The Chameleon (Drawing Among the Machines – Part Two)

A Palladium Rifts Adventure

The adventurers begin in New Lazlo. Having been dealing with the contaminated water issue, the adventurers are introduced to Abigale Merchant, a female human Rogue Scientist. She and female Faerie Bot D-Bee named M’Tala both own ‘The Camrose’, an industrial center with a central assembly plant and several smaller warehouses. ‘The Camrose’ builds and refurbishes pre-collapse era MDC armor, weapons and energy clips, and medical equipment.

Because of the supply chain impact due to the contaminated water issue, they need raw materials and recycling materials. Their Loss Prevention Officer, a retired combat borg named Vingt-Nine, has been tasked with the assignment of securing new suppliers. His hope is to travel to Queenston Harbor, Lazlo, and Mechanicsville and meet reliable sources there.

Vingt-Nine has a secret.

He isn’t who he says he is. He’s an escaped Free Quebec Combat Borg who’s gone AWOL. Free Quebec has identified his current whereabouts and reported it to the Coalition in Chi-Town. In Turn, Chi-Town has sent a retrieval squad to arrest him. The retrieval squad consists of a Dog Pack led by a Psi-Stalker named Lt. Fox.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

The Hunters are being hunted.

As it turns out, as a turn of events, Lt. Fox and his Dog Pack are being hunted by a Stormspire Shifter named Eshane. Eshane commands a Witchling, two Brodkil with partial conversions and armed with rail guns, and a Hell Hound named Jagger. Eshane’s familiar is a Nightingale named Rufus. Eshane’s mount is an Allosaurus – it is unclear how he managed to enthrall such a monster.

Rescuing Lt. Fox and his Dog Pack will lead to Vingt-Nine’s arrest. Ignoring the encounter, the Free Quebec Scout (a female Robot Pilot named ‘Griswold’) will hire a mercenary group to take Vingt-Nine out. She will hire Robot Control, from the Rifts Mercenaries Book. Robot Control, being task-oriented, will hunt Vingt-Nine down and stop him and anyone choosing to fight alongside him.

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