrest Blade: A mystical sword forged from the enchanted wood of the Millennium Tree. Its blade bears intricate patterns resembling the swirling rings of ancient trees. When wielded, the Oakcrest Blade resonates with the life essence of the Millennium Tree, emanating a white aura that inflicts damage equivalent to a Lightblade until covered by a Millennium Tree Bark sheath.
  • The Gauntlet of Renewal: A gauntlet infused with the life-giving energies of the Millennium Tree. Its verdant design radiates vitality and growth. When worn, the Gauntlet of Renewal becomes a conduit of healing and rejuvenation, stopping bleeding and doubling the wearer’s natural healing rate. It replenishes strength, restores vitality, and enhances resistance to fatigue, serving as a vital tool for defense and recovery.
  • The Cloak of Shadowsong: A masterfully woven cloak crafted from the leaves of the Millennium Tree. Its fabric shimmers with iridescent hues, echoing the whispers of the forest. When draped upon the shoulders, the Cloak of Shadowsong grants the wearer unparalleled stealth, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the shadows, move with remarkable silence and grace.
  • The Silvershade Boots: Exquisite boots fashioned from the mystical wood of the Millennium Tree. Their supple bark is intricately carved with patterns, emanating a faint, ethereal glow that reflects the moonlight in mesmerizing patterns. The Silvershade Boots grant enhanced agility, grace, and unparalleled swiftness, enabling the wearer to traverse terrain silently and effortlessly, evading detection with each step.

Additional items include:

  • Staff of the Hunter (Rifts England)
  • Four Gems of Ascendancy: Aetherite, Voidstone, Prism, and Elysian. Each gem possesses powers equal to a level 6 Mystic. The Aetherite allows the wielder to cast the spell ‘Ley Line Ghost’. The Voidstone grants the ability to Shadow Meld. The Prism generates Horrific Illusions and Apparitions. The Elysian provides Invisibility Superior to the wielder.
  • Amulet of Enigma: Grants the wearer a Charismatic Aura, requiring those within a 60-foot radius to make a standard saving throw against its enchantment. Those who fail become enchanted by the Amulet for 36 melee rounds.
  • Gauntlet of Celestial Fire: Empowers the wearer with superhuman strength and the ability to project gouts of fire from their hands, counting as two actions, equivalent to a level 6 Mystic.
  • Aegis of the Ebon Ward: TW Gauntlets that generate and project mystical energies, forming a powerful barrier that absorbs kinetic and energy attacks, providing formidable protection. Key Spell: Energy Field.
  • Vortex Veil Generator: A cigar box-sized TW device that creates a mystic portal, equivalent to a level 6 spell. It allows users to bypass barriers and guards, offering a means of evasion.
  • Whisperwind Amulet: A TW Collar that, when activated, creates the effect of ‘Float in Air’ equivalent to a level 10 Mystic. Key Spell: Float in Air.
  • Nexus Ring: A TW finger ring that, when activated, grants the wearer Targeted Deflection equal to a level 6 Mystic. Key Spell: Targeted Deflection.

Inside the vault, several items are rigged with Mystic Alarm triggers. The Millennium Tree armor stands within a protective energy field, commanding attention with its regal helmet, pulsating chest plate, agile gauntlets, intricate greaves, and enchanted boots. Adjacent to it, a stone pedestal holds the shimmering Oakcrest Blade, flanked by the radiant Gems of Ascendancy within a secure chamber. Glyphs on the floor serve as cautionary markers, warning of mystic alarm triggers that must be navigated with care.

To make their escape, the players have limited options due to the heavy security presence within the Dominion Building. However, Luna reveals her plan to the players. Through her extensive research, she has discovered a concealed rooftop helipad where she has arranged for extraction by a VTOL aircraft piloted by ‘Raptor.’ Luna urges the players to prioritize speed and evasion as she issues precise instructions on where to go, when to wait or run, and even when to turn and shoot. It’s as though she is linked to the building’s security systems and can use the security cameras to navigate the players through the labyrinth of halls and up to the rooftop.

However, their journey is abruptly interrupted by an unseen force. The players find themselves ambushed by a squad of mages specialized in melee combat, led by the enigmatic combat mage, Kael. Clad in lightweight armor and armed with melee weapons, they skillfully combine their formidable spells with ranged attacks. Employing a clever strategy, they maintain their invisibility and remain resilient against energy-based assaults. With unwavering determination, they persist in their relentless pursuit, relentlessly challenging the players at every twist and turn as they make their way towards the rooftop helipad.

On the rooftop, the players find Raptor waiting in a Thunderhead VTOL flyer hovering over the Dominion Building. The sleek aircraft is equipped with four extended cable booms, each fitted with Short Haul lines for a quick and efficient escape. If needed, Raptor is prepared to deploy a couple of smoke grenades to create a smokescreen, obscuring their escape from prying eyes. Once aboard, Raptor will skillfully pilot the VTOL flyer, swiftly maneuvering through the city skyline towards the center of Lake Ontario. There, a small ship eagerly awaits their arrival, ready to whisk them away to safety.

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