Fire and Brimstone

A Rifts RPG Meta-Adventure

Game 7 of a Meta-Arc adventure that follows the Rifts canonical timeline.

Reference Materials: Rift Vampire Kingdoms, Conversion Book 1, and D-Bees of North America.

Heading Deeper into Mexico

Pushing his campaign further south, Dr. Reid dispatches Vyurr Kly, a Psi-Stalker, to lead the scouting party towards Torreon.

As the sun fades, casting long shadows over the landscape, the party arrives in the desolate town of Los Comederos. Dilapidated buildings line the deserted streets, their crumbling facades silent witnesses to the town’s downfall.

Vyurr locates a shelter for the party to spend the night. They find refuge in a once-thriving local inn known as ‘Resortes del Molino.’ Now abandoned and empty, its boarded-up windows provide a semblance of protection from the elements and potential threats lurking in the darkness.

As night falls, Vyurr’s troubles manifest in the form of sorrowful drinking and loud music, the cacophony echoing through the empty halls of the inn. The noise disrupts the tranquility of the night, hindering the party’s attempts to rest.

Only after Vyurr succumbs to inebriation, and the music falls silent, do the party members notice faint strains of distant music drifting through the night air.

In the distance, a solitary light pierces the darkness, emanating from a small chapel nestled amidst the ruins of Los Comederos.

Tulum Chapel

Upon investigating, the party enters the chapel, known as Tulum Chapel, and discovers a lone figure kneeling before the crucifix—a man named Father Juan ‘The Black Hand’ Cortez. Covered in tattoos and weathered by age, he confesses his past as a bandit and gunfighter, seeking redemption for his sins.

Father Cortez reveals the tragic history of Los Comederos—a tale of plague and predation that decimated the town’s inhabitants, leaving him as the sole survivor. Despite his efforts at redemption, he feels judged as unworthy by his Lord, plagued by insatiable hunger and dehydration despite consuming food and water.

As Father Cortez speaks, a sudden chill descends upon the chapel, and the air grows heavy with foreboding. A low growl rumbles from the shadows, alerting the party to an imminent threat.

Shadows of Los Comederos:

From the darkness emerges a predator, no larger than a house cat, its eyes gleaming with malice and hunger. It prowls through the church, blending seamlessly with the shadows, a silent menace in the night.

With Father Cortez at their side, the party realizes the predator isn’t alone—it is joined by a mate and several cubs, all feeding upon the life force of the living.

These monsters possess keen senses, camouflage abilities, and strategic intelligence, making them formidable adversaries in the darkness of Los Comederos.

Fort Camargo

In the morning, the party presses onward, their journey leading them to the fortified town of Camargo. Here, they hope to find respite and perhaps uncover more about the dark forces lurking in the region.

The Preacher’s Sermon:

As the party enters Camargo, the booming voice of Preacher Adolfo Constanzo draws their attention. Crowds gather in the town square, captivated by his fervent sermon. Adolfo’s impassioned words echo through the streets, condemning sinners to death and preaching salvation through devotion to his god. Families are punished for the sins of their parents, joining them in the ultimate display of absolute atonement.

Unveiling the Truth and Beyond:

Observing Adolfo’s executions, the party quickly realizes the hold the charismatic figure has on the town’s inhabitants. He controls the sheriff, Genaro García, and his deputies, ruling Camargo with an iron fist.

Welcomed but wary, the party is instructed to surrender their weapons and armor as a sign of peace. Marco DeLuna, one of García’s deputies, guides them through the fort. However, his corrupt nature is revealed when he demands a bribe from the party.

Vyurr Kly, a Psi Stalker senses something more lurks in Camargo. He and his party investigate the Inn they’ve been imprisoned in. Here, they will uncover a sinister truth lurking beneath Camargo. Weaving tunnels can be found beneath the Inn and the town, linking key buildings to a secret excavated cavern that hides a supernatural predator. Adolfo’s righteous façade is a ruse, luring unsuspecting travelers into town to be preyed upon by vampires. Adolfo is in league with a master vampire named Sisemité, an androgynous Mayan vampire with a nest of wild vampires hidden beneath Fort Camargo.

Should the party be found or suspected of investigating the events in Fort Camargo, the Sheriff and his Deputies will hunt them down, arresting them for interfering with the town’s affairs. Sentenced to hang in the morning, they must rally their wits and allies to escape the clutches of darkness that grip the town.

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