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A Rifts RPG Adventure in Africa

Masingi, a sprawling community built upon the ruins of Chad’s ancient capital, N’Djamena. Population: 25,000 people, 60% D-Bees. An additional 10,000 slaves can be found in the region being sold or slaughtered. Masingi is built around three nexus points. The primary economy is agriculture and herding. Masingi is split into 10 separate districts, all stationed along the Chari River. The Phoenix Empire has three small garrisons established near the Nexuses, Kaaba being the largest of the three, Irum and Zarin being the other two. Slavery is common in Masingi, as is slave trading. The 10 districts enforce their own laws and have their own customs. Ubar is a site of many fire pits that burn 24-7. The fire pits burn the bodies of the dead, mostly slaves – but also all those brought into the region and have died.

The Land Owner is desperate, will anyone help him?

Aram is a human landowner and Sheppard, with many slaves. His land is found south of the Chari River, along the Bougouna grasslands. Aram has been complaining to the local authorities of monsters raiding his herd (mainly Camels.) But local authorities haven’t sent anyone to investigate the killings. He has placed a sizable reward to capture/kill the monster/monsters responsible for the death of his camels.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

A strange noise emanates from an eerie fissure in the ground.

Having accepted Aram’s terms, the adventurers will go forth and explore his lands and speak with his slaves. Many can’t speak, having had their tongues removed. Those who can speak, may know little or nothing of the attacks. But all will report hearing strange machine noises leading up to and preceding the attacks. Witnesses will express, ‘to the south if asked where they essentially hear the machine noises.’ The Nanga Fissure is a large opening in the ground, expanding more than 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) long, and 1600 feet (500 meters) at its widest point. The fissure’s depth has never been accurately measured, but many people posit that it is more than 1600 feet to the bottom.
Those with augmented hearing will hear the faint sound of a machine humming inside the fissure.

Mechanoids in Africa? That isn’t possible.

Aberrant Mechanoids (AbM) have found their way to the rare metals-rich area of Chad and have been secretly mining the fissure. Their activities have stirred a clew of Worms of Taut, including Fire Worms, and nippers. Their tunnel crawlers dig and mine the mineral-rich soil and extract the necessary metals they require. Releasing the worms, they send Wasps, Brutes, and/or Exterminators to hunt the worms, making the recognized ‘mechanical’ sounds reported by witnesses. The AbM Mechanoids will try to avoid conflict with others but will fight to protect themselves.

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