
A Rifts RPG Adventure

The adventurers find themselves near Fort Hawkins in the ruins of Macon, Georgia. (see Dinosaur Swamp World Book 26). The Fort has had some problems in the past with Black Marketeers associated with El Oculta. After a few skirmishes, Pennet and Gran and a few of their men were able to chase them off – hopefully for good. So they thought. 

Their rivalry had drawn the attention of a tribe of Psi-Stalkers roaming the swamps around Georgia. This complicated matters for both parties.

El Oculta is covertly running weapons through the Dinosaur Swamps.

Savvy Gray is a Rift Runner connected to the El Oculta. What Savvy wasn’t expecting was to get caught in one of the traps laid by a Wilderness Scout associated with Fort Hawkins. He was near becoming dinner for an Iron Hoof who was chomping on the tree he was tied up on. Being taken into custody, and having been charged with trespassing on land under the protection of Fort Dawkins, Savvy Gray found himself in a precarious place.

Though Pennet and Gran were not Practitioners of Magic, they had a good understanding of the basic principles of magic. Savvy wasn’t going to be able to worm his way out of his detention. Of course, confiscated from him were a few magical items destined for El Oculta. Pennet, being the pragmatist that he is, believes that the Mage has more ‘items’ hidden in the swamp. It couldn’t be avoided, he wanted it out of the hands of El Oculta and is looking for capable people to retrieve the items. 

It is obvious to both he and Gran that El Oculta had violated their verbal agreement – their stash of magical items was now forfeited to Fort Hawkins.

El Oculta’s treasure is hidden somewhere out there.

The adventurers are tasked with finding the rest of Savvy’s loot, but it’s not like Savvy is going to give up its whereabouts. In fact, he denies there is a larger stash hidden ‘out there’ in the swamps of Georgia. Pennet sweetens the deal by promising the Adventures fifty percent of the loot if they find it. 

What no one was expecting was the level of anarchy that would fall upon Fort Hawkins. Upon hearing that ‘outsiders’ stand to take half of a trove of magical weapons, armor, and items, many of the more sinister residents of the Fort begin applying less-than-civil tactics to find the stash first. As a consequence, violence in Fort Hawkins has risen and the local government is losing the ability to adequately contain it.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

A grifter by the name of Ozim Vertiel appears to be among a small minority of Fort Hawkins residents who isn’t interested in finding the loot for themselves. What isn’t known about Ozim is that he’s a Mystic Knight who’s been struggling with the weight of his depression and just wants to be left alone. Recovering from a serious injury that resulted in the amputation of his Left Arm, he withdrew from his Brotherhood and sought refuge in Georgia.

He recently came upon a TW Cybernetic Limb but struggles with the thought of having to rely upon it to fight. Realizing that the escalation of violence in town is becoming uncontainable, he sides with the Adventurers to help them find the loot and bring an end to the hostilities. But it can’t be stressed enough that being a Mystic Knight, Ozim’s true intentions may be disguised.

Needless to say, El Oculta wants their cargo back and there are mounting fears that the Psi Stalkers have caught wind of the chaos in Fort Hawkins. The Adventurers are in a race against time to find and retrieve the Black Market items.

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