Ley Line Walker Guide for Rifts RPG

Ley Line Walkers are a staple magic user in the Rifts RPG with a focus on Ley Lines (ya.. go figure). Ley Lines are integral to the magic system and how Rifts come about. Ley Line Walkers spend a large amount of time learning to use and understand these fundamental bodies of magical energy.

The Essence of Ley Line Walkers

To put it simply, Ley Line Walkers are wizards that have attuned themselves to magical energy so thoroughly that they can see even weak Ley Lines. Normally Ley Line are invisible to the human eye, not to this wizard though. They are so attuned that not only can they see Ley Lines but they can see magical energy emanating from people, creatures, monsters, and even objects. Their training makes them some of the most adept wizards around, with the highest starting PPE value.

The Role of Ley Line Walkers in the Rifts RPG

While Ley Line Walkers are considered the basic wizard of Rifts they are also not. They have this reputation because they are masters of magic capable of learning all incantations available while not being specialized in their spell choices. Where the Ley Line Walker can choose anything, Shifters have a spell selection list, as does the Ley Line Rifter. Basically, the Ley Line Walker is more of a jack of all trades in spell selection. When you want to have lots of spell options then this is the class for you.

Grasping the Concept of Ley Lines

Ley Lines are the natural flow of magic on a planet and in space. They are a concentrated magical energy that ebs and flows over time but generally remain stable and constant. When Ley Lines cross each other a Ley Line Nexus is formed.

Ley Line Nexuses are incredibly concentrated points of magical energy, even more so than a Ley Line. While you can pull magical energy from a ley line, you can pull even more from a Nexus. Ley Lines are often needed for most wizards of all kinds to create portals to other worlds. If a Nexus is used for such a spell it can go awry bringing alien intelligences, gods, or armies through.

Where do Ley Lines come from

In the Palladium Universe, and the Rifts RPG specifically, magical energy has always existed. The degree to which it exists from dimension to dimension and even planet to planet varies. Some worlds have barely a noticeable level, like pre rifts Earth.

If the magic level is nearly non existent then the only way to harness magic is through sacrificial rituals, personal power, or other items of note. Usually worlds that have this low level of magic will not develop magic classes like Line Walkers and will instead develop technologically.

Using Ley Line energy

How magical energy is used depends on the understanding those touching it have. For some it may be used to heal, while others to destroy. Some civilizations develop vast amounts of time taking utter control of Ley Lines, like the Atlanteans did.

They created pyramids that could be built upon a Ley Line Nexus and in doing so controlled the magic along the Ley Lines. This control was so great that they could use the pyramid to stop or even create Ley Line Storms down their lengths. Some pyramids were made for healing arts, others for dimensional travel.

Atlantis even has some pyramids still remaining. You can learn more about them in the Secrets of the Atlanteans dimension book or Atlantis world book.

Behind the scenes of the Ley Line Walker Class

As a class they travel Ley Lines which as you can imagine span entire planets. This naturally means they are going to explore a great deal of the countryside if not the world. Consequently, Ley Line Walkers are by nature curious about people, ideas, and even philosophy. Lets look a bit more into the abilities that Line Walkers get, or at least some very notable ones.

Distinct OCC abilities

Ley Line Walkers have some abilities that almost everyone creating a mage wants. This is in part why many people play Line Walkers instead of other classes. This is the even more so if you are limited on the books to use. One of the reasons that Atlanteans are a popular race choice for other mages is that they have many of the Ley Line Walker abilities.

Ley Line Walkers most notable abilities are: See magic and sense it in use, Ley Line Teleportation, and Ley Line magical affinity.

  1. See magic and sense it in use: these abilities are incredibly useful anytime you are investigating odd occurrences. With these abilities a party member can often say wether or not something happening is magical or not. For example, being able to rule out people getting sick in a community magically is a great way to move things along to the real problem.
  2. Ley Line Teleportation: It doesn’t take much time playing in tabletop RPGs to realize just how incredible being able to teleport is. This ability alone can help you cover vast distances to either escape or simply save time traveling.
  3. Ley Line magical affinity: This affinity shows itself by way of allowing players to pick between Ley Line and Rift spells like; Dimensional portal, Ley Line Storm Defense and many others.

Ley Line Walker spell selection

What kind of a guide would this be if we didn’t cover the actual spell expertise of a Ley Line Walker?

Well put simply, Line Walkers are master of magic specifically spell casters. They tend to avoid learning ritual magic and instead pick up spell invocations. They are the most commonly used, shared, and understood types of magic spell. Almost all magic classes have some degree of understanding and spell selection of invocations. The Ley Line Walker simply gets more, more quickly, and can purchase spells or make them due to their magical mastery.

For a discussion of good races to pick for any magic user check out our Practitioner of magic guide.

Why a Ley Line Walker?

  1. Ley Line Mastery: Ley Line Walkers are experts in tapping into and channeling the ley line energy, allowing them to cast spells of incredible power. In a world where magic is intertwined with the environment, their abilities can have a profound impact on various scenarios.
  2. Versatility: Ley Line Walkers have access to a wide range of spells, from offensive and defensive magic to utility and healing spells. Their versatility makes them valuable assets in various situations, whether it’s combat, investigation, or negotiation.
  3. Exploration: North America in the Rifts setting is teeming with ley lines, rifts, and ancient ruins. Ley Line Walkers can thrive in this environment by sensing and navigating these mystical pathways, uncovering hidden locations, and deciphering the secrets of the past.
  4. Collaboration: Ley Line Walkers can collaborate effectively with other magic users, technologically inclined characters, and even supernatural beings. Their understanding of magic and ley lines can bridge gaps between different factions and help forge alliances.
  5. Survival Skills: North America is a dangerous and diverse landscape, filled with supernatural creatures, rogue AIs, and bandit groups. Ley Line Walkers can use their magical abilities to defend against threats, create protective barriers, and even manipulate the environment to their advantage.
  6. Epic Magic: As experienced players often seek unique and epic experiences, Ley Line Walkers have the potential to unleash spells of cataclysmic proportions, shaping the outcome of major conflicts and encounters.

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