Mysteries of the Blackbridge Skies

A Rifts RPG Adventure

The events take place in Blackbridge (Cambridge, Ontario), a fictional location between Cartier Fury Ranch and the Lazlo Region. Blackbridge is not a town but a temporal anomaly. Appearing less than 3-years ago, it has drawn the attention of Lazlo and the Coalition. Since the appearance of Demons and Deevils beyond the Calgary Rift, the Coalition of Chi-Town, Iron Heart, and Free Quebec has created a joint venture with Lazlo. Since the formation of the joint venture, they have identified and begun to research multiple anomalies around the continent.

The Blackbridge is similar to a giant ‘Rainbow’ but of pure black. At the point of origin of the black ethereal streak, there exists a temporal flux anomaly. No animals are active within 25 miles of the anomaly.

Scientists and Researchers are joined by a small attachment of soldiers from Iron Heart and Free Quebec. The venture isn’t without its own issues as there is tension between Coalition and Lazlo researchers, but the camp is held together by a magnetic leader, Dr. Sydney Rhodes from Lazlo. Her personality and leadership have been instrumental in maintaining the orderliness and focus of the venture.

Spectrum is a secret society for Psychic Operators.

Cybil Grimley is a young, energetic Psi-Tech and a member of ‘Spectrum’, a secretive tech cult comprising of Psi-Operators, Psi-Techs and Techno-Wizards, and a few tech-obsessed Rogue Scientists and Cyber-Doctors. All members must demonstrate some level of Psychic phenomena.

Spectrum, and Cybil ‘Baby-X-O’ Grimley believe that there’s a lost Neeman outpost near the Blackbridge. From ‘Spectrums’ research, they believe there is a vault, prison, or chamber under the temporal anomaly connected to a very powerful Chaos Demon, otherwise known as a ‘World Slayer’ Demon. ‘The Defiler’ is also known as ‘The Hollow King’ and is rumored to be surrounded by zombies, blood dancers, and blood wraiths. The Defiler is a giant snake-like being with a humanoid torso, reptilian face, small black eyes, large razor-sharp teeth, a nub for a nose, and long deadly claws. He has extremely long dreadlock hair, elongated human-like arms and hands, and long, knobby fingers. Unlike other World Slayer Demons, this ‘Defiler’ wishes to be left alone, and should he be encountered, he will demand his privacy and order intruders to depart. He speaks in a soft whisper and is patient and understanding should the appropriate level of respect be shown. Those who chose to leave without incident will be allowed to do so without conflict.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

Runi is an informant with valuable information, but will anyone listen to him?

A powerful Soulmancer named Anoran Dharis has been looking for this Hollow King. Should word get out of his discovery, Anoran will send a contingent of Blood Warriors to locate the World Slayer Demon and capture it – at any cost.

A Shifter associated with the Mages Guild of Lazlo will learn of Anoran Dharis’s intentions and will travel to a nexus point near the Blackbridge Anomaly. The Shifter, Runi, and his Owl Familiar, Agatha, will be trapped at the nexus point by a herd of herbivorous dinosaurs (Sauropods.) Not knowing anything about dinosaurs, he will hide and try to sneak his way around the grazing herd. However, the dinosaurs have attracted the attention of a rout of supernatural predators, 1d4+2 Oborus-Slitherers.

A miscalculation can bring the ruin to everything.

Freeing Runi in time to warn the excavation team will prevent Anoran Dharis from locating the World Slayer. But the ‘Spectrum’ members are task-oriented and are driven to locate and seize the Pre-Collapse era Neeman tech. Being accompanied by Coalition Soldiers and Officers, the only option is to fight the supernatural and undead menaces. Facing off against an endless horde of undead and blood dancers and wraiths will quickly whittle down the CS Soldiers, who aren’t properly equipped to face off against the Hollow King’s forces. But the Hollow King is uncharacteristically forgiving.

On the other hand, should the blood warriors arrive before the barrier to the Hollow King’s vault is closed and concealed, the Adventurers will be forced to engage them.

Runi will prove to be a powerful ally, yet cowardly in a fight. He will use tactics and misdirection to combat his opponents whenever possible.

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