If you’re a fan of Rifts RPG, you know how awesome it is to play in a world filled with magic, technology, and otherworldly creatures. However, introducing the game to friends that have never played can be daunting. They might get overwhelmed by the game mechanics, the setting, or the character creation process. Don’t worry though, in this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to introduce Rifts RPG to those friends, making it an enjoyable experience for all. We’ll cover everything from the basics of the game to the different character classes, gameplay mechanics, and tips for game masters. So sit tight, grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive into the Rifts RPG world.

1. Understanding the Basics: What is Rifts RPG?
The Origins of Rifts RPG
If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic settings, then chances are you’ve heard of Palladium Rifts. Originally published by Palladium Books in 1990, Rifts RPG was designed by Kevin Siembieda as a tabletop roleplaying game set in a world where reality has been shattered. In the setting various dimensions and timelines have merged, resulting in a chaotic world filled with different factions, races, and creatures. Rifts to these other dimensions and time burst upon planet Earth spewing tons of monsters, demons, and races into our world destroying life as we knew it.
The Basic Concepts of the Game
At its core, Rifts RPG is a game of storytelling, where players take on the roles of various characters in the world. Like in other tabletop RPGs, players roll dice to determine the outcomes of their actions, but Rifts RPG also allows for a wide range of customization, from the character classes to the different powers and spells that characters can use. Additionally, the setting of Rifts RPG is known for its mix of magic, technology, and psionics, which adds another layer of complexity to the game.
The Importance of Imagination in Rifts RPG
One of the key elements of Rift’s RPG is the importance of imagination. Players are encouraged to develop unique character concepts, and the GM (game master) is expected to create a world that is both immersive and full of wonder. Unlike other RPGs that rely heavily on strict rule sets, Rifts RPG promotes creativity and allows players to think outside the box.
2. Familiarizing Your Friends with the Setting: The World of Rifts RPG
The Post-Apocalyptic Setting of Rifts RPG
As mentioned earlier, the setting of Rifts RPG is a post-apocalyptic world where different dimensions and timelines have collided. This has resulted in a world where magic, technology, and psionics coexist, but also where different factions are constantly at odds with each other. Expect the unexpected in this chaotic and unpredictable world.
The Different Factions and Races in Rifts RPG
One of the unique features of Rifts RPG is the diverse range of factions and races that populate the world. From humans who have adapted to the harsh environments, to cyborgs who have merged machine and flesh, to alien races who have made Earth their new home, there is no shortage of variety in Rifts RPG.
The Role of Magic, Technology, and Psionics in Rifts RPG
In Rifts RPG, magic, technology, and psionics are all treated equally. Players can choose to focus on one of these areas or combine them to create a truly unique character. Magic users can cast spells, tech-savvy characters can create their own weapons and gadgets, and psionics can use their mental powers to manipulate the world around them.

3. Creating Characters: Step-by-Step Guide to Character Creation
The Importance of Character Concept
Before creating a character in Rifts RPG, players should have a clear idea of their character’s backstory, personality, and motivations. This will help players choose the appropriate class and race for their character, as well as come up with a compelling reason for why their character is adventuring in the Rift.
The Different Character Classes and Races in Rifts RPG
There are over 30 different character classes to choose from in Rifts RPG, ranging from cyborgs to dragons to psychics. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players are encouraged to choose classes that complement their playstyle. Additionally, there are over 60 different races to choose from, each with its own unique abilities and traits.
The Process of Character Creation in Rifts RPG
Once players have an idea of their character concept, they can begin the process of creating the character. This involves choosing the appropriate class and race, assigning attribute scores, selecting powers and spells, and choosing equipment. The GM may also have additional rules or restrictions in place, so players should consult with them before creating their character.
For more on character creation check this guide out
4. Gameplay Mechanics: How to Play Rifts RPG
The Basics of Gameplay in Rifts RPG
Like other tabletop RPGs, gameplay in Rifts RPG involves the GM presenting challenges and scenarios for the players to overcome. Players roll dice to determine the success of their actions, and the GM adjudicates the results based on the rules of the game. Combat is a big part of the Rifts RPG, and players should expect to engage in battles with other factions and creatures in the setting.
For more on the setting of Rifts check our Guide to Palladium Rifts
The Different Types of Game Sessions in Rifts RPG
Rifts RPG can be played in different types of game sessions, ranging from one-off adventures to long-term campaigns. The GM may choose to focus on certain aspects of the setting, such as exploring a new dimension or stopping an evil faction from achieving its goals. Additionally, players can choose to focus on different aspects of their characters, such as their personal relationships and motivations.
The Role of the Game Master in Rifts RPG
The GM plays a pivotal role in Rifts RPG, as they are responsible for creating the world and setting the tone of the game. They also act as the arbiter of the rules and are responsible for presenting challenges and scenarios for the players to overcome. As such, the GM should have a good understanding of the game mechanics, as well as a willingness to improvise and think on their feet.
GMs check out this guide to build a rifts campaign
5. Tips for Game Masters: Running a Successful Rifts RPG Game
The Importance of Preparation in Rifts RPG
As a Game Master, preparation is key to running a successful Rifts RPG game. Before each session, take the time to carefully plan the adventure, create NPCs, and design encounters. This will not only make the game run more smoothly but will also allow you to be more flexible and adapt to unexpected situations during the game.
The Different Game Mastering Techniques in Rifts RPG
There are various techniques that Game Masters can use to enhance the storytelling experience in Rifts RPG. These include creating a compelling and immersive setting, using descriptive language, and creating challenging encounters. Additionally, Game Masters should be flexible and open to player input, allowing them to shape the story and create memorable experiences for everyone involved.
The Importance of Encouraging Creativity and Imagination in Rifts RPG
Rifts RPG is a game that’s all about creativity and imagination. As a Game Master, it’s important to encourage your players to explore the world and create unique characters with their own backstories. This will not only make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved but will also lead to more interesting and engaging adventures.

6. Common Mistakes to Avoid: Pitfalls for New Players and Game Masters
Character Creation Mistakes to Avoid
The biggest mistake I see with roleplaying in general is that of trying to make a well-rounded character. Specializing your skills and abilities to match your character’s personality is precisely what it means to roleplay. You may ask others what they are doing to help fill a role they aren’t, but make sure afterward to focus your character on what they are supposed to be doing best from your character’s mindset, not the mindset of what your party needs.
Doing this will create all kinds of scenarios where you have options to help out with and others where you don’t and need to improvise. This is exactly what makes roleplaying games fun. Coming up with goofy or clever ways to overcome a challenge is what tabletop roleplaying games are all about.
Gameplay Mistakes to Avoid
In Rifts RPG, it’s important to avoid hogging the spotlight and not allowing other players to participate in the story.
Metagaming is the act of talking about character abilities, rules, and other things that your character doesn’t have knowledge of. Now most groups consider it incorrect to do such things, however, I have a slightly different outlook on this. Your character knows things about the world of Rifts that you as a player don’t. There are things that should be common knowledge but you as a player forget or don’t know what that is.
So, I find it acceptable to remind other players of character-specific things they have access to. For example, if you are playing a mage and then it would be fine for others to mention what abilities you have, spells, and maybe psionics. Telling others what to do, however, should be avoided. Giving ideas of things that can be done though is not bad though.
Game Mastering Mistakes to Avoid
Some common Game Mastering mistakes include railroading the players, forcing them down a predetermined path, and not allowing them to explore the world and create their own story. Additionally, Game Masters should avoid creating overly complicated or confusing encounters that might frustrate or confuse players.
7. Advancing Your Characters: Experience Points and Character Development
The Role of Experience Points in Rifts RPG
Experience points are an important part of character development in Rifts RPG. Each time a character successfully completes an encounter or achieves a goal, they receive experience points that can be used to improve their skills and abilities.
Check out this guide to see what our philosophy of roleplaying Rifts is.
The Different Ways to Advance Your Character in Rifts RPG
In addition, to experience points, characters can also advance through the acquisition of new gear and equipment or by forming alliances and building relationships with NPCs. Additionally, characters can develop their own unique abilities and skills by spending time training and practicing.
The Importance of Character Development in Rifts RPG
Character development is a vital part of the Rifts RPG experience. As characters grow and change over time, they become more invested in the story and the world. This allows players to create deep and meaningful relationships with their characters, leading to more engaging and enjoyable gameplay experiences.
8. Resources for Further Learning: Where to Find More Information and Support
Official Resources for Rifts RPG
The official website for Rifts RPG offers a wealth of information on the game, including rulebooks, campaign settings, and supplements. Additionally, there are numerous online forums and communities dedicated to discussing and playing the game.
The official site for Palladium Books.
Palladiums frequently asked questions
Online Communities for Rifts RPG Players and Game Masters
There are several online communities dedicated to Rifts RPG, including Reddit, Discord, and Facebook groups. These communities offer a wealth of resources and support for players and Game Masters of all experience levels.
Recommended Reading and Additional Materials for Rifts RPG
In addition to the core rulebooks, there are numerous supplements and sourcebooks available for Rifts RPG. These materials offer additional campaign settings, character classes, equipment, and rules that can be used to enhance the gameplay experience. Additionally, there are several novels and comic books set in the Rifts universe that offer additional insights into the world and its characters.By following the steps and advice outlined in this article, you should now feel confident in introducing Rifts RPG to your friends who have never played before. Remember to keep things simple, encourage creativity and imagination, and have fun!
Check our Rifts RPG book reviews here
1. Do I need prior experience in playing tabletop RPGs to play Rifts RPG?
No, you don’t. While prior experience can be helpful, Rifts RPG is designed to be accessible to new players. The rulebook provides clear instructions on how to play.
2. Can I modify the setting of Rifts RPG to fit my preferences?
Absolutely. The beauty of Rifts RPG is that it’s highly customizable. You can modify the setting, the characters, and the game mechanics to fit your preferences. However, it’s essential to ensure that all players are on the same page and agree on the changes you’ve made.
3. How long does a typical Rifts RPG game session last?
It depends on the game master and the players. A typical game session can last anywhere from 2-4 hours, but some game masters prefer to run longer sessions. It’s important to set expectations before the game starts, so everyone knows what to expect.
4. What if my friends are not interested in playing Rifts RPG?
That’s okay. Not everyone is interested in tabletop RPGs, and that’s perfectly fine. You can always try introducing the game to other friends who might be interested, or join an online community to find like-minded players. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun!