Flashpoint Adventure Part 1

A Serial of Rifts RPG One-Shot Game Scenarios

Mission: Artifact Hunting in the fallen Kingdom of Tolkeen

The Chronos Crystal is a rare artifact that possesses quasi Temporal Magic Ability. While wearing the artifact, the wearer permanently has a Time Warp effect around them. In essence, the people around him appear to be moving in slow motion, and to others, the wearer seems to be sped up; speaking fast, moving fast, and carrying out everyday activities at a speed equal to a Juicer or Crazy.

Combat during Time Warp, the wearer experiences the following effects: + 1 to strike, + 3 to parry and dodge, + 4 on initiative, +10% on pickpocket, pick locks, palming, and computer operation, +10 on speed, and has one additional melee action/attack.


  • The players receive a commission from a wealthy collector named Lord Davenhart, who is obsessed with acquiring powerful artifacts. He tasks the players with retrieving the Chronos Crystal from the fallen Kingdom of Tolkeen.
  • Lord Davenhart explains that the Techno-Wizards of Lazlo have learned about the existence of the Chronos Crystal and are also seeking it for their own purposes.
  • The players arrive in the Kingdom of Tolkeen, a city devastated by a past war with the Coalition States (CS). The city is in ruins, and factions are vying for control.
  • The players must navigate the treacherous political landscape, gather intelligence, and locate the hidden sanctuary where the Chronos Crystal is believed to be kept.
  • They encounter various factions within Tolkeen, including survivors, mercenaries, and even CS operatives who are monitoring the situation.
  • As they get closer to the sanctuary, they discover that the Techno-Wizards of Lazlo have already infiltrated Tolkeen and are closing in on the Chronos Crystal.
  • The players must outwit and outmaneuver the Techno-Wizards, facing off against their advanced technology and magical prowess.
  • Inside the sanctuary, the players face challenges and puzzles designed to protect the Chronos Crystal.
  • Finally, they confront the leader of the Techno-Wizards, who seeks to wield the power of the Chronos Crystal for his own agenda.
  • The players must defeat the Techno-Wizard leader and secure the Chronos Crystal, deciding whether to return it to Lord Davenhart or make another choice that aligns with their own beliefs and goals.

Mission: Rescue Mission in New Lazlo

  • The players receive a distress call from the citizens of New Lazlo, a prominent city in the Magic Zone, informing them that their beloved preacher, Reverend Gabriel, has been abducted by the Black Market Syndicate.
  • The Black Market Syndicate is a notorious criminal organization known for its illegal activities, including smuggling, trafficking, and extortion.
  • The players are tasked with infiltrating the Black Market Syndicate’s stronghold, located in an abandoned industrial complex on the outskirts of New Lazlo, to rescue Reverend Gabriel.
  • As the players investigate, they discover that the Black Market Syndicate intends to sell Reverend Gabriel to a demon cult known as the Cult of Darkness, which seeks to use his spiritual influence for their nefarious rituals.
  • The players must gather intelligence, track down leads, and form alliances with local factions, such as the Techno-Wizards of Lazlo or the Shifter Tribes, to aid them in their rescue mission.
  • They encounter various challenges and obstacles within the industrial complex, including traps, guards, and other criminal elements associated with the Black Market Syndicate.
  • During their infiltration, the players uncover the Syndicate’s plans to unleash a powerful magical artifact on New Lazlo, causing chaos and destruction, as a distraction for their escape.
  • Along the way, the players can choose to free other prisoners held by the Syndicate, potentially gaining valuable allies or sources of information.
  • In a climactic confrontation, the players confront the leader of the Black Market Syndicate, who possesses enhanced cybernetic abilities and is willing to stop at nothing to protect their criminal empire.
  • The players must defeat the leader, rescue Reverend Gabriel, and prevent the Black Market Syndicate’s plan to unleash the magical artifact on New Lazlo.

Infiltration Mission: Penetrating the Northern Gun Black Ops Facility

  • The players receive a covert assignment from a resistance group in the Coalition State of Free Quebec (CS) to infiltrate a Northern Gun Black Ops Facility located deep within the wilderness.
  • The Black Ops Facility is conducting secret experiments and developing advanced weaponry that could potentially tip the balance of power in the region.
  • The players must gather intel and plan their infiltration, utilizing their skills, abilities, and resources to navigate through the heavily guarded perimeter and breach the facility’s defenses.
  • They encounter a variety of security measures, such as automated turrets, patrols, and technological countermeasures, designed to protect the facility’s secrets.
  • The players must gather evidence of the Black Ops Facility’s activities, including research data, prototypes, or captured personnel, to expose Northern Gun’s illicit operations.
  • Along the way, they may encounter resistance from pre-existing enemies in Rifts RPG Canon, such as Coalition soldiers, Dog Boys, or even a powerful Juicer commander who leads the facility’s security forces.
  • The players may have opportunities to sabotage the facility, disrupt ongoing experiments, or release captive prisoners, further hindering the Black Ops activities.
  • They must remain covert and avoid detection, utilizing stealth, disguise, and subterfuge to maneuver through the facility’s different levels and secure their objectives.
  • Ultimately, the players must confront the facility’s commander, a high-ranking Northern Gun officer or a powerful cybernetically enhanced operative, in a climactic showdown.
  • The success of their infiltration mission depends on their ability to retrieve evidence, neutralize threats, and escape with their lives while leaving a lasting impact on the Black Ops Facility and the Coalition State of Free Quebec.

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